Sunday, April 11, 2021

Experimental Gene Therapy is not a Vaccine
I was talking to my dad the other day, and he recommended that I write about some of the things we were talking about. The topic of conversation was - ## 'What's the difference between all these vaccines?' Let's start with what is the definition of a vaccine. Here is the classical definition of a vaccine, used since vaccines were invented somewhere around 1796.


Vaccines were initially developed from the observation that exposure to some lessened version of a virus could stimulate the bodies **natural immunities** to help prevent a stronger version of the very same virus.


[Source: WHO](,protected%20against%20inoculated%20variola%20virus.)
Recently, approximately within the last 30 years, there have been a lot of development around a cluster of technologies and innovations collectively called 'CRISPR', but also referring to 'Cas9' technology. Here is some general information from google, with sources listed in the image:


Based on my understanding of [this wikipedia article](, the CRISPR is the part of the DNA that has to do with anti-viral response, and working with a certain enzyme, which is a protein that transforms something, scientists are now able to 'edit genes within organisms'. The method is by **'site-specific DNA mutations in human DNA'.**


With advancements in this technology, there is now an experimental treatment to cause DNA mutation within humans to make our colds 'less symptomatic'. This treatment is being called a 'mRNA vaccine'. Let's break that down a bit.


[Source: CDC](
By the good old definition of vaccines, as seen above, this is NOT a vaccine. Just this year though, a move is underway to change the definition of a vaccine. This new definition would make a 'mRNA experimental treatment' into a vaccine.


It is not my place to make the linguists case, but words indeed do change their meanings over time. My concern here is only that the use of attenuated virus, that is weakened or dead virus, has a long 200 year history of use and development, by the original definition of vaccine, vaccines are one of our greatest human heritages. **Synthetic Substitutes** on the other hand, 'used to stimulate the production of antibodies' has only been going on for about 10 years. It certainly appears that these tools could be used to induce changes in the human body, and that a large scale experiment is under way to 'find out more'. Israel, for example, [has placed their entire country under a controlled experiment managed by Pfizer]( The results seem to be that Pfizer mRNA vaccine is working great! [Here is a break down by the New York Times]( on how the 'Johnson and Johnson vaccine works. It is a little different than the Pfizer or Moderna. Here's the CDC on how mRNA vaccines work:


You see, they say, it doesn't change your DNA, it just enters your dendritic cells in your lymph nodes and instructs them to make a piece of the virus. This piece of 'spike protein' is supposed to work like an attenuated virus. You body is supposed to react to it and then produce antibodies and 'T-cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection'. ## Why would they spend so much time, effort and money to make your body 'make its own' vaccine internally? This has something to do with the general failure to make a working vaccine against 'the common cold' which includes rhinovirus groups and corona virus groups among them. Your body reacts very vigorously against the presence viruses, and the autoimmune response is what causes the symptoms associated with the illness. To say this in another way, our bodies are already very good at fighting these virus groups, but the symptoms are the way which we do it. Especially young people with healthy immune systems are seeing intense side effects with these mRNA treatments because their immune response is so strong! Take a look at [Why Are COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Worse After the Second Shot?](


>Side effects ... are more common after the second dose because your immune system recognizes the virus spike protein and mounts a stronger response. ... Younger people .... are more likely to develop side effects from the vaccine. ## Faith in Science As a way to conclude this section, I will remind everyone what this 'science' thing is that everybody seems to get so hot over. The Scientific Method is a process of Controlled Experiments coupled with Observation. Observations on the experiments are used to refine the understanding of 'how stuff works', and define further rounds of experimentation.


These mRNA vaccines are currently being tested on the elder populations around the world. These drug companies have guaranteed contracts to sell their products to civilian governments who have never been good at responsibly managing money. Now we are entering into the observational phase of the trials, even as there is continued pressure to get 'the vaccine'. ## None of the 'vaccines' are FDA approved. While the FDA has issued [Emergency Use Authorization](, they have not actually approved any of them. They might do it, if the results of the current trial of human testing are positive. But we don't know that yet.


The Food and Drug Administration in the US declares that in the event of an emergency (like a 'pandemic'), they can declare Emergency Use of an experimental treatment to be authorized, as long as there is no other treatment. Here it is from their website:


[Source: FDA.GOV](
This criteria, the 'no adequate, approved and available alternatives' is the exact reason that Trump's early talk about [Hydroxychloroquine](, one of the WHO's list of 100 most essential medicines, was suddenly declared dangerous and 'proved ineffective' after several quickly put together studies applying it in exactly the wrong way (in late stage cases instead of 'early and often'). It is the reason that [Ivermectin]( is never talked about on the mainstream news.


The reason that no one has discussed the need to [take vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc](, and their relation to inhibiting getting sick in the first place.


For if there ever came into view that there was some appropriate treatment for this corona virus, then suddenly the current human trials of the mRNA treatments **could not be approved by the FDA**. [Poor outcomes with COVID are highly correlated with obesity.]( From the CDC website:


[Source: CDC.GOV](
## So what does it all mean? From all this information, I choose to draw the following conclusions for my own life: ### 1. Stay healthy, and exercise! My main exercise comes from walking, and I continually try to choose walking over driving as I move around our small town. I have also taken a conscious effort to eliminate sugary drinks from our lives! There is no reason to drink soda, ever. This may be hard, but instead of soda I drink water or beer. ### 2. Eat healthy foods! Especially foods rich in vitamins C and D and zinc. Eat less! I also use water only fasting or intermediate fasting techniques - fasting can be quite unhealthy if done wrongly so take the time to learn about it if you are going to do it.




### 3. Maintain a positive attitude! I am determined to maintain a positive attitude about my own ability to understand this information. I get the feeling that the 'powers-that-be' or maybe the 'people-who-sell-vaccines' want me to believe that this stuff is all much too complicated for us peons, and that we should leave it in the hands of the experts. But I have confidence in my own ability to understand how the world works, to read and comprehend scientific literature, and to tell when I'm being swindled. These scientists are grasping in the dark but their corporate overlords know exactly what they are doing.




## Freedom and Friendship!
Originally posted here:

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