Friday, August 6, 2021

The information flows and the rivers collide and push back. The shores are eroded as people crack.

I considered simply editing some of my older posts that are within the 7 day window and adding some information. I realized I haven't posted anything for a couple of days and this is potentially different information than most people are being exposed to in the current planetary COVID histeria.

(Comment from medscape)

Anytime I write about the COV-SARS-2 issue I inevitably get those who think that the bulk of the narrative being pushed upon the people is lies. I tend to lean towards that side myself. I also will receive responses from people who don't seem to have a problem at all with the official narrative.

It is interesting when the ad hominem attacks begin to appear whether subtle or blatant.

Do people still think that by insulting someone you will change their mind?

If you possess a lick of common sense then the answer is likely NO.

So have you considered why you do it?

It certainly cannot be about communication. It cannot be about having a civil discussion. So what do you think it is truly about? Could it be that it is just about you making yourself feel better? Perhaps you feel that you have spoken up against a great evil, called it names, and belittled it's character. Perhaps it is more about the audience. "See people I am going after these filthy 'misinformation' pushers!!"

Again it isn't about communication.

I don't know that most people are like me. If they are then they are not only unimpressed it might cause them to put you in their own stupid, ignorant, idiot, dumb ass, jerk, sheeple, etc. category. Then again they may not. I tend to not try to drop people into such boxes myself. I hold out a little hope that they can potentially be shown the habits they pursue that are counter productive when it comes to communication and understanding. If I fail. So be it. If I succeed. Great.

Does that mean I am always right? Definitely not. I try to ask myself these same questions I am putting to you here.

I wrote a few days ago inspired by a quote from a news host of all people saying essentially that smart people are being silenced/censored so that stupid people don't become offended.

For the most part I think people understood.

One person insisted that the people being silenced are not "smart".

I've seen many instances that make me completely disagree with that since that time and before it. Yet it did make me consider the label "smart" again. Is it smart to blindly go along with agencies that are repeatedly wrong, flip flopping, and in some cases even have admitted to telling "white lies" in order to achieve a goal? To me that is stupid.

I question everyone. I don't blindly agree with anyone. I may not be "smart" though. I try not to give myself such labels. Other people can label me however they choose.


Today I encountered a number of websites that are for Doctors, Nurses, etc. to report their experiences related to vaccines (COVID or otherwise), as well as illnesses themselves. In these places you may find those that seem to back up the "official" narrative though they seem rare.

You will find people that share their observations, testing, and more. They are often grim. They will sometimes have suggestions for other doctors on treatments for things they are encountering in the ICUs and clinics. Whether these people are "smart" or not is again for you to decide. I myself do not put much value in university degrees these days so simply because a person is a Doctor, or Nurse is not a guarantee they are "smart". I read what they write. Sometimes it doesn't stand out. Other times the information provided is things you can use to go look up further information independently.

The quote I provided as my image for this post above came from the comments on the medscape site (link below the image).

Here it is in non-image format in case that image ever does not display:

Dr. Anne GALANTE - 2 Days ago

Per CDV 7/30: "the Covid tests can identify every variant of the virus however these days will not be able to tell you specific variant you or a patient might have. To tell which variant might be present in a specimen, scientists must perform Whole Gene Sequencing (WGS) on that specimen. At this time WGS is available for surveillance purposes only, not for individual diagnostic purposes. For more information about submitting a WGS specimen, please contact your stat3 public health laboratory"

That information is significant. It is something quite a number of has been wondering...

How do they know all these cases are delta, or other variants?

If this comment is true then the answer is they DON'T. They simply state whatever they want to state which will help their narrative. They supposedly can find out yet I find myself wondering how when they still have not completely isolated COV-SARS-2 itself. That would mean they also have not isolated variants.

I have my personal speculations. That is all they are speculations but they have been growing in probability as far as I am concerned over time:

  1. I've been expecting and increase in variants as prominent VIROLOGISTS like Luc Montagnier have already come out indicating that such a huge mass vaccination program such as we have going on rather than simply applying it to the most at risk patients was bound to cause a rapid increase in variation. He was stating this before Delta and these other variants happened to be reported. He also is a Nobel Prize winner if that means anything to you. It does mean that he is generally considered "smart" by his field.

  2. With the reports (a lot of them) or unvaccinated people having adverse reactions when spending time around vaccinated people kept coming in and increasing it was linked to the shedding of the spike protein. I wondered how long it would take for them to spin that as some new variant that was infecting the unvaccinated. Yet it was only occurring if they spent time around people shedding the spike proteins.

  3. Information came out that the worst symptoms of COVID were from the spike proteins. Recent autopsy has shown that spike protein has invaded every organ in the body of the person who died.

  4. Pseudo-scientific (Pseudo means FALSE for those of you unfamiliar with it) practices are involved yet often given the label "science" when nothing remotely resembling the scientific method is at work.

