Monday, April 5, 2021

Abundance.Tribe Weekly Gems (Week of the 29th March to the 5th April)


Hello beautiful people!

Welcome to the Abundance.Tribe Weekly Curation, where I (@trucklife-family) get to showcase some of the great Articles that the tribe members created and that really embody what the Tribe stands for.


The AbundanceTribe, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a *Community Abundance Generator,* which supports authors who create content, that looks at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.

The authors who have been chosen to become part of the Abundance.Tribe community are all writing content of high quality, which focus on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness | | Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism | | Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |


Truth and Freedom are vital, if we are to continue to thrive in our lives. Having the opportunity to share our truth, so that others can become aware of the fake narrative that continues to be pushed on to us, is so valuable. Each week our members cintinue to do so, as well as share content that inspires us and motivates us to become more aware in our daily lives. Life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribeVibes Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.


Knowledge is your sword in the battle against doubt and illusion on the path of self-realization



>You have probably heard of the saying “the pen is mightier than the sword”. This is true not only in the power of the written word in convincing your opponent about your perspective. It’s also true when we are on the path seeking enlightenment. We may have an inherent inclination toward self-realization or understanding the truth of our identity in relation to the whole. Our intuition may be urging us onward toward our own awakening of consciousness, but this sentiment is not enough. We also need to be grounded in the fundamentals.


Conflicting Stories, Cognitive Dissonance, and Healthy Skepticism



>We are told the seasonal flu almost disappeared due to people following COVID-19 lockdown policies, yet COVID-19 remains a threat over a year after "two weeks to flatten the curve" because people did not follow the COVID-19 lockdown policies. Which is it? Studies continue to suggest lockdowns do not control this coronavirus, but the general population is wedded to the idea that these experts need to control society even more for our safety.


Daily Runes - The Hero's Journey // Runas Diarias - El Viaje del Héroe



>The structure of the Narrative Last week I shared insights about Intuition, Purpose and the Tapestry that is the reality we live in. I mentioned the concept of Maya which represents this Tapestry and its illusory nature in Indian philosophies. Other cultures have their own approach to this same idea, even expressed in visual form: for instance, the Egyptians viewed the Eye of Horus as the essential source of all existence from which all of Creation branched out in perfect geometric patterns of interconnected threads; in Jewish Mysticism or Kabbalah, the physical universe is translated in the Etz Chaim or Tree of Life,


Cold Turkey / No Turkey!



>Hey folks ...and Happy Monday to you all! For me it is a surprisingly sober one, and it has been a few moons since i have felt so. What do i mean? Anyone who has been following me will know that i have been, on and off, attempting to stop smoking cannabis for quite some time. My last effort almost a year ago now fell right on its face after my cunning plan went totally wrong. Ill spare you the details there, suffice is to say that i was not really ready and was really going through one of the hardest times of my life after losing my home, life, all possessions, and most of my money...


What Happened in the Chair: An Experience with EMDR



>There's all sorts of roads to healing. The older I get, the more I realise most of the healing is unravelling layers upon layers of trauma, conditioning, socialisation that renders one a bit of a mess, if one doesn't deal with it. For me, it has always been being bullied as a kid, at a time when I was learning about myself in the world. It's a trauma that has carried through right into adulthood, and the wound has been so deep it's been quite the battle to overcome. All the other stuff feels dealt with - and I've been through some dark stuff - but it's this one that still niggles.


De Hague International Tribunal Reviewing Nuremberg Code Violation 2.0



>It is difficult to say whether the lawsuit will be validated by De Hague and we'll not know that before a few weeks. We already imagine that they could drag it on, just for the sake of it. Though we were pleasantly surprised to see such counter-reaction coming from Israel where a majority seemed to accept mandatory vaccination. We even happened to shake our heads as they seem to be living under perpetual hypnosis and forgiving the crime perpetrated against Palestinians by the Zionist regime. But since we all are threatened with the same menace... what does it really mean in the end?


