Wednesday, April 14, 2021

What Has Science Become?




> ***It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.*** -Marcia Angela, MD That is a quote taken from an Interview of Dr. Angela, and her highly respected mentor Dr. Relman, done in the NY Times over eight years ago, and highlighted in [this]( **absolutely explosive** article I stumbled upon from the ***Society for Participatory Medicine***. She is well respected in the medical establishment, and was Co-Editor of the most prestigious medical journal in the country for twenty years. The credentials of her, and the society publishing the article would hold up to any scrutiny by the mainstream medical establishment. Yet she is echoing a sentiment over eight years ago that is **exactly opposite of the** ***"trust the science'*** **religious fervor of our time.** The article continues... > In the late 1980s, when manuscripts she edited for The New England Journal testified to the “new power and influence of pharma” over studies validating its products. Instead of standing back while impartial scientists evaluated drugs, manufacturers were suddenly involved in every aspect of the process. > she vetted manuscripts that omitted any mention of a drug’s side effects, and studies that were weighted to make a drug look good; she repeatedly heard about studies never submitted for publication because they made a drug look bad. > In 1984, Dr. Relman became the first editor of a medical journal to require authors to disclose financial ties to their subject matter and to publish those disclosures. He later came to suspect that simple disclosure was not enough, and his policy evolved to excluding all authors with financial interests from writing large educational reviews. **What was that? How have we never heard of this?** 37 years ago the editor of the most prestigious medical journal in the country, found extreme power, and influence wielded by pharmaceutical companies, over the holy peer-review process? The "science" we're told to trust? The science in which all of modern society has been built? The science that dictates what billions of people put in their bodies, the quality of their life, and **when they will die?** But that is not all. > In 1984, Dr. Relman became the first editor of a medical journal to require authors to disclose financial ties to their subject matter and to publish those disclosures. He later came to suspect that simple disclosure was not enough, and his policy evolved to excluding all authors with financial interests from writing large educational reviews > That rule was reversed in 2002, after the journal’s current editor in chief, Dr. Jeffrey M. Drazen, took the job. Dr. Drazen and his colleagues reported that for some subjects, so few experts without financial ties could be found that the journal’s scope was becoming artificially curtailed. (Emphasis added) Yes, that is right. These two editors believed this big pharma influence was so pervasive, and dangerous that the started requiring authors to disclose their financial ties. But that didn't last long because the rule was overturned in 2002. What has been approved by the FDA since then? This story is incredibly concerning. I am not sure where Dr. Angela is today, but it seems like she could help us wade through the swamp of "medical research. The truth is, science is ever evolving. We learn new things constantly ,and skepticism is what has led us to so many amazing scientific breakthroughs that have made our lives so long, and comfortable. Mainstream media has effectively turned science into a religion, with **Fauci as pope, and a bunch of bureaucrats as high priests.** We are told to believe whatever Snopes-approved study big pharma is pushing today. Even though we have confirmed records of mainstream medicine, and science being wrong as much as they are right. Even worse, the have been caught time and time again, sacrificing human lives for profit.


Half of America is fat because the FDA told us to eat ten servings of grain a day, and that artificial sugars are great! In the 90's Oxycontin was advertised as ***"non-habit forming"***. Opiates are non-habit forming? **Bayer invented Heroin** for gods sake.


What has science even become in 2020? **It is simply a tool for control, and profit.** These are dangerous times, and we are completely inverting science and research, which are the foundations of our technical society. Those foundations are shakier by the day. Maybe the interview with these two renowned doctors I just shared will help you wake up someone who is religiously following the Church of Science in your Family. Stay healthy guys. **Eat your greens!** ***-Daniel***


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