  5. Luc Montagnier and others predicted the vaccinated would become very sick. He actually predicted they would be dead within 2 years. I hope this is not true because I have people I care about that have taken it. Yet some of the things he spoke about have occurred since the time he spoke and the deaths are on the rise.

  6. What if there is no true variant per say? What if the unvaccinated are being infected by the spike proteins being shedded all around them and the vaccinated that succumb to the illness are actually victims of the vaccine? It'd be far more convenient to blame the unvaccinated and demand more people take the vaccines. Also more profitable.

  7. If the vaccine is not working on these new "variants" why are they pushing for boosters? In some places close to 75% (sometimes even higher) of the people in the hospitals and ICUs are vaccinated.

Number 6 is the speculation I referred to. I am not 100% or even 75% there but I am over 50% and leaning towards that speculation being potentially what is actually happening. Again... speculation. I am not stating it is TRUE.

The Websites

Now here are the two websites I've been hanging out on today:

I'd like to wrap up this post by sharing a few more quotes from medscape that popped out to me...

More quotes

Dr. Ian Matthews - 7 Hours ago

I am quite concerned. I have seen multiple young people with serious issues within 1 to 2 weeks of vaccination. DVT and PE, arrhythmias and heart failure, and neurologic issues such as GB. And I'm hearing from friends in cardiology that they are routinely seeing young folks in the cicu with heart problems shortly after vaccination.

Dr. Serafino Fazio - 8 Hours ago

I performed a control of Ddimer blood levels before and after vaccines in 25 subjects, and I found a relevant increase of Ddimer levels (on average six/seven times over the normal values) in about 60% of subjects 7 days after the vaccine injection. Why?


Dr. Gregory Coffman - 20 Hours ago

I am concerned that the vaccinated parents are contracting SARS-CoV-2 and giving it to their children. 3 of the 4 children seen for Covid today contracted it from their vaccinated Covid 19 positive parents.

Dr. Josh Hills - 16 Hours ago

@Dr. Gregory Coffman delta is caused by the vaccination it is plain.

Dr. Eugene Sloan - 15 hours ago

@Dr. Josh Hills @Dr. Gregory Coffman Delta was identified in India in December 2020. Vaccination in India did not start until a month later. So I do not believe that is an accurate assessment.

I do believe that vaccinated individuals can be carriers of live virus for short periods of time without being truly infected. But the can still carry to other for that short period of time.

I highlighted this exchange as it shows not everyone is concerned about the vaccine being dangerous. Also it is important to note that Dr. Eugene Sloan's argument doesn't prove anything. Nothing stops someone from traveling to India and shedding spike proteins if they have been previously vaccinated elsewhere. Also, it is important to note that India had a different mRNA vaccine from the Pfizer or Moderna one.

In addition, apparently you can comment here without any vetting so if you choose you can decide to let that be your reason for ignoring it.

Dr. test test - 21 hours ago

I was able to comment and I'm not a doctor.

D. K.-RN - 15 hours ago

Correct. Nurses and other health care professionals are invited to comment on this forum. Of course anyone can register but if you read through the comments, it is clear that most people on here have a medical background. They have a facility with medical terms and tests that would be very difficult for a lay person to master.

Everyone on this forum knows this. This forum is valuable for people to share what their experiences have been, both good, neutral and otherwise.

Comments continue - starting with herd immunity

Heidi Ryan - 2 days ago

I have a hunch that every time we give the COVID vaccine we delay natural herd immunity by another 6 months . I would rather contract the virus and have natural immunity. Cleveland clinic has come out with a case study indicating that titers over 200 lend adequate natural immunity . This begs the question … why do we do free testing and free vaccines but not free titers? Why is that? If I was in charge I would immediately recommend putting everyone on a vitamin D supplement, drink a gallon of water a day, and go outside for 15 minutes a day. I would start a titer draw campaign and focus on those numbers.

Molly Hlavinka - 2 days ago

Yes! Why are physicians not encouraged, or even mandated, to recommend Vit D, Vit C and Zinc to their patients. Why are we not focusing on prevention by boosting natural immunity??

NANCY OLLIVER - 4 Hours ago

@Molly Hlavinka the true reason is that there is no money in prevention. Our economy depends on sickness. 1/3 of the money the government spends is on healthcare. They are funding the drug companies and insurance companies by keeping America sick in general. Covid is even a greater problem. Physicians are scared to question the government.

Dr Mel L - 1 day ago

@Heidi Ryan Exactly! Or encourage exercise and better diet since obesity is a major risk factor.


Dr. Jorge Avila - 2 days ago

I have seen high levels of fibrinogen in vaccinated patients awaiting surgical scheduling.

Almost everyone over 900 mg/dl

Kelly Elizabeth - 23 hours ago

In my massage and healing practice, I specialize in injuries and scar tissue. Most of my clients are on a regimen of proteolytic enzymes to assist with resolving their scar tissue. My vaxed clients sincerely believe the enzymes limited the damage done by the vaccine. One said she believes she , "peed out the spike protein" , as her urine was extremely dark for 3-4 days after while experiencing flu like/detox symptoms. She has been fine ever since.

