Thursday, August 5, 2021


Okay, today was a bad day. I stayed in bed longer which wasn't to make skipping breakfast easier but to write.
Unexpectedly the pain started and it took me a bit longer to realize it.
"Will it start raining", I asked. It turns out the sky was grey and it rained but my pain? It remained.
Skipping breakfast isn't the reason. It's not my the bit of extra weight I like to lose whichthat weights on me but a certain atmosphere.

You are what you eat and if I hear that phrase my first thought is Archie Bunker. He wasn't a charming guy and had a nickname for his son in law.
I agree that we are what we eat. Most of us are a bag of sugar, bad carbohydrates and I don't like to change into that. Today sugar isn't precious anylonger. It's litererally added to everything you buy. Most of us are sugar junks and we lost our taste. We no longer recognize real food. We simply shove inside what commercials and the fastfood industry sells. Sugar, transfat, salt mainly. The taste is just in your hate and so is the need for it.

I mentioned several times an elderly man who only eats once a year. He impressed me and so does the elderly lady who lives in Siberia and eats once a day. If she can work a day without food I can do it too.

I don't miss breakfast cereals or bread. I don't miss breakfast at all. One meal, homemade, is something to look forward too and to be honest it's a relief we skip meals. It's better to eat more healthy, it's healthier to skip the carbohydrates and it's a win to activate stem cells.
So far I do not feel hungry and there's no graving.

"How long will you do this", I was asked.

"I hope forever", I answered. I don't mind cooking for others, I don't care if they eat not even if it's chocolate.

This is my entry to the daily 5-minute freewrite with a prompt provided by @mariannewest.

Originally posted here:

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