Sunday, August 22, 2021

How to overcome negative environments
We live in a changing world, sometimes with daily circumstances that can cause stress, affect our emotional and mental peace of mind.

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We are not oblivious to our environment. Sometimes we read devastating news, or through social networks, we see toxic forms of communication. There are even high-demand jobs where many times, we have to deal with painful situations. So, it is necessary to find mechanisms to disconnect from everything that can overwhelm us and affect our mood and physical health.

The world is going through a profound change where uncertainty can become the feeling that overwhelms us and causes fear. There is nothing worse when fear takes over our thoughts. Fear can paralyze us or provoke negative behaviors against those around us, thus starting a vicious circle of bad relationships with others. The truth is that losing our peace and tranquility endangers our well-being, especially our emotions.

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How can we achieve emotional stability in an uncertain environment?

We can practice tolerance, but to do so we must reason objectively about the circumstances that surround us, which will allow us to face difficulties, establish emotionally healthy relationships with those around us and preserve our inner harmony. However, sometimes the environment is hard and violent that it surpasses our tolerance, so we must make use of other tools so that our internal well-being is not unbalanced because, after all, we are part of a society, we live daily with people with different experiences than ours.

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How do I try to deal with a negative environment
to preserve my well-being?

I am not an expert on the subject, but I have some time to practice some actions that have helped me. This allows me to lead a full and loving family life and to have wonderful people in my life who make this journey called life a unique experience. So what I have put into practice is just an experience that I wish to share with you.

The first thing I have learned is to identify and separate external events from internal ones. The external ones are caused by the environment and the internal ones are more related to my thoughts and emotions. These are a consequence of my direct contact with my surroundings and the way I interpret them. As far as thoughts are concerned, I avoid establishing those that cause sadness, anxiety, and worry. On the contrary, I try to identify their origin and solution, but I prevent them from taking over my optimism and stealing my happiness.

As time goes by, I am more convinced that we are integral beings, that is why I take care of my physical body, providing myself with moments of rest, entertainment, eating well at the right hours. I am aware that the lack of any of these can trigger the release of cortisol that activates all the defense mechanisms of the body, but the mechanisms that stress us. When we do not rest or not eat well, we will be more prone to be irritable, with a lack of clarity to reason, and we will not manage our emotions well.



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I work every day on my self-esteem, recognizing my achievements, however small they may be, and setting small short-term goals to find satisfaction in the things I love to do. Strengthened self-esteem is the fundamental shield against depression, anxiety, and even the pessimistic thoughts of others. Not allowing ourselves to be inoculated with negative thoughts is the secret to not experiencing emotions that harm our health and well-being.

I am re-educating my breathing. I am becoming more aware of this process that is automatic in human beings. The way we breathe, slow or fast, has repercussions on the production of neurotransmitters that can lead us to a calm state or one of chaos. Entering a state of harmony and tranquility helps me let go of negative thoughts and, I can focus my attention on actions of love and happiness. Conscious breathing has also helped me to practice something I call "the mantra of assertive communication" which consists of listening, internalizing that information, trying to influence some kind of extreme feeling such as euphoria, sadness, or anger. In this way, after listening and reasoning, I can provide a constructive response to my environment, always respecting the basic principle of feeling fulfilled.

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As I mentioned in previous lines, I am not an expert in managing uncertain environments, but I can share those tools that have worked for me. One of the wonderful things that we human beings must develop is to share our experiences of personal growth to support each other and achieve constructive, healthy, and harmonious relationships. Faced with aggressive social environments, uncertainty, let us try to protect our welfare and avoid leaving negative emotional traces in us. This way, we can help others to cope with adverse circumstances, then we can positively modify our environment and make it more bearable. There are no ideal environments, but we can make them more kinder.

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Originally posted here:

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