Wednesday, April 14, 2021


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**Irish sea moss is a gift from the universe.** How!? You read the title! There are 102 essential minerals that the body is made up of, and Irish sea moss is only short of ten! But that’s just the icing on the cake! In this article, I’m gonna be talking about all the amazing things that Irish sea moss does for our bodies! So read on my healthy Kings and Queens, because this moss is a **MUST TRY** in life! First off, our friend Irish sea moss has many name tags including Irish moss, sea moss, and Red algae. Since Irish sea moss is a type of red algae, that’s how that last name sticks, but all of the names above mean the same thing. Also, Irish sea moss is found in tide pools, which is a little patch of sea water found in the intertidal zone of the sea. Usually tide pools have rocks surrounding them, so in low tide, tide pools become a little, isolated, well *pool* of seawater. Despite the name, Irish moss doesn't only grow in Ireland. The plant can be found growing along the Atlantic coast of North America, continental Europe, and the British Isles. Pretty cool huh? Now onto those amazing health benefits! ## 1.) The vitamins. I’m gonna tell you now, Irish moss knows it’s A B C’s. It’s got vitamin B2 & B12, vitamin C, and a lot of beta carotene, which the body turns into vitamin A. ## 2.) Essential minerals Your body needs sulfur to repair your DNA, and shield your cells from damage. Luckily Irish Moss has got ya covered on sulfur. Folate, which is a type of B vitamin that contributes to making cells in the body, can also be found in Irish sea moss. Magneesium, chromium, calcium, zinc, and omega and 3 fatty acids are all minerals this Moss has already. What do all those essential minerals do? They- wait, this is an Irish sea moss article! If you want to hear about all that, you’ll have to do some research yourself! ## 3.) Irish sea moss is your lungs’s BFF


You heard that right! Irish moss is down for your lungs by cleaning out the respiratory system of mucus! More than that, it’s thick, gluey consistency keeps your mucus membranes healthy. Pneumonia, bronchitis, sore throat, tuberculosis and chest coughs are all sicknesses Irish moss helps out in getting rid of, and better yet, this moss helps with allergies! So don’t separate Sea moss from it’s BFF! Go try some! ## 4.) The Brain’s go-to food for problems


Iris sea moss happens to be good for moodiness, depression, anxiety, and agitation because of its potassium content. Oh, I’m not done. Irish sea moss is good for mental health and has the potential to protect the brain from neuro-degeneration. So yeah, the brain and Irish sea moss are real cool with each other. ## 5.) Irish moss is a bit of a show-off Selenium is good for reproduction and iodine is good for brain and bone development in pregnant women and babies. I know what you're thinking, does Irish sea moss have any of this stuff? Uh, yeah! Irish sea moss has got more selenium and iodine than any other food on the planet. Potassium is good for mental and emotional health, and Irish sea moss has twice as much potassium than a banana! It also has more fiber than two bananas combined, which happens to be **A LOT** fiber! See!? I told you Irish moss was a show off! ## 6.) Irish sea moss loves to help the gut. Yes, your gut and Irish sea moss see eye to eye. Along with protecting your stomach from diseases like salmonella, Irish moss is good for the immune system and losing weight. The common cold and flu symptoms can be taken away with this powerful moss. It also helps process waste faster, so… yeah, there’s that. ## 7.) The anti- Queen


Irish sea moss is queen at protecting the body, as it is antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory (now it just sounds like I’m naming someone’s aunts one by one). And that’s not all: Sea moss also contains anti-tumor properties. I think this Moss has proven its title. ## 8.) Sea moss takes odd jobs Irish sea moss is good for the joints and soothes burns with it’s anti-inflammatory properties. It also can help with surgery recovery since it strengthens the body tissue. I personally think that’s better than sweeping the floors and dusting the fireplace. So cool, now you know a bunch of amazing facts about Irish sea moss and are probably on your way to the store to go get some now. But don’t go crazy with eating Irish moss. Iodine is something you can have too much of, and since Irish moss has A LOT of iodine… yeah too much can lead to an enlarged thyroid, which is not good. In the case of Irish moss, a little bit goes a long way. Two tablespoons is the serving size for sea moss. You can buy raw Irish moss, or the powdered version, like I have at home. (The powdered version I have says the daily serving size is ⅛ teaspoon, so for powder the serving size may be different.)

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With that said, enjoy your sea moss and all the healthy benefits that come with it.
Originally posted here:

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