Monday, April 5, 2021

Medicinal plant Tua Tua purple - Medicinal alternative for our health and life // Recipes of benefits and natural help to our well-being / By: @Cindycam
# *Hello friends #HIVERS from @NaturalMedicine.*

*Our days, knowing and learning about natural medicine, are undoubtedly a power to our continuous acquisition in favor of the well-being and use of natural medicine.*

*In this topic that is shared, I will talk about a medicinal plant, which perhaps some of you know and others do not, or have used it for different remedies and they still need to explore another type of medicinal cure in it, with respect to the benefits that she contributes to us, as a plant of our nature and helps our well-being.*

## *I'm @Cindycam sharing about the purple Tua Tua*

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*Medicinal plant Tua Tua purple*

*There is a lot of this plant in the area of ​​my dear town, in Sucre, Venezuela. A showy plant, with violet leaves, which everywhere adorn our surroundings with its lively appearance and its striking color.*


*We can appreciate the size of its leaves, how alive it looks, what it transmits, undoubtedly nature speaks to us, through our plants. **What would become of us without her?** So many answers and all for and for our well-being.*



*Home remedies with purple Tua Tua*

### *I will mention two remedies that have been beneficial in my home:*

- *Use the plant as an anti-inflammatory.* - *In injuries caused by burns.* *There are other ways to use the plant, where they can be used for other types of conditions or discomforts.*


### *How do we prepare the remedy to reduce inflammation and where specifically?*

***Tua Tua purple remedy, to reduce inflammation in the throat:*** *This remedy helps us to relieve discomfort or discomfort in our throat, inflamed tonsils, which causes us discomfort, to a great extent to be able to eat and swallow easily. The purple Tua Tua remedy is a soothing and refreshing natural medicine.*

### ¿*What do we do*?

๐ŸŒฟ *We place a little water in a saucepan, bring it to a fire and add some leaves.* ๐ŸŒฟ *When this boils, we turn it off and let it rest.* ๐ŸŒฟ *Once it rests, it almost reaches room temperature it is ready.* ๐ŸŒฟ *We gargle with the water of the medicinal plant, Tua Tua morada, and little by little the pain and inflammation will go down, calming the discomfort.* *For greater relief in our sore throat, we can gargle twice a day, for three to five days, for five to ten minutes.*


*This plant is, as we say in Venezuela: **"in the funds",** that is, in the back of our houses. Commonly, the great variety of medicinal plants and others adorn our patios and / or funds.*


## *Purple Tua Tua Remedy for superficial burns.*

*In its great variety of preparation and help as a medicinal plant, this plant helps us a lot, like many others.* ### *How do we do it or place it?*

*When we get burned, the first thing we want to do is relieve the heat we feel and the immediate pain in the area; This home remedy is only for simple, superficial burns.* ๐Ÿต *Once, we prepare the tea, we use it, to place it on the outer layer of superficial burn, with a double gauze, we moisten with the previously boiled water and settle with the plant.* ๐Ÿต *Then, in one of the gauze we place some leaves from which the natural remedy has already been boiled and detached, and on top we place the other wet house.* ๐Ÿต *This, we are going to place on top of our superficial burn, twice a day, to relieve it.*




*Gift of nature - Tua Tua purple*

*A gift of nature for man, where we can turn to natural medicine, as a means of helping our ailments and discomforts in general.* *This plant with its leaves and flowers surrounds the life we ​​know, helping us in the relief of symptoms that cause discomfort.*


***Tua Tua purple, as a medicinal and relief plant, is also used for:*** *as a diuretic, relieves pain, relieves menstrual discomfort, among others.* *Natural medicine a healthy alternative to our life and improves; We must use it consciously and in a way that benefits our well-being, in general terms of health.* ***Disclaimer:*** *This plant, you can find it anywhere, its use is the responsibility of each individual, I am not a doctor, I only provide information that has served me and helped many in the locality, it is on behalf of each one of us, its use.* ***Greetings friends ...***
Originally posted here:

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