Rachel Jankowski - 2 days ago

Highly concerned, our modest 300 bed community hospital has experienced at least triple the emergency codes we had even a year ago. We have a stroke call daily and have had as many as 4 in a single day in recent events the majority of these patients are confirmed for CVA/TIA and have had the Covid injection. Historically, we experienced on average one to two strokes per week. In addition to a high rate of stroke among the vaccinated there have been anecdotal concerns for worsening dementia/ altered mental status among elderly that were independently functioning in recent months per family. There have been several anomalies where patients have no thrombotic history and present with significant clot burden and at times are also significantly anemic. Even more concerning is the inability to correlate these events with the EUA vaccines due to lack of properly conducted studies of adequate duration. This is unprecedented in healthcare.

Kelly Elizabeth - 23 hours ago

My local hospital has a brand new stroke unit, along with haphazardly placed stickers on "Stroke Awareness" on every available space in the main lobby and corridors. Many of the stickers were put up so quickly, they are crooked with wrinkles in them.

Karen schmalz - 2 days ago


Conclusions drawn from the study and clinical implications: The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent.

Amanda Marie Farina - 2 days ago

Very concerned. I have patients that have been having adverse effects. I’d say roughly between 30-50% of them. To name a few—severe neuropathy that wasn’t present prior to vaccine, localized significant pain (e.g. back or thoracic pain) without explanation after work up is completed (imaging), and a flare in “strange” side effects closely related to their autoimmune disease (e.g. rosacea—strange red plaque like things on face post vaccine, present for several months that doesn’t not go away). We need to evaluate the SAFETY of this. It was always jammed into our heads as students that safety of patients first first priority. What happened to that?

Kathy Smith - 2 days ago

The data also shows that the 'delta variant' is much less deadly for a virus that the CDC says you have a 99.5% chance of surviving if you are below the age of 70. This is the first time in human history that we have mass tested the healthy and many countries are setting their PCR cycle thresholds between 35-45 which are producing 90% or more false positives.

Dr. Rodger Smith - 2 days ago

Has anyone else lost sight in one of their eyes? After getting my first dose of the Pfizer, I lost 75% vision in my left eye. Concerned it might go a full 100% if I get the second dose.

This one is different

Dr. sirpa autio - 3 days ago

Since the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are still under clinical trials until Dec 2023, does this mean certain proportion of vaccines are still placebos? Is this why some people don't have any vaccine reactions not even pain in the arm at the site of injection?

s J - 2 days ago

@Dr. sirpa autio You are over the target doctor and yes regarding placebos. I am following the research data and find this to be an accurate statement on your part. It has been difficult getting the information, but there are others breaking it all down and understandable for even laypersons to follow. It is comforting to know that I am seeing the support from medical doctors asking the hard questions and seeing the fall out of this grand experiment. So, I thank all of you for being our voice in the medical community. We desperately need all of your input and expertise to navigate this minefield. People are really hurting. The SOS is being shouted worldwide.

Kez J - 2 days ago

@s j I wouldn’t be surprised re the placebos, but where are you getting this data from to verify this? Would love to see it.

s j - 2 days ago

@Kez J I have read so many articles and have them saved, but it will take time to locate what you request. I also look to interviews with doctors who have worked in the development of vaccines and that the unknowing public are participants in an on-going clinical trial that will continue over the next 2 years. There is a nod in there somewhere. According to Dr. Peter Doshi (who testified before Congress). He has stated that some phase 3 clinical trials were quickly unblinded and unfortunately participants in some placebo groups were sent letters to cross over to the vaccinated group, which I believe was 78% that accepted and received the COVID-19 injection shortly thereafter, thus blurring the lines and obscured truthful long term outcomes and how long the vaccine protection would last amongst other problems. There had been much discussion around the concern for early un-blinding and the early/rushed approval for EUA. Some of his questions and concerns have already been answered and we are all witnessing some very sad outcomes in our peers.

Dr. sirpa autio - 2 days ago

@s j @Kez J Thanks for your research, glad to hear. I also wonder if there could be a formal review of how the clinical trials were actually completed. I have also read that those people who received adverse effects after the first jab, and decided to withdraw from the trials, were promptly excluded from the trials without any reporting at all.

I am going to stop there...

You can follow the link and look more yourself. There are plenty more. There are also the occasional "I had the shot and feel fine" type of comments. If you are saying I cherry picked. I did but mostly I skipped those type of statements which don't tell us anything. We know some people don't have negative effects. If everyone reacted the same we likely wouldn't be having these discussions.

Some people recommended checking out the following:

Union of the Unwanted: Doctors Roundtable With Special Guest Dr. Robert Malone


I have not done so yet. I apologize for not looking for lots of images to break up the text for this one today. I didn't really have anything in mind that I thought would be suitable without being a distraction.

Originally posted here:

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