Sunday, August 29, 2021

Dr. Virapen, Pharma Insider: Drug Companies Bribe, Lie & Do Harm. They Need To Keep You Sick, Not Healthy.

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Dr. John Virapen was a trained psychiatrist turned drug company whistleblower. He worked for 4 decades pushing drugs on the public and finally came clean that the industry is essentially criminal.

To quote John's biography on his own website:

Pharmaceutical companies want to keep people sick.
They want to make them think that they are sick.
They increasingly target our children and they are killing them!
And they do this for one reason: Money!

John released a book called 'SIDE EFFECTS: DEATH—Confessions of a Pharma Insider', which outlines his life of bribary and corruption, burying bad science, studies that show harm and getting drugs authorised by governments which probably shouldn't have been. He describes how he used crimnal strategies to get Prozac authorised for use in Sweden and specifically describes hiding the suicidal effects of SSRIs such as Prozac.

This is just one of several important big pharma whistleblower testimonies that all need to be aware of now.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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