Saturday, April 10, 2021

My Covid Experience
Eighteen days ago when I put up my last post I knew something wasn't quite right with me. I had a pain across my back and some aching chills. It felt like maybe I was coming down with tonsillitis except my throat didn't hurt. The following days those aching chills intensified to the point that I didn't want to get out from under the covers. When I wasn't experiencing the aching chills, I was experiencing drenching sweats. I had no appetite and didn't eat for a week which looking back is probably what almost killed me. Luckily, I was still drinking some liquids though. At this point I didn't even think that I could have covid but began to suspect the possibility. I fell once and after a week could no longer stand up without feeling like I was going to pass out. My husband at this point told me that I had to go to the hospital or I was going to die like my sister-in-law. In my heart, I knew he was right so I told him to go ahead and call the ambulance as I was on the verge of passing out and could not stand up without help. The paramedics came in and stressed that I had to control my breathing and with their stern help I did although they had to keep me concentrated on that as they helped me down my stairs. It seemed like a long ride to the hospital. Once there the first thing the ER doctor asked was if I had taken the vaccine which was "no". They did the covid test, took blood and did a chest x-ray. After some time, the doctor confirmed that I did indeed have covid and double pneumonia. They admitted me and put me in a nice room upstairs. They tried taking more blood but my skin was so cold that they couldn't get it out of my veins. After warming me up and several tries though they were successful and took many vials while I was there. On Easter day they moved me a floor down to the cardiac unit as my heart was showing some distress. I was also put on high risk for falling so I couldn't get out of bed at all without calling for help. In the meantime, my siblings were texting and between all of us we were crying thinking I'd be the next one leaving here. Probably, if you read the texts you'd be crying too. I stayed in the next room for two more days. More blood taken, needles in the stomach for blood clots and at least three doses of remdesivir in my iv and a few other medications. I had a good talk with the ER doctor and a couple of nurses. I have to say that I got excellent care. I still don't plan on taking the vaccine. It is a personal choice. A nurse told me they have been getting more patients in because of the vaccine. Some people are having complications or getting covid after getting it. For me, I knew it was something I wouldn't want and some people get it without any issues which is great but it's a pass for me and both the doctor and nurses said they felt it was a personal choice that one needs to make for themself. So, how did I get it? Evidently, my husband must have gotten it from a co-worker. He went to his manager and told her that he was pretty sure (now) that he had worked through having covid and had given it to me. She understood and told him that he probably wasn't the only one and basically "it is what it is". I'm still not feeling good. My body is still going through some chills and hots but I'm not contagious. Still feel sick to my stomach but trying to eat healthy and stay hydrated. Headaches suck and there is still pain in my chest. Doing anything is tiring and leaves me short on breath. Sometimes, my heart starts racing and I remember what the paramedics told me to try to control my breathing and it helps. Some strange things though is that after leaving the hospital everything looks the same but everything looks different. It is very weird and almost bothersome like I'm looking at things through some kind of odd filter. Colors just look different and spacially things look out of place although I know they are not. I think maybe that comes from having a foot on the threshhold but God said it wasn't my time yet.


I do know this and that is that I don't feel like being on the computer, watching videos or the television, I don't even feel like talking on the phone or listening to music and (gasp) I don't even feel like taking any photos. I don't know why but I just don't right now and even writing about this is difficult but I wanted to let everyone know how I was doing. So, I'll thank you now for any votes and well wishes. I wish I could've maybe written this better but it's the best I could manage for now. Hopefully, with some time to heal I'll be back on soon but for now I'm going to go ahead and listen to my Soul and take some time to get better and continue to process this whole experience. 💖 All photos and text by me @deerjay. All rights reserved.


Originally posted here:

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