Tuesday, August 24, 2021

10 Tips To Keep Your Mind Sharp As You Age


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Aging is a natural process that can affect our minds. But there are some things you can do to keep your mind sharp. We usually think that sharpening the mind depends on our genes, or our mind lags as we age. But it is not always true. Researchers have found that mental exercise can also help in keeping the brain sharp as we age.

The best way is to take care of ourselves physically and mentally throughout life. It's never too late to start! This article will outline some ways in which you can maintain mental health as you age.

Follow these simple steps, and you may find yourself feeling happier, healthier, and more confident than ever before! Of course, it starts with making sure you have the right mindset – so let's get started!

Stay Active and Exercise

A fit body is a key to a sharp mind. Exercise keeps the heart functioning and pumps more oxygen to the brain. Staying healthy doesn't have to be complicated or consist of long hours at a gym. Maintaining fitness is all about staying active and doing exciting things. Sitting around for too long makes the mind dull & lazy, which leads to depression. To keep fit, you need to stay away from negative emotions as well. If you live alone, consider joining a social group where you can meet new people and do fun activities. Do something that makes you happy, like going out for breakfast or watching a movie.

Eat a Healthy Diet

You can keep your body and mind fit by eating a healthy diet. A balanced diet is the best option for adults of all ages. Do not eat whatever you like, rather eat food which improves your health and brain. Plan your diet to fight against Dementia or memory loss .A healthy diet consists of plenty of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Remember to include nuts, fish, vegetables, whole grains, berries, soybeans, etc. It is wise to plan your diet. If you are planning to gain weight, consider healthy weight gain.

Keep Learning

Try to learn new things as much as you can. Learning new things incorporates the brain in new ways and keeps it active. New information is assimilated differently than old information, which has been known before. Old information can slow down the processing of new information. So learning something different new allows for more efficient processing of all the knowledge that is already stored.

Devote some time every day to learn something new! You will feel mentally much sharper when doing so. There are many ways you can learn, even in your old age. Some choose to go back to school and get a degree or take a course that interests them. You can try online courses staying home.

Use All Your Senses

Try activities that engage all five of your senses together. The five senses are sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste. A 2015 research suggests that using all our senses may help strengthen your brain. You can relate this to your lesson/studies. If you read it aloud and write your lesson, you will be able to memorize it quickly.

You can try to utilize them all together by visiting a restaurant or food shopping. Where you can use all your senses, when you can't use all senses, try to use multiple senses. For example, when you work or eat, listen to music.

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Believe In Yourself

If you feel old, think of yourself as an old wine: the older the wine, the better it gets. The belief that you can still learn and improve your brain is sometimes all that is needed. Some feel they are growing old too quickly when in reality, there are many more years left to enjoy life. Many older adults do worse when they're exposed to negative stereotypes of aging.

You need to get rid of all the negativity and find a positive mentality. You can start by setting a goal or finding your purpose. If you have the willpower, you can get anything. Because when there is a will, there is a way.

Play Games-Puzzle or Draw

When you play games or draw, it increases the use of the left brain, which handles logical thinking. It will also stimulate creativity, imagination, and memory. When you play with paint, colors, and brush strokes, it involves our emotions. Thus both the right and left hemispheres of the brain operate together.

Likewise, when you play with puzzles, it stimulates both sides equally. Since puzzles involve logical reasoning, pattern recognition, and skills associated with emotions. Games such as Sudoku also rely more on logic than Language. It's also recommended for people who have Alzheimer's disease due to its complexity and lack of vocabulary requirements.

Play or Listening to Music

Music stimulates our brains because music is an art form that uses things like math, reading, and memory skills. Playing music requires a person to have good finger dexterity, motor coordination, and mobility along with music theory, including rhythm and pitch recognition.

As you get older, it's hard to imagine how you could just pick up an instrument and start playing. It takes some effort and practice. But, if you start learning to play an instrument, it will definitely boost your memory.

Listening to music can not only boost memory and mood but can also enhance creative thinking. Music is also a good way to walk in memory lane.

Learn a New Language

You can learn a new language even if you are not visiting another country. Language is a skill that can improve memory in later life. Research shows that being bilingual increases creativity and aids in cognitive processing.

Fluency in multiple languages can also delate onset age-related declines. Adding new words daily by reading or writing increases vocabulary and helps fight against age-related decline such as dementia.
So you can learn the Language which you desire. You can try learning online or watch movies of that Language with subtitles. Start with a little steps.


When you meditate, you remove the unessential information from your mind and let your mind rest. Thus, meditation allows you to return to a calm mind.
The mind has just as much time to be sharp as it does dull. If you don't use it, if you're not active in it, there's a great chance that your mind will go into inactive mode. It doesn't matter if you are 14 or 49.

Exercising mind-sharpening skills is just like exercising your body's strength. If you don't do it regularly, then your mind will lose that power over time. Keeping mind sharp means making sure that there's always some sort of mental exercise happening somewhere, at least once a day. Your mind can meditate on its own if given a chance to think about nothing but itself for long enough.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in keeping our memory and mind sharp. Studies have shown that just a few days of sleep deprivation can impair memory and attention. Sleep can be a healthy cure for boosting your memory and learning ability.

Scientists have also found that sleep makes new memories stronger by helping the brain process what we have learned. Our brain consolidates memory traces from the day to make them more permanent. Some studies also show that getting enough sleep can improve our spatial navigation skills and visual.


I know that many of us are looking for ways to keep our minds sharp as we age. This article has provided some practical tips and advice on how you can do just that. But the main part is believing in yourself. So that's it for today. Let me know which of these tips you find most valuable and exciting.

Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-148441/@tajimkhan/10-tips-to-keep-your-mind-sharp-as-you-age

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