Tuesday, August 31, 2021



Good to all wonderful members of this great and wonderful community and I hope you all had a good night rest, and I had mine too.

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We all know turmeric guys but most of us do not even care to know what it be used for and how it can help you and I in our healthy life.

Now, turmeric is also or should I say can be classified into the family of ginger, it has been use for years in china, India as spice and in the production of medicine for health conditions like heartburns, cold, diarrhea, and even depression.

It will also interest you to know that it can also be applied on the skin for ringworms and even wounds because of its anti-bacterial properties embedded in it.

For those of us who aren’t cooks, I want to inform you that turmeric is responsible for the yellow color in curry spice, surprising right!

This turmeric we are talking about has a major component in it and it is known as Curcumin. A substance that has very powerful healing properties and it is anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant.

This curcumin can be used in so many ways which has been scientifically proven so you don’t need to be scared of anything, as it’s anti-inflammatory properties can be used in the curative and preventive measures of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

Also as a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, which is useful in disinfecting cuts and burns. Turmeric when combined with cauliflower, it can prevent prostate cancer and also stop the growth of existing ones.

It helps to prevent the spread of breast cancer to the lungs and it’s also a natural liver detoxifier. I mean this little guy is really powerful.

Indeed, turmeric is one of a kind, it will shock you that turmeric is a natural pain killer, it aids in fat metabolism and also helps in weight management.

Well I can’t say enough, but you should try this new guy in your delicacies and as well as making sure you share this knowledge with other people.

And I wish you all a happy new month in advance;


Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-174578/@etiboy56/turmeric-and-its-health-benefit

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