Saturday, August 7, 2021

How Well Do You Sleep?

One of the frequent mistakes we make as adults is neglecting our body and what it needs to stay healthy. We overlook and procrastinate. Sometimes we blame it on work and people. As we get older, we become more negligent towards the most important things in life. We smile and convince ourselves that we are hustling to keep body and soul together. I mean, if we don't, who will? And this brings me to what I really want to talk about.

Are you sleeping?

You hear people say they survive on four hours of sleep per day. They say it with so much pride that you begin to wonder if you are doing something wrong because you sleep for longer hours. There's this misconception that successful people are always awake when others are sleeping. Perhaps it's true. But it has made a lot of people refuse to let the body rest when it needs it. They believe it makes them smart and better than the other person. And they fail to remember that you draw faster towards your grave when you deprive yourself of sleep.

I'll use myself as an example. Early last year, I had this job. It was kind of a public service job, so while people were at home due to the virus, I was working. Sometimes for 24 hours or more. The funny thing is, I never felt it. My body got so used to it that I didn't realise how tired and sore I actually was. Not until I got really ill, coupled with some misunderstandings in the office that made me quit. For six months I lived that life.

But something happened.

The first week of my free days, I couldn't believe how exhausted my body actually was. I slept like a baby for one week straight. I was so stressed but I was ignorant of that fact. Now, I do not need to tell you how healthy my body is. I feel reborn somehow. And believe me when I tell you that I wouldn't put myself through that again. Doing what exactly? Chasing wealth? You need to be alive to enjoy it you know. We need to know when to take a break. Learn it if you must. Your body will thank you for it.

The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life. Be kind to yourself.

Where have I been? I've been so busy this past months. I'll try and find more time to visit here and drop few words from time to time. I've missed it.

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Originally posted here:

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