Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The real spiritual technocratic agenda
As we move further into the Covid fantasyland of lockdowns, masks and the continual rollout of other measures, instituted by psychopaths and their lackeys in the name of "your health", many are starting to wake up to much larger truths. Truths, or at least perceived truths, that are much deeper than what most people are willing to or even want to explore. Well, as a truth-seeker myself, I feel compelled to give some information on these topics and implore and exhort the reader to explore some of these topics if they resonate...I've noticed that if something catches your eye particularly, especially new information, it usually means that you were meant to seek out that information for some reason or another. So, without adieu we can look into some of the similarities between the different trends permeating the global consciousness sphere at this moment in time, including the lockdowns, masks, propaganda, and the push towards integration with artificial intelligence; but more importantly the distancing from other human beings, animals and nature in general. ## The myth of the Demiurge Throughout known history several archetypes have appeared, spanning across multiple nations around the globe (or plane). One of these is the Demiurge, a **Gnostic** idea of a false-god who created the planet earth and essentially created the Matrix that we live in. This is the plane of existence that we reside in/on now that is essentially a prison planet where we are trapped in the 3D reality known as the matrix.


The idea of this plane of existence, from the view of the Gnostics and the present-day Satanists (definitely not to be confused; Gnosticism is about knowledge, Satanism for the most part is about corruption and control) is that infinite consciousness was trapped here in this world. The physical world we live in in is one of the lowest vibrational frequencies available. Physical matter as it has been said by science is merely "frozen light" that is light slowed down so slowly that [it takes physical form]( As David Bohm, noted Physicist points out here: > All matter is a condensation of light into patterns moving back and forth at average speeds which are less than the speed of light,’ he said. ‘You could say that when we come to light we are coming to the fundamental activity in which existence has its ground, or at least coming close to it. > The basic premise of the Gnostic Demiurgic theory is that this world was created by a false God that thinks its god but can't replicate true consciousness. What we are left with is a "fake" world where the inclination of the demiurgic energies are meant to drag the rest of societies into their frequency fields to provide food. No matter weird it gets, it seems everything for the most part needs food and lower vibrational frequencies provide the sustenance. Now I am doing a pretty pisspoor job of explaining all of this because it is very complicated but the idea is simple and can help explain what is happening today in upside-down insane batshit-crazy clown-world 2.0 that we have unravelling before us. **There is something special about humanity in this equation**. We're a bit of an anomaly. We are supposed to have souls...many of us do have souls. Many more have souls but forgot that they do; they are the prime food for the demiurge and the **archontic entities** that permeate through the earth realm, seeking food. Many religions speak of these creatures. Only they are not physical they are ethereal...they are a type of consciousness. A very corrupt and distorted type. No match for the higher frequencies and vibrations of love and; these entities deal in fear, pain and hate. In Islam they are called the Djinn. The Gnostics call them the Archons. Archon = ruler therefore anarchy = without ruler. This is one reason why the word "anarchy" is so distorted these days. Its portrayed as chaos and violence when all it means is "without rulers". **These entities are at the very top of the pyramid of power globally. They will not be seen on t.v. and will not be shown to anyone unless that person is intricately devoted to the darkness and is willing to give up their soul for the fake-power of the physical world.** And that's where we come to today's events. ## Psychopaths and Power Its estimated that anywhere from [1-3% of any population are psychopaths.]( Simply put psychopaths feel no empathy. They don't care about anyone else other than themselves to the fullest degree and will do or say anything at all to gain more power, which is always attempting to fill a never-endingly empty chasm of emotional loss. No amount of control will ever be enough for these types of people. Naturally they gravitate to positions of "power" and here we find the second lower-tier of the pyramid of power. First off on top is the insidious dark energy...Satan you could call it, it doesn't really matter what. The key is that it is dark energy that destroys and eats anything it can get to. The second rung, the psychopaths, promulgate into the areas of power that are somewhat recognizable to actual human beings. Here are a few pictures of psychopaths in our current day and age. #1 Daniel Andrews - Premier of Victoria, Australia

