Thursday, April 8, 2021

Guys, let's make our breakfasts super healthy and super powerful! There is one easy way to do it - to add superfood there. In this case I share a recipe with chlorella with you! What is it? Have you heard of it? Have you ever eaten it?


Chlorella is a small alga with great potential. It is really so small that it is simply impossible to see it without a microscope. However, the beneficial properties of chlorella for humans is really powerful.


A treasure trove of nutrients Chlorella is a treasure trove of nutrients and biologically active substances. First of all, it is distinguished by an unprecedented high protein content - over 55% of the dry weight!!! Moreover, it contains 20 amino acids, including essential ones. So for vegetarians, chlorella is an excellent substitute for meat. More than 80% of the fatty acids in chlorella are polyunsaturated and have the highest biological activity. And that is not all! Chlorella is a valuable source of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C, K, PP, E, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin), as well as micro- and macroelements: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, sulfur, zinc, cobalt, etc. In addition, chlorella cells contain a lot of iodine. They are also rich in chlorophyll - "green gold".


So what does Chlorella do with your body? +strengthens general immunity and fights inflammation; +being a powerful antioxidant, it slows down the aging process; +maintains the normal functioning of the intestines and its microflora; +cleanses the body of toxins and toxins; +improves brain function, activates mental activity, has a positive effect on memory; +helps to maintain normal blood pressure; +speeds up metabolism, helping to get rid of extra pounds; +helps to lower cholesterol levels; +helps to maintain normal blood sugar. And now about my own recipe;) I like flax seeds (they are really healthy and useful too btw!), and I often make flax raw porridge of them. Now when nature is sleeping still, and there is so little greenery, I add superfoods to my son's and my own ration to make it better. Chlorella is a great way to do it.


I take: - flax seeds - any berries or fruits (apples in my case) - chlorella (about 1-2 tea spoons) Then I blend it all in my blender. It must be powerful to deal with flax seeds, otherwise they won't be "taken" well by our body. And flax seeds have to be put in water for 6-8 hours before use. This procedure is necessary for all seeds and nuts. Ready! Just 2 minutes, and super raw vegan breakfast is done!


Originally posted here:

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