Sunday, August 22, 2021

Lotus Love Sunday Editorial: Of the inner connection and with Mother Earth

Happy Sunday everyone, dear friends! Today is a beautiful day, full of hope and with the expectation that even with all the difficulties that may arise, we can overcome all obstacles, to achieve the well-being and happiness that each of us aspire to. I send you a big hug that fills you with good energy and joy.

Today it is time to present a new edition of Sunday Lotus Love, as a way to recognize and celebrate the excellent content that you, dear friends, have shared in our beloved community. On this occasion, I would like to highlight the importance of being aware of our internal power as well as the recognition that we are one with Mother Earth through planting activities, since both premises are basic to live in harmony.

For this reason, I selected six posts, which address both types of connections. Therefore, we will go on a journey that begins through awareness and consequent overcoming of emotional pain, to then continue on an interesting journey through a magical land full of lakes, such as Bulgaria; and then we will visit three gardens with different planting and harvesting proposals, and finally with a beautiful post where the author tries to contribute her little grain of sand to counteract the devastation generated by the oil industry in the planet. Let's go on a trip in this new edition!

Overcoming the pain that heartbreak leaves us, as well as the difficulties we face every day, a product of the same dynamics of life, can be a daunting task; however @mrnightmare89 offers us a way to do it, obviously it is not a magic formula, but it can be very useful for many of us. I particularly found these words that he offers us in his post transcendent:

"Chance is like an opportunity that you can not have all the time. Choose a peaceful life where happiness can be seen everywhere."

Self-restraint | @mrnightmare89


The pandemic has brought a lot of isolation and loneliness, isolation that leads us to totally disconnect from others and even from ourselves; however @ tells us about his beautiful experience when sharing with old and new friends the journey through a beautiful and wonderful land, in his country, Bulgaria, which has 400 lakes. He relate us how he shared his home and how he reconnected with himself and with the rest of the universe. We are going to share this beautiful experience with him:

I have So much to share |


After a somewhat bumpy papaya planting and harvesting period, @kennyroy brings us an update on his garden. In addition to showing us the latest fruits that he has collected from the surviving plant, he shares with all of us an interesting recipe for papaya soup, which is very suitable for breakfast. Let's see this update, this recipe and how he prepares for the next planting season:

The Last Papaya Tree and the Fruits | @kennyroy


Crop pests are a headache for all of us who connect with Mother Earth through planting activities. It is very frustrating to see how, despite all the care and pampering that we give to our crops, insects, fungi and diseases sometimes negatively affect them; however @mers shows us with this post of beautiful photos, how it is possible to overcome these problems successfully. Let's take a look at her urban garden:

The Recovery Of My Potted Pepper After The Grub Attack ...Check It Out! | @mers


There are crops that perhaps are not well known throughout the planet, but that in their places of origin form a fundamental part of the daily diet, such is the case of Siomak lettuce, an interesting vegetable that in China is well known, and in this interesting post that @aswita shares with all of us, shows us how he grows this variety of lettuce using hydroponics in his garden. This is an example of how through ingenuity and technique we can produce quality food continuously and in our own home. Let's meet Siomak lettuce:

Introduce Fragrant Lettuce, Siomak! Benefits and Growing with Hydroponics | @aswita


The oil industry, due to its peculiarities, produces great environmental deterioration, including the impoverishment and desertification of the soils surrounding the extraction sites; hence, any initiative to restore soil quality is welcome, regardless of whether it is large or small. And it is an activity of this type that @lesliekat shows us in this interesting post, where he talks about his initiative to plant trees and ornamental plants as a way to improve the planet. These words that he shares with all of us are especially significant:

"The little things at the end of our life become a great mountain, allowing our passage through this planet to be in a better way."

"En Armonía con la Madre Tierra."// Sembrando una planta ornamental. | @lesliekat

In this and every curation, we set up one of our delegators as 5% beneficiary. This time I picked @mrnightmare89 for the quality he content he shares with us Hivers.

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