Wednesday, April 21, 2021

🏃‍21 Day Fix: Cardio fix🏃‍
💦 21 Day Fix: Cardio Fix 💦

Today was Cardio Fix.Today was still a tough cardio day as you will see with the gifs below. Cardio is my biggest weakness, but I am pushing through! I tell myself what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger. I hope that stays true. Every Cardio day, I feel like I am gonna die!
💀How Cardio Fix Kills Me Slowly = High knees 💀

***I hate high knees. They are so hard. So I modify when I need to! Very tough, hate it with a passion, but it will help me get stronger! So, I pushed through.***
If I Hate High Knees So Much, Why do I do them?

**It’s true, this move I do not love at all. However, I know from years of working out it is good for me. Sometimes you just have to do moves that you don’t like to see results. Considering cardio isn’t my strong suit that is a major achievement!** ##
😣 Reverse Lunges = This Is hard😣

***One move I felt was challenging was the reverse lunges. Every time I do this move , I'm like here comes the torture! This is not an easy move for me at all!***
### Why Are Reverse Lunges So Hard For Me and Why I Do Them?
**My least favorite move to do for Cardio fix would be reverse lunges. My range of motion isn’t the best with this move. I have always struggled with lunges in general, so I have a strong dislike for them. It was really hard but I did it. Even though done this multiple times it is still challenging! However, just because I struggle with the move doesn’t mean I give up. My thinking process is how can I finish this move safely and get the best results for me.** #
🤔 My Thoughts On Cardio Fix 🤔

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> ***Cardio Fix is another tough cardio day. You have 3 cardio rounds. 1 standing Cardio ab kinda round. Each move is 60 seconds and you repeat the 2 moves once . So 4 minutes of "fun" per round. After you finish all of your cardio rounds, your have Ab round of "fun" .(I say *”fun”* with much sarcasm). She decides to give a bonus round yay(not) Was hard but I'm glad I finished it!***
***Cardio was pretty brutal, but I think I did okay today.It surprised me that I made it through the cardio day as well as I did.
*** #
🌟Woohoo I Survived the Workout🌟
I may be wiped out, but I am glad I finished. Even though I had to take a few breaks. At the end of the day, I finished my workout at my pace. I may not break any records but I am one step closer to achieving my goal to be at a more healthy weight!
## Are you doing any workouts or doing a certain workout program? ## Are you just doing a cardio program? ## Does it involve weights or a mixture of both? ## Let me know in the comments!

###### Side Note: Pictures were made by me, taken with my cell phone, or made with the bitmoji app. Banners made from @calumam. Click on the following link to get a free to use steemit monsters banner! Gifs made by me with gift shop and giphycam
Originally posted here:

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