Sunday, April 18, 2021

Folk remedies for kidney stones and gallstones
It is very important to remember that kidney stones are a serious disease, neglected cases can only be treated with surgery, so before you start treating kidney stones with folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor. I would like to suggest the Watermelon Diet for Kidney Stones. These are folk remedies for kidney stones. Watermelon diet Within 2 weeks, you need to eat watermelons in large quantities along with black bread. Best of all, kidney stones will come out in the evening, it is at this time that the urinary system is most active. In order to relieve pain during the removal of stones, you can take a warm bath, the stones will come out much faster and less painful.

a56692e8afa3ea0e76d0314e763d82e0-resize_crop_1Xquality_100Xallow_enlarge_0Xw_1200Xh_630.jpg Folk remedies for the treatment of gallstone disease are used quite often, with their help you can achieve results. But do not forget that such methods only help to remove small particles or sand. Treatment of gallstones I would like to recommend a folk remedy to those who have problems with the gallbladder. This is a well-known raisin Raisins get rid of grit or small formations; coarse raisins work well for this recipe. It is pitted, and a pea of black pepper is put inside. The patient eats the stuffed raisins, chewing them thoroughly. This tool is used according to the scheme - from 1 to 10, adding 1 piece daily, then in the reverse order. Treat with raisins for at least 19 days.

images.jpg These methods are effective, but a specialist should be consulted. Remember that health is the most precious thing we have. Be healthy!
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