Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Arctic Air or Why German Doctors Are Trying To Kill You or Why You Go To The Doc Healthy And Come Back Sick or Don't Wear A Skirt
# Arctic air Quotes from the Tuesday weather news > Cold polar air flows into Germany behind the Scandinavian depression “Ulli”. It's cold Arctic air from North Greenland, Svalbard and the Arctic Ocean, explains the weather website > On Tuesday night, depression Ulli reached us. The snow line sank rapidly during the night from 1,000 meters to the flatlands. It was still snowing in the morning hours... *** So, I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday. **Tuesday 1200** they told me. #### You can come Tuesday April 6 at 1200. **That's what they told me in February when I called for an appointment.** Yes, we live in Germany, you have to wait to get a doctors appointment. So Tuesday April 6 I drove to my appointment. I'm a **ON TIME** person and showed up at 1200. Just as scheduled. It was just a check up appointment at a dermatologist, a thing I avoided to do for long but decided to do so after I discovered something that had me worry a little bit. ***So I went there wearing a leather jacket, just a light shirt underneath it and a skirt.*** Yes a skirt because they also needed to check some burnings on my legs and I figured it is way easier with a skirt than having to get off some pants. *You know, I thought I have an appointment and it would be* ***parking the car, walking in, getting check up, walking out, driving home.*** *** Fig. a) The weather situation when I drove to the appointment, in the valley were the doc is located even worse already. *** ***So I arrived and walked in, dressed up with my beautiful mask, my leather jacket with the light shirt underneath it and my skirt. Keeping safe distance and sanitizing hands before entering the practice.*** Two eyes looked at me from behind the glass asking if I had an appointment. I proudly answered yes, knowing that it won't take long now because I had an appointment at 1200 and was on time. ***"Please take a seat at the waiting area"*** the two eyes told me. ***"If it is full come back to me"*** the two eyes yelled at me while I was on my way to the waiting area. **I lurked inside the room, noticing several empty chairs and people.** Next I noticed that the empty chairs were blocked off due to the Corona situation and that the waiting area was a little bit too crowded for my taste, because that usually means more waiting time. **But I had an appointment, so I wasn't too worried about that.** Since the area was full I walked back to the two eyes behind the glass. *** Fig. b) The weather situation during 1200 and 1600 *** ***The two eyes behind the glass apologized to me for the crowded area, how nice I thought.*** #### Little did I knew. **"Well, due to Corona requirements we have to have you wait outside until we call you in, here is a beeper, we will beep when the waiting area gets empty or the doc calls you in. "** Two evil eyes behind the glass handed me a beeper in a plastic bag. I had to leave the practice to wait outside on the stairs. With me an old man, we shared the same fate. *** Fig. c) The weather situation a little later that day. *** ***So here I was, standing in the cold, an arctic weather situation rushing above our heads, Christmas songs were sang by people again.*** # I had an appointment. Looking at my phone, 1215. Damnit, shivering a little bit. # I had an appointment. Looking at my phone, 1225. Damnit, shivering more and feeling like a hooker. I was the only person wearing a short skirt, a leather jacket and a light shirt underneath it while depression "Ulli" was gripping Germany. # I had an appointment. Looking at my phone, 1233. Freezing and feeling more and more like someone might offer me to hop in his car for 20 bucks soon. Stormed inside to ask what the hell was wrong. # I had an appointment. *** Fig. d) The weather situation around 1730 beautiful ain't it? *** ***Arriving inside, frozen was my theme by then, the two eyes behind the glass apologized, they forgot to beep.*** #### Whaaaaaat? How can you forget to beep? I had an appointment! I should take a seat in the waiting area now, I will be called in soon. Taking a seat in the now rather empty waiting area, next to the opened window...Corona requirements. **Looking at my phone, 1250.** Freezing and pissed but finally someone called my name. ***"Take a seat here, the doc will be there immediately"*** said the two eyes before closing the door to the treatment room. Of course the window was open...Corona requirements. **Waited.** Still freezing. Looked at my phone, 1306. **Waited.** Still freezing, walked around the small room, feeling imprisoned. Boring, nothing there, getting pissed. Looked at my phone 1320. **Stormed out asking when the hell the doc will show up.** # I had an appointment at 1200. "Soon" the two evil eyes said trying to calm me down. Went back in my white, boring prison cell. **Waited.** Heard people come and go, voices in the distance, cars parking outside and driving away again. Looked at my phone, 1330. Even though about to destroy the entire practice still freezing. Thought about jumping out the opened window. **Stormed outside again.** Two scared eyes looked at me whispering that there was a delay. # Oh really? Haven't noticed. Went back inside. Did some Italian lessons on Duolingo. Looked at my phone, 1349. **The door opened and the doc showed up.** 1359 I left the practice, everything was ok, it took 3 minutes to figure that out. # I had an appointment at 1200, 1400 I drove home. *** Fig. e) The weather situation around 1800, what a beautiful day, not. *** #### So what did you learn out of this post? 1) It doesn't matter if you have a scheduled appointment in Germany, they have you wait. 2) Do not trust two eyes behind glass telling you that they will beep when a spot in the waiting area gets free, they will forget about you as soon as you leave the door. 3) Do not wear a skirt, a leather jacket and a light shirt underneath it when having a scheduled appointment, they make you freeze to death. 4) If you wear a skirt, a leather jacket and a light shirt underneath it while waiting outside in an arctic depression be prepared to feel like a hooker, someone might offer you a warm place in his car and some money. 5) Don't expect a thorough treatment after waiting for two hours in the cold, they only do what's necessary, they didn't care about your health having you wait outside so why should they now. # End of story morning glory. Wednesday close to midnight, feeling a little cold creeping up.
*** *** ***
Originally posted here:

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