daniel andrews.jpg

#2 William Gates

bill gates.jfif

#3 Klaus Schwab


Psychopaths are nothing more than those that have been inculcated with the archontic energies. They have sold their souls, whether they know it or not. Obviously, Bill Gates has been spotted on Epstein's plane so we know he's into a lot more than vaccinations for kids if you get my drift. They psychopaths are essentially doing the bidding of the dark energies. We've all had the inclination to do so at times. Its not that there is just a "good guy" or a "bad guy". We're all tempted to do bad things. This little select group, and many others, have just chosen to take it to the next level. They have become **surrogates** of the archontic energy. They have fallen deep into the **Matrix** and as the movie points out they desperately (like agent Smith) want endless control. Humanity, and the greatest things that make us human, have no part in this agenda. This is why there is this massive push towards **transhumanism** now. Your body is not good enough by itself, it needs endless vaccinations. You need to wear a mask at all times and **stay away from other humans unless they have done the required activity to warrant interaction i.e. vaccinations**. Recently Ireland disclosed this order where [vaccinated individuals cannot interact with unvaccinated people even in their own households]( Thank you to @trucklife-family for posting about this topic. So it leads into the crux of my argument here, the transhumanist-robotic / soulless society indicative of the inclination of the demiurgic machine. ## Robotics and loss of humanity I don't think most people, even those with a modicum of interest in the insanity rolling out worldwide, can truly fathom the endgame of what this entire covid-hoax charade and the "Great Reset" and all of its implications actually mean. This is by design. Confusion and randomness is one of the greatest tools of tyrants. Obviously they do not want people to know their true motives, which are aimed decades in advance. If word actually got out about the enormity and scope of what we have in front of us it would yield instant rebellion. Only the most devoid of consciousness would sit and suffer the fate that is being planned before us. It is truly that diabolical. Because its not just about control now. Sure, they sycophants like the idiots that I posted above, and rest assured they are idiots...controlled sycophants of far greater powers, even they don't know what's in store for them spiritually in the future. This is the battle for not just the human race this is a battle for our souls to be able to be able to move beyond this realm. This is the goal of complete obliteration of souls themselves, to be consumed by the most tyrannical and un-godly forces humanity has ever faced. But it is not something new. This has happened before. Only now, we have the means to combat it. We have the information pathways. This is why **censorship is at an all time high** and dissenting views are being suppressed non-stop. We, and by we I mean souls and higher consciousness beings, we have something that these robotic assholes could only dream of: consciousness. We have the ability to control our reality and to **create new things**. Imagination you could say is the antithesis of the archons, the Djinn, fuck I don't care what you call them. These things cannot create new ideas they only seek to drag us down into **their world** which is a soulless plan where artificial intelligence (hence the name) is wrapped genetically into human beings, trapping us here perhaps forever. I don't know about you, but I plan on skedaddling right on out of this hellhole once my time is up. I do not wish to return, unless called by divine light to do so in order to help other people escape the Matrix. Just like Neo in the movie. Part of us wants to save other people. That's not the plan of these creatures and right now we are on a pivot-point where good vs evil is a truly real scenario. Let's just check down a few of the measures being put into place "for our safety" by these assclowns: MASKS: satanic by nature. Meant to divide us from eachother and destroy one of the only means of attack and defense we have left: communication a.k.a. symbols. Words are symbols and they are magic whether you believe it or not. Each syllable, each annunciation has a profound meaning. Without communication we are isolated and further drawn into the trap. The trap is roboticism. Consume. Work mindlessly for the overlord, for physical gain only. But not enough physical gain to attain true freedom...**just enough** to enable us to continue to give our energy into this ridiculous system of control. We also cannot read facial expressions which is of course crucial to communication especially with infants and the young. The goal is to create a future class that is unable and even unwilling to communicate with their fellow man. The separation is meant for control only. The virus is a myth, a total fabrication...and it works perfectly because it is invisible, just like terrorism. 9/11 was meant to make us feel like other people are guilty until proven innocent. The plandemic / scamdemic hoax is meant to create a "sick until proven healthy" environment. Combine these two and we are totally separated from fellow humans and souls.


Now, the archontic energies can overtake anyone at any time if they are in the correct **energetic state which is that of fear** and they are the new enemy of humanity. The Demiurgic entities are robotic but they are not stupid. They know that they can use people against themselves to do their bidding because these power structures are so limited in numbers that they must manipulate others to do their bidding. This is a key to the entire charade. They are so few and we are so many so they must use the technocrat methods of seductions and manipulation to create dissent between the real humanity on this planet. The slow but accelerating maneuver towards transhumanism is their final battle cry to attempt to control humanity. Smartphones are but a small but important facet of this agenda. Who needs a microchip? We already all carry one with us everywhere we go. Its called an iPhone. It will soon hold our "vaccination records" as well as financial and social records as the Chinese social credit system is implemented to completely control the populace of every country across the planet. I remember when I got my new debit card 2 years ago and it came with a "contactless" option with the chip. I wondered why they would do that. Is swiping a credit card really that difficult? Well now we know. It was all part of the plan. This has been in operation for decades...perhaps much longer. Plexiglass screening, latex gloves, masks, anyone that is spiritually awake in the least this is ludicrous. Yet it seems to be working because the primary focus of this clandestine operation can be summed up in one word. Fear. The lowest vibration. The opposite of love. The lower the vibration the more control they are granted. All we need to do really is reverse into the highest vibration, the opposite of fear which is courage and love. Don't fear people without masks and vaccinations, love them. Hug them. Tell them they are powerful. These small tasks, suspended over the entirety of the human race in the face of this pathetic enemy would yield nothing but victory and a higher vibrational consciousness for all of mankind and hopefully the end to this diabolical cabal which thrives on chaos, child sacrifice, Satanism and the propulgation of fear. - Zydane
Originally posted here:

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