Sunday, April 4, 2021

Behind The Mask - Propaganda, Problems and Poetry - Enjoy with Troy!
I am sure we are all weary of the forced agenda of Covid 19 Pandemic.. or should I say plandemic scamdemic. It has been a season we will all remember. I will take a moment and share my thoughts. Folks it was never about a virus, your health or even a vaccine. In fact they could care less about keeping you alive and healthy. How can you be alive and healthy when you are required to socially distance and wear a facial diaper. You only breathe in your own bacteria and deprive yourself of good oxygen. Then what was it all about?


# A mandated injection identification to usher in a social credit system and depopulate the world. Say what? Yes, this is what I and others truly believe. If it had been about our health we would not be wearing cheep thinly made masks. We would have N95 quality. Mask cleaning or disposal would have been a larger concern. Numbers would have not been elevated and the agenda would not have needed such marketing hype. Folks would have known. Now there is talk of a vaccination passport to travel. There are many who wish to require the injection (I can't really call it a vaccine), to be a part of society. Some Christians may consider that kin to the mark of the beast in Revelation 13:17. I know it is an infringement on my freedom that comes from God and not the government. # What is a Social Credit System As consumers, we already have a financial credit score or FICA. But where in the world is there a social credit score? Oh yes. China. You cannot speak out against the government or its mandates there. Otherwise your social credit score is in danger. This means your money, travel and food would be restricted as punishment for thinking you have freedom. They already have this in Chine and it is coming over the waters to the western world. That is why they are attacking our freedoms and our constitution. Folks we are not immune to this tyranny. But we need to speak out as one against the agenda.


# And Depopulation Oh, and yes part of agenda 2030 is depopulation. The powers that be would love to have a 90% reduction. With AI and the singularity, we humans are considered obsolete. There are hopes to see serious population reduction by 2025. Folks, that is just four years away. Just because you have survived the jab, does not mean there is not a ticking timebomb in your body waiting patiently for several months or years to activate. >We have been here before # Problem Reaction Solution A common theme used to advance a governmental agenda is in these three words. They create the problem (lab produced virus), wait for the reaction (fear) and offer the solution (vaccine injection). In the process our freedoms are sacrificed for allowing the government to solve the issue. It is a freedom grab. But when did this happen before? Remember 911. We heard about the twin towers, but what about building number 7? It was never about Iraq, Saddam Hussein, or even the planes. It was a controlled demolition to bring in the big brother security state. The metal was weakened inside as no plane could solely bring down the tower. Yet, we had 911 as the problem, fear as the reaction and the big brother security state as the solution. Again we lost precious freedoms in the process. # Can the Government be Trusted? How about asking the American Indian or a patriot? Anyone remember Jekyll Island and the Federal Reserve act of 1913. How did that help America? The Federal Reserve is no more federal than your local ice cream parlor is. And what about all the governmental welfare programs initiated by Johnson? Did poverty go away? Then there is Planned Parenthood that kills and harvests baby organs. How has that helped those babies and their families? Oh, and we have the Child Protective Services (CPS) who breaks up homes, placing innocent children in foster care or child trafficking sex. Are those families any happier today? Is society any better off with psychological baggage and a reduced population? >Once again problem reaction solution of the government through the CPS. Create problem (through lies, intimidation and manipulation of a poor family environment). Reaction (Fear), Solution child theft through foster care and sex trafficking) # They Can Be Trusted To Destroy Lives The answer is no. The woman who had the abortion has painful regrets for making her decision. Poverty is a bigger issue today than ever before, despite big daddy government handouts. In fact, we are turning into a third world country with tent cities of homeless in major cities like Seattle, San Francisco, LA, Chicago and other hubs. And the families who were visited by the CPS, now suffer in silence. We are their only voice. They have nightmares, depleted saving, missing children, broken relationships, misery and emotional trauma to live with the rest of their lives. The children have a lost innocence, stranger danger, lost dreams, physical, psychological and emotional abuse and damage. Their futures have been stolen and sold for racketeering profit. And all of this from your trusted government... who says they have your best interest in mind. >Try to tell a family that has been stalked by the CPS that the government never steals. It won't fly. # So What About The Vaccine? Well you will be jabbed at warp speed... or should I say warped. It was produced in less than a year without proper testing. It is a MRNA injection. Some folks don't even consider it a vaccine. And if you get sick or die? Well, absolutely no one will be held accountable. Part of that is because of the lack of testing. The other part is no one is that stupid. Think of all the potential lawsuits. And what is in that vaccine anyway? Can anyone tell you all the ingredients in that cocktail? I have heard the theory that some were made as placebos to minimize the appearance of it's danger. # Not Me If you take the jab, it is at your own risk. I would rather get covid than be injected. I m opting out. If I am restricted on travel or other things... it is wrong . But my body my choice. They say that when they promote abortions. Or is this a double standard? I just know that my body is precious and God's temple. I will not be their guinea pig. # A Poem May Say it Best I will close with this poem I wrote a few years ago as food for thought. #
Tell Me Doctor
Tell me doctor what I need. Labels are so hard to read The needle now that you inject In my blood it will affect. What is in the vaccine strain? Can you list them all by name? When I'm pregnant I have a choice. "It is your body." I hear them voice. Yet they force this needle sharp. "Vaccinate" they scream and harp. Why must I oblige their will As sickness comes and death still? I've seen others lifeless be In still life corpse from needles free. Tell me doctor would you take the syringed concoction that they make?

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# Thanks for listening. Feel free to comment, upvote or repost
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