Saturday, August 28, 2021

Who is the Chicken, Now? On energy and creativity...

The Chase Turkey chasing Raptor.jpg

It kind of feels like I'm crawling out of a hole and I'm learning to walk all over again, at least once or twice a week. Today is such a day...

On days like these, I really have to make an effort to be active and feel good...

Perhaps I should actually give in to the fatigue and rest, but sitting still isn't my forte and that is an understatement.

As we say in The Netherlands ( literally translated from Dutch ):

"I have ( got ) pepper in my ass."

My brain is pretty restless, most of the time ( perhaps it contains pepper too ) and this makes it very hard for my body to sit still for a prolonged amount of time. It makes it difficult to rest, even when I'm sleeping.

I usually wake up tired.

Now I think of it, it's actually pretty logical that I'm tired today, knowing what I've done and experienced in the last couple of days and it's okay.

Giving in to this tiredness is a different story though.

I am great at resisting my feelings and emotions.

I learnt somewhere that emotion is energy in motion: E motion.

That explains why I am often tired, no matter how hard I try to live a healthy and active life. I struggle with letting my energy flow the way it wants to flow.

To get back to the sketchie above this post, it's not like I'm being chased by birds ( pun intended ) all the time, but I sure am running around ( sometimes like a headless chicken or a hyperactive lizard ), often. Even when I'm extremely tired.

This post wasn't meant to be about me though. I wanted to talk about creativity.

As I shared on my Ko-Fi page, today, the sketchie I share with you is based on a scene from my still to be released and long overdue highly anticipated ( especially by my mom ) book "Hypersensitivosaurus and Cold Turkey".

Here is the particular lines that gave me the idea for this visual:

"It must have been an extraordinary sight for any passive observer. A raptor and a running bird, locked in what appeared to be a chase, but changing positions all of the time. Not just a raptor chasing a bird, but also a bird chasing a raptor. Raptors could be chickens too."

I suggest you go back to my previous post - The Chase - Part 2 to see the earlier illustration that I used as an example for today's sketchie.

After photographing and sharing the colorless version, I decided to color it with watercolor pencils and use a brush for further dramatic effect:


Doing all that and playing some of my favorite music out loud has made me feel a lot more energized.

This is why I love creativity. It sure beats being a couch potato and watching Netflix

and if you didn't know, I studied film and I've watched about 5000 movies, so - doing the maths - I've spent at least an entire year of my life being exactly that couch potato

Let me end this with a photo of the the watery step 3 version...



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Originally posted here:

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