Monday, April 19, 2021

MOON JOURNAL - Protection and intimate care vol. 2


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When we talk about intimate care we usually relate it to drug treatments and exclusive consultations to specialists in the matter and, although we would never discredit their work, our own autonomy and knowledge about our body can give us a lot of advantage over a cocktail of drugs to cure cystitis. While it is always advisable to assist when a problem is aggravated, we can also take care of ourselves when the problem is mild. But in order to achieve this, we must first know ourselves like the back of our hand and identify the different symptoms. Therefore, it is very important to do self-examinations to identify the full health of our body and also when it changes. Fortunately our body changes day after day even if we cannot perceive it and in that way it can announce us if we present some health problem, the question is that we usually pay so little attention to the care of ourselves. First you must perform these self-exams to master your own terrain, knowing it is very important to make comparisons in case of difficulties or diseases, among them we have the self-palpation of the breasts, which allows you to identify irregularities in the breasts as indentations or lumps; the self-examination with speculum where you will need help of good light, a mirror and lubricant, this test is functional to identify possible diseases inside the vagina, you must first learn to open the mirror outside of you and then proceed to the examination (always disinfect the speculum well before use). I repeat, self-examinations are important to identify possible irregularities. ~~~ Note: if you do not know how to identify the state of health of your genitals, ask your gynecologist how it would look 100% healthy, once you have the detailed description it will be easier for you to perform the self-examinations. ~~~ **`Natural care`** Drugs work, yes, but for small problems it is unnecessary to bombard the body with chemicals that most of us don't know about. Many of the invaders that we present in our genitals can be treated with proven natural medicine, such as infusions, application preparations, taking natural antibiotics and douching equally natural. **`An example with cystitis`** can take cranberry juice daily, about 450 grams in a glass every hour. Take leaves of arctostaphylos pungens in infusion or tincture, or achillea millefolium and, in the diet avoid coffee, tea, meats (necessary to take a more alkaline diet). **`For vaginitis`** one of the best treatments is the application of natural yogurt in the intimate area (it will come out just like an egg) and, to treat the itching you can cool a jar of chamomile tea and apply it cold in the area, it will soothe the itching or irritation immediately. The intake of whole garlic helps to eliminate infections, garlic is a very effective natural antibiotic. There are many natural treatments for different invaders in our body, I invite you to inform yourself about them. As a recommendation, take baths or douches with natural infusions, but with a maximum application of 2 per month, the fact that they are natural does not take away the possibility of altering the bacterial flora, but it is much better to apply something natural than chemical agents of which you do not know.


[s o u r c e](
**`Non-invasive method of contraception`** Women ovulate every 28 days, 15 or 20 times a year, therefore, if we have a steady partner, getting pregnant is more possible than the opposite. But, we know that traditional contraceptive methods are invasive for our body, just taking the pill ends up being a hormonal time bomb. **`Condoms`** will always be the first choice, it is the only way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases and, if your desire is not to conceive, it is also an excellent option. **`Basal temperature method:`** the variation of this temperature allows us to identify the days of foundation and not *(nowadays there are basal thermometers for sale)*. In a cycle, the temperature rises 3 to 5 tenths after ovulation, this is due to progesterone, when the temperature has risen the woman is infertile until the next cycle. This temperature should be taken at rest, that is, in the morning, before any activity, placing the thermometer in the vagina for about 3 minutes. Each measurement is recorded on a graph, also many of these thermometers have applications for cell phones where you can guide you without any problem. For me, this is one of the best and most effective methods, you also have on the list the **`Billings Method, Cervical Palpation Method and the Sino-Thermal Method.`** All of them I invite you to investigate them very well. When discussing contraceptive methods with a gynecologist, he/she will always recommend pills *(even knowing the risk of taking them)*, so if you have a lot of confidence with your primary gynecologist, express any of these terms and where he/she could help you to be more effective for you. Without further ado, you know that the information is already provided and now it is up to you to complement it with more information. **Remember the autonomy you have over your body and that knowing yourself is essential for the reactivation of your feminine energy.** ***We will meet again, Daniela. xx***

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On this occasion I would like to award 5% beneficiary to @cronosclocks for her wonderful post about yoga and the change it brought to her life.

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*This means: Sacred Feminine*

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