Monday, August 9, 2021

My (un)usual, but very healthy AND very tasty breakfast this morning

Hi there everyone, I hope that you're well and healthy and happy where ever you are and whatever you are doing around the world.

So I thought I'd share with you tonight a little unusual variation on my morning breakfast routine today, as instead of having my usual chocolate and fresh fruit smoothie, I decided to try something different- plus I didn't actually have any of my home made chocolate sauce ready, as I have been having my fruit smoothies sans chocolate sauce for the past couple of weeks- just for something different as I have been having them for breakfast every morning for about 4years now...

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So anyway, as I had to make my chocolate sauce with boiling water, raw cocoa powder and a cup of raw sugar to a 400gram bag of powder, it comes out hot and still very bitter- which is why fresh fruit is the perfect way to sweeten it up, not too mention all of the nutritional goodies that fresh fruit have in them...

Anyway, I'm getting a bit older these days and struggling with a few health issues- namely heart- not heart disease though.

Nope, there's no plaque in my arteries- or atleast as of 3yrs ago during my last angiogram and my 4th heart attack, I only have about 20% plaque in one of my arteries- which is about the same as even the healthiest people- according to many medical experts...anyway, so that's not the issues, it is a rare-ish heart condition called Prinzmetals Angina AKA Unstable Angina AKA variant Angina AKA CAVS- Coronary Artery Vaso Spams which when the spasms get triggered for whatever reasons, I can have what are now called MINOCA heart attacks, which is where the walls of the artery spasms and constrict, blocking off the blood flow to my heart.

I'll go into a little more detail about that in a later post, but suffice to say that it can be a right pain in the arse- as much as I DON'T let it run my life.

However, in saying that, I have no choice in some respects to let it run my life, for I now have to take daily heart medication- you know, not the fun ones,... but the ones that make you really tired, pretty dizzy and that has other consequences, such as weight gain and as you know, when you gain weight, it also puts a strain on your physical body- particularly your joints, as well as your major organs and perpetuates the vicious cycle of being constantly freakin EXHAUSTED- which then decreases not only the motivation to exercise, but also impacts memory too. And we haven't even stepped into the murky mire of anxiety/frustration/depression that I am so good at pushing to the back of my mind....

Anyway, this is why I try to eat so healthy all of the time and have even given up my most precious AND naughty chocolate sweets and why I am experimenting with a range of ways to create healthy chocolate snacks instead.

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So despite the fact that I live a very physical life, walking about 10-15k steps every day at work and when I'm not at work but in lockdown instead, I dance in my loungeroom on and off from the moment I get out of bed till the moment I go to bed (usually very late cause I'm a natural nightowl...) and I dance to everything, but especially trance/house... infact this is my own little playlist called Dance my arse off- cause that's what I'm trying to do- and my belly fat🀣....
And I can't help dancing. I hear a beat and away my legs dance DANCE...🀣

Anyhow, because I have a bit of a constant battle with the bulge...and need to maintain as much of a natural immunity as I can...I also have a range of superduper multi vitamins in powder form that go into my smoothies too.

So to finally get to the this morning I had a hot chocolate for breakfast with these powders mixed in there too. PHEW! finally got there.... πŸ˜‚

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But the funny thing is- I'm not a hot drink drinker. Never have been. not tea, herbal teas, nothing. And don't drink coffee at all.

Infact, never had a coffee in my life and it was my older cousin that gave me a taste of hers when I was about 9 and that thankfully has turned me off it forever, but I do LOVE the smell of beans grinding though...

Anyway, (geez I'm rambling tonight aren't I...Sorry...πŸ™„..!)

Anyway, I had about 4 sips of the cup of hot, VERY TASTY and then ended up pouring it into a glass of ice- which was much nicer!

So here are the superduper powders that I put in there and although I don't feel like wonderwoman when I ingest them, I know that I certainly feel like a lump of lead when I'm not.

And they may be powders, but they are all natural ingredients just in powder form for my convenience...

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So the TumeriX I can swear by cause I saw how well it worked for my mum as she was battle stage 4 Bowel Cancer a few years ago. And this is special stuff, it not juts Tumeric by itself. It is a combination of all natural goodies all good for you and me...

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Unfortunately mum still did die 9 months later, but atleast she became completely free from the severe arthritis in her hands and it really helped with her blood sugar level during that whole time too.

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The Vital All-in-one was recommended to me by my sister-in-law but it is expensive, so I mix it with this other breakfast smoothie powder...

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which is healthy in itself with a combination of Blueberry, Chai, Chia powder, ground oats, pea protein and 3 other goodies with really long names that are good for you....

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And looks like this....

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Anyway, I drank the drink and ate the banana instead of blending it like I normally would and it was all very delicious.



Well, thank you all for reading and putting up with my rambling tonight and if you did make it this far, you are absolute champions!

And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs, are all my originals taken by me sometime in the past decade or so somewhere in my travels (like today in my 🀣..) and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here And here, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you 😊

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The Ladies of Hive- your own crypto world girl gang full of fun and suprises, so click on the link to find out more about this brilliant community of caring, companionship and creative contests, such as this one....

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@hiveaustralia, formerly @teamaustralia check us out now! (cause we're all so damn cool (and usually pretty hot too in more ways than one....πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜….....and freezing...and wet...and drought stricken...and flooding..and on fire.....) But always such damn cool cats...😁

Originally posted here:

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