Sunday, August 29, 2021

Lotus Love Sunday Editorial - The Many Beautiful Ways In Which We Heal!


Hello Wonderful People, welcome to a new edition of Lotus Love, where I (@trucklife-family) have the pleasure of sharing some of the top posts that were created ad shared within the NaturalMedicine community. By those who continue to educate us about the many ways in which can look after our well being and thrive.

Our life is a journey of healing and during that journey we get the opportunity to learn and educate ourselves, each of us gaining wisdom with each new experience. Being on this platform, we have the wonderful opportunity to share that knowledge and help support one another through our healing.

The following posts are some of my favourites from this past week. I hope you take the time to read/ listen to them and support them as they share their wisdom with us all.


Homeopathy and the 'time of covid'

In this first post, the wonderful @clareartista, shares her journey with Homeopathy. From studying it, to using it successfully for herself and how she is currently using it to help her navigate her way during these challenging times. This is a very informative and empowering post.

I use Homeopathic Medicine as a path INTO SELF, and BACK TO TRUE NATURE: Our True Nature Is WHOLE, it Is as One, as Life-Full Vitality, as Conscious Intention. My Life becomes genuinely more Miraculous, Blessed, Abundant, Empowered and Free, as I'm guided through my Homeopathic journey.



Wild Turkey Tail mushrooms growing in the Arizona forest 🍄

Anyone who knows me, knows how much love and respect I have for mushrooms. In this post by @ultratrain, you get to see some beautiful Turkeytail mushrooms that she harvested after coming across them on a recent hike. She shares some of the many healing properties that these amazing mushrooms have, as well as the pure beauty of them.

In Japan, it is known as “kawaritake” or “cloud mushroom” because of its natural layered shapes while in China Turkey tail mushrooms have been used for more than 1,000 years. Turkey Tail, otherwise known as “Yun Zhi” in Chinese, has been used for several conditions in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which can be seen here:



Beeswax Insect Repellent Balm: Necessity Created Something Awesome!

@artemislives has a wonderful business that sells natural body care products, but like so many during the covid plandemic, her business suffered. But she found a wonderful solution in which to ship her products, by making a natural insect repellent, whilst also supporting the Karen Community.

We're using ORGANIC BEESWAX collected for us by indigenous Karen people in the pristine mountains of Northern Thailand. Which means it doesn't contain agro-toxins that you will find in beeswax harvested in mono-cropped Big Ag fruit orchards. It's either collected from wild hives abandoned during the dry season by Karen midwives and local familiess (and cleaned and clarified by us)....



Nature is My Soulmate

This next post by @katrina-ariel, makes my soul sing. It is such a beautiful celebration of nature and I am right there with her as she sings to the trees and walks barefoot in the creek. This post in itself is healing. xxxxx

When I think of mountains, it makes my soul soar. It really does. It’s like I’m dancing inside, even when I’m sitting still.
When the world seems to be falling apart, I go outside and hang out with the trees. They teach me stillness, and patience. They remind me to breathe and bask in the sun, or let the quiet of nighttime cocoon me in sanctuary.



Crystals & Cards | Oracle Card Reading | For The Week of August 29th, 2021

I am big fan of @pixiepost videos and in this one, she does an Oracle card reading, which has a very powerful message, along with some very empowering words from her. She really has some wonderful wisdom to share with us all, reminding us that 'the universe always has our back'.

For the Week of August 29th, 2021, the end of the month shows we are coming in a full circle. For many, this month has been transformative in ways that will illuminate their life path from here on out because we chose to do the work...
Interestingly enough, the Universe has a powerful message that dives in deeper into this...



Earn Instantly For Writing Natural Health Content

Earn LOTUS and HIVE rewards for sharing your natural health content on If you don't already have a HIVE account, you can sign up for FREE here. We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics - read more about us here!




Originally posted here:

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