Wednesday, April 21, 2021

What does virus mean to you?
We seem as a collective to be stuck on this settled science theory that live wild viruses float around just waiting to play catch with us. This is definitely not the only way people experience or perceive so called viruses and should not be allowed to be one size fits all and classified as settled science.


Many people see viruses as something much different and I truly believe for many people the entertainment industry has influenced a lot of people to see viruses as bad and vaccines as good. This belief is born from fear and ignorance and is not the only meaning or perspective of viruses. There are different language definitions and many belief systems that seem to have been ignored so it's time to bring this understanding to the forefront so we as the human race can overcome this craziness. I have asked the question what does virus mean to you and many different answers were given, check it out below and let me know what definition you agree with and understand most.


Virus = toxin/poison Virus = infectious disease Virus = deadly contagious reproduction pathogen Virus = parasite that keeps host alive Virus = soap Virus = exosome Virus = product of breakdown of cells Virus = computer generated image Virus = nonliving protein coat with rna or dna inside it that hijacks the cell to activate rna or dna replication processes Virus = computer code to manipulate the source code So which one is correct or is there a connection between all of them that could mean all are correct? We need to have a clear and healthy debate with a complete understanding of multiple perspectives of how all those above could be correct and to never force one way on the entire world population!


Originally posted here:

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