Monday, April 19, 2021

Abundance.Tribe's Weekly Gems - (Week Of The 12th to the 19th April)


Hello beautiful people!

Welcome to the Abundance.Tribe Weekly Curation, where I (@trucklife-family) get to showcase some of the wonderful content that the tribe members created and that really embody what the Tribe stands for.


The AbundanceTribe, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a *Community Abundance Generator,* which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.

The authors who have been chosen to become part of the Abundance.Tribe community are all writing content of high quality, which focus on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness | | Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism | | Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |


Each week the tribe continues to write content that is all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives. This week is no exception, with the members sharing their knowledge on naturalmedicine, community empowerment, philosophy and diving deep to share the truth of what is currently happening. Life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribeVibes Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.


The richness of variety in the spiritual realms and on the yoga ladder getting there



>The word “yoga” as you may know, is a Sanskrit word translated to mean “linking up with the supreme” or linking up with the divine. It’s not that you link up as the divine, or that you become the divine, but rather that you make contact in a relationship with the divine. The difference appears externally minor and quite subtle but the conclusion is profoundly important. We are all divine beings, in that as spirit soul we are of the same quality as the divinity. But in quantity we are minute or fragmental compared to the absolute and complete whole or the original personality of godhead.


Its Wonderful to Be Alone: Episode 209



>Sitting with a journal, you can write what is on your mind, whether it be mundane or profound. If anyone were to find it and judge you for what you had written, their condemnation would be irrelevant. What you wrote was for you, and you alone. Even soldiers were once taught to retreat within their own minds, to see a home of their own construction in the event that they were captured as prisoners of war. With practice, they would clearly visualize their doors, their library, their desk, stepping inside to gain that precious gift of solitude.


Unpopular Ideas | Deadly Vaccines as Compassionate Catalyst for Humanity's Future



>I stumbled on an idea recently that is quite shocking and unpopular because it presupposes certain views that we usually don't take for granted in truther circles. And so I would like to share it with you here precisely because it is so seldomly talked about, but really worth our consideration even at the risk of downvotes ;) If you are of a faint heart or unable to consider differing viewpoints from your own this article might not be for you...


What is Love?



>Love is genuinely wanting someone else to be happy. There are a variety of reasons you might wish someone well, and I discuss a few of these in the video.


Getting My Grow On, Garden Journal and Lunar Planting



>I'm so glad that all the containers, tubs, and pots I am using have either been donated by neighbors or are old single-use plastic that I had saved to reuse. The thyme plant was a supermarket kitchen herb that I ran a test with to see how hardy it was. So far so good... It doesn't look like much is going on but I am super happy to have planted some seeds yesterday. It was a New Moon on Sunday. I have a particular fondness for the moon. I feel quite sensitive to her energy, the pull that each phase brings.


Daily Runes - Dark Times // Runas Diarias - Tiempos Oscuros



>We all feel it, don't we? The weight, the pain of this period. All of us hear the news of loved ones and acquaintances who have lost someone or have died themselves recently. Even if we don't feel the need to cry ourselves, even if we're as fortunate as to be relatively far from the sorrow, it's impossible to ignore the assault of circumstances. It's, in fact, imperious to recognize the gravity of the situation in order to face it and, in case it's necessary, to offer our support to those who are in much more delicate stages than us.


Displaced Karen People Are In Need of Urgent Support



>It is hard to describe the desperation of the displaced Karen, in a world that is profoundly compassion fatigued. The Karen people are an ethnic group without an officially recognized country of their own. We're talking about 5 million people, which is roughly the population on New Zealand, just for perspective's sake. Karen State, in the mountains of Eastern Burma, is their country and has been fiercely defended against the Burmese military during the last 73 years on an ongoing civil war.


We All Just Want To Be Heard - The Importance Of Feedback!



>Most of us have been brought up in an environment, where we have not been given enough space for personal attention. Where we have struggled to be heard and seen, where more importance was placed upon our ability to listen and follow instructions. For some, this may have occurred within their home and for many it occurred within the educational system. As a result, so many of us struggle to find ways in which we can express our own needs, simply because we have never been shown or encouraged to do so.


