Friday, April 30, 2021

Benefits of Roses for Health

The benefits of roses are not only complementary to the seven forms of flowers. This flower also nourishes digestion, relieves headaches.


Roses not only grow to enjoy their beauty, but can also be processed into various products that have benefits for human health. The benefits of roses are quite diverse, ranging from beauty products to consumption as drinks or food.

There are many variations of processed rose flowers that you can find on the market, from rose water, essential oils, various beauty products (cosmetics and skin care), to rose tea, all of which have their own benefits. In addition, there are also people who directly consume rose petals because they are believed to contain certain properties.

Benefits of roses for health

You may be familiar with rose petals which are used as one of the seven forms of flowers, aka flowers used for sprinkling on graves. However, did you know that this part of the petals is also edible and provides benefits for the health of your digestive tract?
Here are some health benefits of roses that you can feel:

Healthy respiratory tract

Roses can also have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help relieve sore throats. To get the benefits of this one rose flower, you can consume rose water or warm rose tea.

Healthy eyes

Roses that have been processed into rose water can also be used as natural eye drops.
It's no joke, these eye drops from rose water can help the healing process of several eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis (red eye) and dry eyes, as well as help in postoperative healing of degenerative and eye diseases, such as cataracts and pterygium or pinguecula.

Healthy digestive tract

As mentioned earlier, one of the benefits of roses is to nourish the digestive tract. This is because rose petals are able to increase the flow of bile so that you no longer experience initial complaints, such as flatulence.
Consumption of rose and its preparations such as rose water also function like a laxative. This means that roses can increase the production of water in the drain, so you won't suffer from constipation.

Heals wounds

Antiseptic and antibacterial substances are also present in rose petals and various preparations. According to experts, the benefits of roses are related to this content, namely accelerating wound healing, for example burns, lacerations, and scars.
In the body, the antiseptic content in roses can also stimulate the production of histamine by the immune system. Histamine has been shown to boost the immune system.

Prevent dementia and Alzheimer's

Roses can inhibit the work of a protein called amyloid. The presence of this protein can interfere with the work of the brain, kill brain cells, and reduce your ability to remember, which ultimately leads to dementia or Alzheimer's.

Relieves headaches

You can feel the benefits of this one rose by using its essential oils. According to experts, the aroma in this essential oil is believed to relieve headaches, including migraine headaches.
Inhaling the scent of rose essential oil can also be believed to improve your mood and keep you from feeling anxious and depressed.


Originally posted here:

ARE YOU READY?! Our 1st ever #miniCHALLENGE goes LIVE TOMORROW!!! Are you going to be there!? 🚀

Annnnnd we are off!

Hi everybody!

Are you guys and girls getting excited for tomorrow's workout!?

That's AWESOME because so are we!!! Ok! Ok! But that means this next little bit of info is going to be SUPER IMPORTANT!

Did we get your attention?! Hope so! lol!


We will be broadcasting our very 1st #miniCHALLENGE LIVE tomorrow at 8PM CET! All you will need to do to get into the LIVE is click on the link above and you'll be taken to the @Actifit YouTube Channel!

@Actifit has been instrumental in assisting and supporting us, here at @BeachReady, so it's fitting we should exclusively launch our very 1st #miniCHALLENGE over on their channel!

And SO! BIG Shout Out to the @Actifit Team! It is with wonderful partners that success in any venture is successful so we would also like to thank @Actifit for collaborating in this launch and hosting us on their Youtube Channel!

That's it for now!

Set your alarms, fill your waters, ready your workout gear, grab a towel, set aside a healthy treat for afterwards, and bring along a friend if you can!

This is it!

Tomorrow we go LIVE!

the @BeachReady crew

Originally posted here:

[ESP|ENG] Hora del té "Jengibre" | Teatime "Ginger" 🍵♥️



Hola gente bella y saludable de #naturalmedicine, hoy vengo inspirada a hablarles un poco acerca del té de jengibre, sus beneficios y cómo prepararlo.
El té es súper sabroso y tiene muchísimas propiedades importantes para nuestra salud, por lo que no debería faltar en tu cocina esta raíz mágica. Así que empecemos!


Hello beautiful and healthy people of #naturalmedicine, today I come inspired to tell you a little bit about ginger tea, its benefits and how to prepare it.
Tea is super tasty and has so many important properties for our health, so you should not miss in your kitchen this magical root. So let's get started!

¿Qué es el jengibre?

What is ginger?