The Quickest Tent Structure: Building a Flex Yurt



>Granted, I was hoping by this time we would be fitting the last boards onto the roof, getting ready for the pond liner and the green cover... But alas, we're in Mexico!!! So what can you do if the material you ordered arrives a week late, and in such a crap condition that you're forced to send back half of it? Or if the power tools and their batteries overheat and you have to put them in the freezer for half an hour every so often? Not to mention the phone calls to Absurdistan negotiating about the various types of Geo-membranes ... which may or may not show up as promised.


The Food We Feed Our Children - Creating Healthy Adults!



>Our children depend on the food we feed them, in order to grow into healthy adults. As a parent, we have a responsibility to educate ourselves about nutrition, because the quality of food that we give them, will determine how healthy they will be throughout their lives. How well they will deal with illness and disease, this responsibility is not something to take lightly.


Free Thinker Radio (4/1/2021): This is Our Last Show




All Is One - Even The Viruses. What Does Covid19 Represent In a Symbolic Universe?



>I've been fairly quiet on the topic of COVID19 for a few months, not because I've got nothing to say but because so many people are commenting loudly about almost every aspect of the situation already and the polarisation in society is not helping. Rather than adding to the division and polarisation, I have decided to share some perspetive that has the power to shift a great deal of engrained thinking, if we allow it to.


Wednesday Walk in a Winter Wonderland...



>I know it is Spring and I was really enjoying the milder temperatures earlier, thinking we were going to get an early Spring with a slow melt - then wham! Mother Nature was pulling tricks on us and threw us back into winter with cooler temperatures and a dump of over 6" of snow. I found it really disappointing to be back in full on winter but I must admit it sure is beautiful - come have a look... Early Morning Sun Sparkling on the Snowy Bushes snowy bushes with sun shining through them.


All Mankind is Under Attack




The Secret to Manifesting Abundance Is Focus



>I caught myself doing it, and was instantly horrified. There I was, picking mulberries from the tree in our Thai garden on a HOT hot season morning. The mulberry tree is not just dripping mulberries - it's raining them down some days. (Gardening Pro Tip: the mulberry gets the grey water from my washing machine and I apply coffee grounds to the soil around the tree a couple of times a week). We have a situation of immediate & extreme incoming abundance.


Upcoming UK immunity passports are 'only for a year'



>Politicians are known for being honest and honorable people. They always tell their constituents the truth. They work in the government to make sure you are well taken care of. After all, you can't make your own informed decisions. That's why we need government to do the complex thinking for us and tell us what to do.





>This is going to get ugly!!! In the "Great Depression" things got hard. Some people starved to death, others committed suicide, and many, if not most, struggled to survive. However, in some areas, like "poor" rural communities, life didn't really change at all. We may be heading towards another great depression, and if one does comes, it'll be far more dangerous and deadly for many. I think it's best if we can prepare now, rather than suffer an untimely, avoidable, and foolish death.


The Trampoline On The Beach, Part 1 ~ My Thoughts On The Impact of COVID On Children's Health



>We as adults have felt the struggles and seen the impact that the 'pandemic' has brought. But what about the children? Most of the world was brought to a halt just over a year ago. Life as we knew it changed so drastically that we suddenly found ourselves the stars in some surreal dystopian, post-apocalyptic movie. As a mother of 4 children, one of whom is now an adult, I have experienced firsthand how children have been affected. Through observing my own and their friends, noticing the subtle and sometimes not so subtle changes.




The @Abundance.Tribe Bi-Weekly Question
Focalized by @Trucklife-Family
>*Today I have another Abundance.Tribe Question to share with you all, but this time it will be a little different. Because I am sharing a Quote, which I invite you all to reflect upon and write about, what it means to you. What it stirs up in you and whether or not you agree with it. I hope, this quote will inspire many of you to dig deep and share your thoughts and reflections. Being on this platform, gives us a wonderful opportunity to bring more awareness into the world and this is a topic that I feel very passionate about.* > **“Ecology and spirituality are fundamentally connected, because deep ecological awareness, ultimately, is spiritual awareness.”** > #
[Read the full post here](


Originally posted here:

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