My Reaction To Elon Musks Video on Neurolink and Space X


>A lot of people judge and even demonize Elon Musk for various reasons. For some people it's just the fact that he controls so much wealth. For others it is his controversial plans for a human/cyborg interface called Neurolink. Others dont like his plans for colonising Mars. I have spent a lot of time listening and learning about Elon's plans and reasoning for what he does. This post is not an attempt to change your mind about these things but instead to give you all of the real information, the whole story and the big picture.


Vaccine or Health - Your Choice... The Jab is the Opposite of Organic, Non-GMO, and Vegan



>Planning to get the jab? Already got it? Do you get flu shots every year? If so, you might as well just start eating McDonalds, drinking Red Bull, smoking cigarettes, and hitting the IV drugs. Why pretend? PS: Remember, mRNA therapy is not a vaccine. Are they organic? Hilarious, when I did a quick pre-search (the decentralized, private search engine that pays you in crypto) for this question, and these were the top results:


Commune-ication, conflict resolution, and the four agreements



>Commune-ication seems quite fitting for a starting point at understanding just what we can have with others when we are able to express our thoughts and feelings to each other in a productive manner! This question really caught my attention because I have spent decades learning about, and teaching others, how communicating can be our most valuable tool, or most destructive weapon. As someone who has spent time building, supporting, living in, and educating others about intentional communities in a variety of sub-culture settings, I have observed and (participated in) over and over again the success and failure of groups of humans purely due to communications.


The Five Senses Reality Filter



>How quick are you, to dismiss an idea, simply because it doesn't seem possible to you? Are you even aware of the background analytics that brought you to your decision? Did you even know that that process was happening? Let's go down that rabbit hole. Please enjoy.


Where Is The Dystopia?



>Hollywood likes to give us the end of the world scenarios. This helps to feed into human's biological tendency towards negativity bias. Of course, we find that most of these scenarios are not even remotely close to reality. One area that we see this being the case is with technology. There are many out there who talk about our "AI Overlords" and how technology is going to destroy humanity. They paint the picture of a world where the few are in control of everything whereas the masses are nothing more than redundant.


Pyramids of Powerlessness. How Decentralised Systems Can Bring Peace & End Enslavement.



>Thousands of years of struggle to achieve peace and understanding on Earth have led to this moment, yet we often seem to be no closer to success. People vie for supremacy, often in the name of 'justice', often aiming to stop conflict in society by increasing levels of control in 'just the right way' (their way). In doing so, they have fed power into society's artificial power pyramids without noticing that the pyramid they seek to climb or use is actually part of the cause of their problem. Decentralisation has the answers...




>Greetings Hivers, these Jamaican-ish style dumplings are a hit with my family, and are a product of me accidentally Indianizing any recipe I have in the kitchen for too long. Normally Jamaican style dumplings are very simple, consisting of only flour, baking powder, salt, oil, and water. While I still love plain dumplings, years ago I began to experiment with adding small amounts vegetables and spices to the dumpling batter, and the results were delicious. The trick with these dumplings are to work them with oily hands, because they have so much vegetable content, the dough becomes trickier to work with, much more like a fritter than a dumpling.


Despair for the Earth [Thinking is Depressing]


>In a moment of syncronicity, the Earth Hour challenge on Natural Medicine, hosted by @pavanjr and @holisticmom, is published the same hour I catch this video, which appears in my Youtube suggestions. If you don't have time to watch (do - he's a mesmerising speaker) I've summarised the gist of it below. I don't have a definitive response to Natural Medicine's Lotus Love for The Earth Mother Earth Hour Challenge - just an afternoon spent in contemplation, and quite a bit of sadness.


The Agenda To Cull And Control






The @Abundance.Tribe Bi-Weekly Question
Focalized by @Trucklife-Family
> *The aim of the biweekly question is to help promote self awareness, so that we can begin to go back to a point in our lives, where we are connecting more with our intuitive self. By asking these questions, we are getting one another to dig deep and to reflect on our lives. To focus on what we really want in life and on how we are going to achieve it. This week, I chose to go with a quote from one of my favorite authors. This quote, is a direct question, which I hope will encourage many of us to dive deep, as we search for an answer. Read it slowly and see how it resonates with you, do you agree or disagree with what she says and from there share why.* >

“Can true function, arise from basic dysfunction?”

[See the full post here](


Originally posted here:

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