Monday, April 5, 2021

Whats spirituality, has spirituality got any impact on medicine & wellness


[Source]( To start with, Being spiritual has nothing todo with region, no disrespect to any religion, one could be so religious without being spiritual. Being spiritual has todo with a belief that there is someone somewhere greater and a superhuman who's capable todo all things. The 'belief' is what makes people have that quality and positive look. Examples are most of the religious leaders. Mind you, its not until one is a religious leader before being spiritual or having that belief. --- Meanwhile, there is healthy spirituality and unhealthy spirituality. I know of a religion belief that forbids blood transfusion. They dont donate blood so also they don't collect blood, well, I'm not the one to say if thats healthy or not, its their belief for reasons best known to them. I could remember 11 years ago, when i couldn't sleep for 4 days, did all i could, went to see different doctors, took sleeping pills, took all beverages yet i can't close my eyes to sleep, got scared because i was told if that goes on for 7 days, it could get dangerous, then i had only one option to go spiritual, which it did work and thats how i was able to conquer the sleeplessness. --- ### The wholeness, the sense of balance, healthy spirituality touches all aspects of our lives, emotional, physical and social lives. * Is there any connections between The 'physical' medications, and the spirituals. I dare to say that medicine is a spiritual practice. How do I know?. While many will argue that medicine is purely technology advancement, infact right before technology, there has been medicine practices, people of then got revelations and thats why they could mix different items together and it will cure a particular ailment. I say cure, because spirituality brings about cure while medicines brought about healing. --- For someone who is spiritual lives a more careful lifestyle, careful of what to eat, where to be, what to say, there spirituality prevents physical diseases, examples are the muslim and faithful faithfuls during fasting, infact fasting itself is good for the body, though there is a clear difference between fasting and starving, otherwords, spirituality helps boosts immune system so also meditation. --- * i also believe being spiritual also comes with modesty, you rather focus on your life rather than material things. Most people don't find peace with themselves because they can't afford those material things, risky their mental health, stay up all through the night thinking of whats not necessary subjecting themselves to unnecessary pressure while the heart keeps beating very fast. Once you understand spirituality you will understand some life's uncertainty and you'd learn to cope with them. --- * how do you know one who is spiritual? Just as I've illustrated above, to recognize one who is spiritual, there are some things tou look out for; ### the person must be an optimist or a positive thinker, these are people that see positives in every area of life, they are also people that love unconditionally and genuinely, they don't harbour hatred or bitterness, they are simple and take responsibility, they are humble to the core and have no ego,they can live with anyone. --- Lastly how can one improves his spiritual health, mind you spirituality is also a form of health which one must learn to balance and not only focus on the physical health alone * meditation, always take time to meditate if you you spirituality health will improve * dont harbour any hatred, let it go, be free with yourself and every other persons * think positively, always see positive everything. --- I'd like to invite @peterale and @femcy-willy to #naturalmedicine community to see the #SPIRITUALITY challenge, I believe you'all have what it takes to take part in this challenge.
Originally posted here:

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