Thursday, April 22, 2021

🏋️‍♀️ MFA Full Body Burn Workout!🏋️‍♀️
💪 MFA Full Body Burn Workout💪

Today was MFA. It was a hard one, but I kinda like the hard work. Today was total body weight lifting day as you will see with the gifs below. You definitely feel this workout in the upper body but I pushed through it! Today I’m like “ugh”, I tell myself “what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger”. I hope that stays true. Even though I love strength training, I still find it quite challenging! ##
🏋️‍♀️ Valley Press Calf Raise! Yeah, I Got This!🏋️‍♀️

***One move I love in this routine is the valley press calf raise. Love doing this move. It’s like yeah I got this and makes me forget how hard rest of the workout rountine was lol!***
Why Do I Love Valley Press Calf Raise So Much?

**So this move is a calf raise and then hold the 2 weights at the chest and press them out and in! I guess it's called a full body burn for a reason lol The reason I love this move, is that it finally gives me a chance to breathe. I feel like I got this! Doing this kind of lifting is so empowering! I love doing simple weight lifting moves, those are my favorite!** ###
😨 Suitcase Squat with lateral raise Oh Dear These Move? Ekk!?!😨

***One move that was challenging was the lateral raise part of this move. This is a move that I have never liked. So let’s just say I was glad when it was over.***
Why Do I Hate These Suitcase Squat with Lateral Raise So Much?

**The squat I love the lateral raise I do not lol My least favorite move to do anything that involves with a lateral raise. Why you may ask? I have always struggled with this move. I really do not have shoulder strength. It’s one of my big weaknesses but I did it! I try to be brave and started with 8s but had to move to 5s. Just not strong enough yet but hope one day I can do 8s instead of just 5s! In time I believe I can do it. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger they say!** ##
🤔My Final Thoughts On Day MFA Full Body Burn Workout!🤔

> ##### Well, that was a hard one! It was very challenging, especially with the all the sets for Block rounds. That was not easy! I did 8 pounds for double row, valley press calf raises, and split squats. Did 5 pounds for rest of the moves. The added challenge was brutal, she has these short cardio moves after each block and it was tough! However, I shall not give up, no matter how hard it gets! I was so proud when I finished! #
🌟Woohoo I Survived the Workout🌟
I may be wiped out, but I am glad I finished. Even though I had to take a few breaks. At the end of the day, I finished my workout at my pace and did the best I can! I may not break any records but I am one step closer to achieving my goal to be at a more healthy weight!
### Are you doing any workouts or following a certain workout program? ### Are you just doing a cardio program? ### Does it involve weights or a mixture of both? ### Let me know in the comments!

###### Side Note: Pictures were made by me or made with bitmoji app. Gifs made with giphycam and giftshop apps Banners made from @calumam. Click on the following link to get a free to use steemit monsters banner!
Originally posted here:

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