Thursday, April 1, 2021

Keeping Up with My Weight Loss
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this is what going from clinically obese to clinically overweight feels like. Furthermore, this is what saying fat the Dickens off to takeaways, comfort eating, supersize portions, pork products, and excessive eating feels like. My waistline went from being 38 inches to 34 inches (96 cm to 86 cm), which meant I lost a pants size. Weight-wise, in the span of one year and seven months, I went from 17 stone 3.63 lbs (109.6 kg or 241.63 lbs) to 12 stone 8.37 lbs (80 kg or 176.37 lbs), thus losing 4 stone 9.26 lbs (29.6 kg or 65.26 lbs). Despite my weight fluctuating this year, I can breathe a sigh of relief that I am no longer clinically obese, which is a major blessing on my health and on my outlook on life, food, career, and education. I feel so much better and more ecstatic within myself and nothing can ever get me down, for better or for worse. Based on my research focusing on the NHS from London, England and Get Healthy from New South Wales, Australia, I found out that my ideal weight for a guy like me who stands at 5 feet 6.5 inches (169 cm) tall should be between 11 stone 3 lbs to 8 stone 5 lbs (71.4 kg to 53 kg or 157 lbs to 117 lbs). This means I have to lose between 1 stone 4 lbs to 4 stone 3.5 lbs (8.6 kg to 27 kg or 18 lbs to 59.5 lbs) in order to achieve my healthy weight range and ensure my body mass index (BMI) shall remain in the normal range. I suppose to remain in the safe range of the BMI scale is for me to lose a stone and a half to two and a half stone (9.6 kg to 15.9 kg or 21 lbs to 35 lbs) in order for me to not go overboard. As I said for umpteen times, I need to lose this excess weight because I need to set an example for my nieces and nephews of how they can live a healthy life free from comfort eating and take full control of what they should and should not eat. Though I have no prospects of becoming a father myself, I want to do my duty of ensuring that I can help out my cousins, nieces, and nephews to not go the route I endured and not rely on takeaways and comfort eating to satiate their appetites because, knowing what I went through, I would not wish obesity on them let alone my worst enemies. I know I have all this excess weight I need to lose all before August of this year, despite my current weight fluctuation. However, I am determined to not be obese ever again and I shall continue to be on the road to Slimsville for the rest of my natural life. #byebyeobesity #Obesitybegone #obesetohealthy #obesetoslim


Originally posted here:

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