Saturday, April 3, 2021

So we all know the meditation is good for us and we all know that exercise is good for us but how do we do both in a day it can feel really selfish.


The reality is if you were meditating twice a day and working out your life is gonna be amazing all those problems that you think you have are actually gonna start to go away, If you start to take care of your mental and physical performance. But I understand that if that's not already a daily habit for you it can be sort of confusing which one do I prioritize and what do I do as far as timing. So let's dive into the nitty-gritty of meditation and exercise so as you know for healthy & peaceful life we want to wake up a little bit early and we want to meditate before coffee breakfast or computer. I would actually say it's best to meditate before you exercise because you're giving your body this deep rest and then you come out of it and you're more energized you're more awake to really crush your morning workout.


If you do your workout in the morning now the exception to this is if exercise is not a habit for you?? Already like how exercise is not a very regular habit for me!! and So I know come hell or high water I'm gonna meditate in the morning so I will oftentimes wake up and exercise first and then meditate. So basically what I'm saying here is don't let perfect be the enemy of good but I want you to understand how to manipulate the rules to really serve you for your ultimate health goals.


Now let's talk about the afternoon session if you say go to the gym after work and I would recommend go to the gym because you're already there and chances are if you actually get yourself to the gym you're probably going to work out before you leave, But what if you go to the lobby and close your eyes and just meditate right in the lobby and then you have this boost of energy for your workout and then you killed two birds with one stone, because you just got your buns to the gym which is hard work and then you meditate in the lobby and you have this hit of energy for your workout. As you may know Yoga was designed to prepare the body for meditation and so if you move through the asana practice you can then transition from your shavasana that last lying down into your meditation in the lobby or the car so the big picture news here is please don't let perfect be the enemy of good don't even let good be the enemy of done. Now if you're feeling a little guilty about taking so much time for yourself hey I think guilt is a useless emotions let's throw that out the window but I've actually found some incredible apps some exercise apps that really help so there's a thing called the 7 minute workout and that might sound ridiculous like how can I actually workout in seven minutes but it's high-intensity interval training and it's really easy you don't need any props you don't need equipment you don't even really need to change clothes you can do it at your house so if you're really short on time or if you're a new parent you could just download the seven minute workout app do that in your living room for seven minutes and then meditate or meditate and then do the workout whichever is going to keep you accountable to your health goals so I hope this has been helpful I know a little bit feels a little contradictory but really what I want you to take away from this is that you can take the rules which are before breakfast and before dinner and ideally we meditate before we work out and then just adapt that to make it work for your life all right. Remember that if you were meditating every day twice a day and working out really truly life is gonna get so much better so make yourself a priority make your health a priority and I promise the return on investment is going to be exponential all right friends I'm so thankful to have you in this community and I look forward to seeing you soon. ## GIVE YOUR THUMBS UP 👍 ## GIVE YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT💓💓💓 ## GIVE YOUR FEEDBACK ☺️☺️ # Yours truly @sarkash7011
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