Monday, April 12, 2021

Day one of training - April's big challenge

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*Image made in canva*
Since a few days ago I have been taking much more care of my mental and physical health. **From digital disconnection, cleaning networks, meditations and severe changes in food.** I was pushing my body and also my mental health to the limit and the truth is that the discomfort was already starting to become very noticeable on the outside, it's like many people say, your outside is the reflection of your inside. So basically for the last 5 days I have been eating no sugar, absolutely nothing, no junk food either. I am now preparing all my meals in a healthy way including snacks. The weekend I used it as a **meditation tool**, I started to free myself from a lot of burdens and burn them completely in the fire, I was realizing that I had been carrying for a long time responsibilities that just didn't belong to me. So basically I chose to connect with my spirituality to start healing some of those things that had been affecting me, **`I have been talking to myself a lot and being my priority is my biggest goal.`**
[s o u r c e](
So today, **`April 12th`** I started with my trainings. The exercise allows me to be present and work on myself, all those little frustrations or little bitterness that I might have until now I work on them during the workout to heal and free myself from them. Now I am focused on a more conscious eating, only once a week I am eating chicken, the rest of the days I eat grains, fruit and vegetables are the main part of my diet and I am hydrating myself much more than before. Since I changed my diet and decreased my sugar intake, migraines have decreased considerably, I feel much better because I was starting to become dependent on painkillers every 8 hours, so I am grateful for that because my body is cleansing itself of those drugs.
[s o u r c e](
My disorder has been wreaking havoc in my head lately, it's as if a button had been turned on up there and a little monster was messing up everything I had managed to put in order. **But the important thing is always to make a decision not to give way to it completely but rather to start working on continuing to improve and grow as a person.** I am keeping a written record of my habits, also a record of my daily mood, this allows me to quickly detect if something starts to go wrong so I can find a way to correct it. I highly recommend this type of exercise to people, especially if they are starting some type of therapy, it gives you a good control of emotions. It has been a great day of disconnection and best of all, a full day of mindfulness in my own activities. Now the last thing left to do is evening meditation and giving thanks for this day. In a week or two I will upload the update of this personal challenge, nothing more to add, thanks for reading. **`I send you lots of love.`**
The habit chart I'm using


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*Translated with the help of [deepL](*

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*Read more about MOON JOURNALevery Monday*



Originally posted here:

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