Esta raíz milagrosa, al parecer es originaria de alguna zona tropical del Extremo Oriente y se ha extendido por el mundo entero. El principal país productor es Jamaica, seguido de China, India, Nepal, Tailandia, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Bangladesh y Filipinas.
Este ingrediente es utilizado en repostería, ensaladas, comidas, bebidas frías y calientes, como también en remedios. Tiene un sabor picante y alimonado, agradable al paladar.

This miraculous root, apparently originating in some tropical area of the Far East, has spread throughout the world. The main producing country is Jamaica, followed by China, India, Nepal, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Bangladesh and the Philippines.
This ingredient is used in confectionery, salads, meals, hot and cold drinks, as well as in remedies. It has a spicy and lemony flavor, pleasant to the palate.

Propiedades y beneficios del jengibre

Properties and benefits of ginger

Entre sus propiedades está la presencia de vitaminas (especialmente vitamina B6 y vitamina C) y minerales (calcio, magnesio, fósforo y potasio) que son esenciales para el correcto funcionamiento de nuestro organismo, y además posee sustancias fenólicas (denominadas gingeroles, shoagoles y gingeronas), enzimas proteolíticas y ácido linoleico.

Estas propiedades hace que esta raíz tenga numerosos beneficios para nosotros, entre ellos:

  • Reducir el mareo y los vómitos. Muy útil en el embarazo.

  • Evita el mal aliento.

  • Ayuda con la digestión y a mejorar la composición de la flora intestinal.

  • Es muy eficaz contra resfriados.

  • Previene enfermedades cardiovasculares.

  • Retrasa el proceso de envejecimiento.

  • El consumo regular del jengibre tiene un efecto anti-inflamatorio, lo que es ideal para personas con artritis porque alivia el dolor e hinchazón.

  • Es anti-cancerígeno.

  • Previene espamos musculares y debilidad muscular.

Among its properties is the presence of vitamins (especially vitamin B6 and vitamin C) and minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium) that are essential for the proper functioning of our body, and also has phenolic substances (called gingerols, shoagols and gingerones), proteolytic enzymes and linoleic acid.

These properties make this root has numerous benefits for us, among them:

  • Reduce dizziness and vomiting. Very useful in pregnancy.

  • Prevents bad breath.

  • Helps with digestion and to improve the composition of the intestinal flora.

  • It is very effective against colds.

  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases.

  • Delays the aging process.

  • Regular consumption of ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is ideal for people with arthritis because it relieves pain and swelling.

  • It is anti-carcinogenic.

  • Prevents muscle spasms and muscle weakness.

Fuente | Source

¿Cómo preparar té de jengibre?

How to prepare ginger tea?

Qué maravillosa es esta raíz, ¿cierto? Pues, ahora es momento de saber cómo preparar el té, y es muy fácil.
Tan solo debes cortar un pedacito de la raíz, machacarla y ponerlo a hervir en dos tazas de agua, ya que hay que dejar que merme y tome un color amarillento. Luego, colamos nuestro té y estará listo para ingerirlo y llenarnos de vitaminas y minerales.
Puedes acompañarlo con limón y miel, y así sumarás los beneficios de estos dos ingredientes extra.

How wonderful this root is, isn't it? Well, now it's time to know how to prepare the tea, and it's very easy.
You just have to cut a small piece of the root, crush it and boil it in two cups of water, as you have to let it boil and take a yellowish color. Then, we strain our tea and it will be ready to ingest and fill us with vitamins and minerals.
You can accompany it with lemon and honey, and thus you will add the benefits of these two extra ingredients.


Te aseguro que tu cuerpo lo agradecerá, así que no esperes más y ve a prepararte tu té de jengibre.

I assure you that your body will thank you, so don't wait any longer and go prepare your ginger tea.


Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, fueron tomadas con mi celular y las ediciones elaboradas con Canva.

All the images were taken with my cell phone and the editions were made with Canva.


Originally posted here:


Hello again everyone, how are you today?

I want to share my entry for Foodies Bee Hive Community.

I boiled some eggs enough for the dish of our family.


Draining the hot water and separating the eggs.


Peel the egg shell.


I sliced them into two and it looks like a flower with five petals.


I also added tomatoes for additional nutrients and taste.


I sliced the tomatoes into pieces and I added bagoong sauce. For us in the family, bagoong is great to be a sauce for boiled eggs especially if you add chili into the sauce. You'll gonna eat more if that was your sauce. 😅



Eggs for protein and tomatoes for vitamin C. Eat healthy.

That's all for my entry in this community today.

Thank you for stopping by and have a great day fellow hivers!

Originally posted here:

[ESP | ENG] Alzheimer: trastorno neurológico que nos hace perder nuestra identidad / Alzheimer's: neurological disorder that makes us lose our identity

El Alzheimer es la causa más común de la demencia, afectando así de forma drástica la memoria, el pensamiento propio y las habilidades para poder socializar, esto ocasiona problemas graves que logran interferir en el estilo de vida común de cualquier persona.

Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia, thus drastically affecting memory, self-thinking and abilities to be able to socialize, this causes serious problems that manage to interfere with the common lifestyle of any person.

El Alzheimer es un trastorno neurológico progresivo ¿qué significa esto? Que es una enfermedad que ataca al sistema nervioso ya sea central, periférico, o en algo algunos casos a ambos. Afecta al cerebro, la médula espinal, los nervios craneales y periféricos así mismo se verán afectados las raíces nerviosas, el sistema nervioso autónomo y los músculos por los impulsos nerviosos.

Alzheimer's is a progressive neurological disorder, what does this mean? That it is a disease that attacks the nervous system, whether central, peripheral, or in some cases both. It affects the brain, the spinal cord, the cranial and peripheral nerves, as well as the nerve roots, the autonomic nervous system and the muscles by nerve impulses.

El Alzheimer al ser un trastorno neurológico hace que el cerebro se atrofie y por lo tanto las neuronas cerebrales mueran, así mismo existirá una disminución de la masa cerebral. Debido a lo anteriormente mencionado el cerebro comenzará a presentar fallas y de esta manera el pensamiento, comportamiento y las habilidades para interactuar comienzan a fallar... En pocas palabras podríamos decir que el Alzheimer provoca una pérdida de la memoria, es el responsable de crear una desorientación con respecto al tiempo y el espacio que nos rodea además de crear un deterioro intelectual lo cual dificulta el poder aprender, entender, razonar, el tomar decisiones o el simple hecho de crear una idea para afrontar algún problema.

Alzheimer's being a neurological disorder causes the brain to atrophy and therefore brain neurons die, likewise there will be a decrease in brain mass. Due to the aforementioned, the brain will begin to show failures and in this way the thinking, behavior and skills to interact begin to fail ... In a few words we could say that Alzheimer's causes a loss of memory, it is responsible for creating a disorientation with respect to time and space that surrounds us in addition to creating an intellectual deterioration which makes it difficult to learn, understand, reason, make decisions or the simple fact of creating an idea to face a problem.

Así mismo los pacientes con esta patología neurológica comienzan a perder su personalidad, en donde esos rasgos y cualidades que lo conforman y lo hacen diferenciar de los demás se va perdiendo poco a poco ya que la persona llega a olvidar quien es.

Likewise, patients with this neurological pathology begin to lose their personality, where those traits and qualities that make it up and make it differentiate from others are gradually being lost as the person comes to forget who they are.

¿Cómo saber cuando una persona comienza con Alzheimer?
How do you know when a person starts with Alzheimer's?

Por lo general los signos tempranos del Alzheimer se tratan de olvidos de conversaciones recientes, en algunos casos también suelen olvidar algunos eventos que han ocurrido con anterioridad, a medida que este trastorno neurológico va avanzando debido al deterioro de todo lo anteriormente mencionado la persona perderá la memoria y la capacidad de poder hacer frente a su vida cotidiana, por lo general estos pacientes requieren de la ayuda de un familiar para poder seguir llevando su día a día, en otras ocasiones suelen contratar a un personal de enfermería para estar con él en sus cuidados diarios.

In general, the early signs of Alzheimer's are about forgetting recent conversations, in some cases they also tend to forget some events that have occurred previously, as this neurological disorder progresses due to the deterioration of all the aforementioned, the person will lose the memory and the ability to cope with their daily life, these patients generally require the help of a family member to be able to carry on with their day to day, on other occasions they usually hire a nursing staff to be with them in their daily care.

Síntomas comunes
Common symptoms

Una persona que padece Alzheimer suele ser consciente al principio de la enfermedad de que puede tener problemas para recordar ciertas cosas, sin embargo a medida que avanza la patología el paciente llegará a un punto donde no recuerda con claridad o no recuerda absolutamente nada.

A person who suffers from Alzheimer's is usually aware at the beginning of the disease that he may have problems remembering certain things, however as the disease progresses the patient will reach a point where he does not remember clearly or does not remember anything at all.

Entre las conductas comunes de una persona con alzheimer existe el repetir afirmaciones de forma constante y/o preguntar una y otra vez lo mismo, un ejemplo es el siguiente; puede que la persona haya preguntado algo, pasan 5 minutos y vuelve a realizar la pregunta... Y así sucesivamente, en ocasiones puede que hasta se moleste porque llega a pensar que no ha sido respondido.

Among the common behaviors of a person with Alzheimer's there is constantly repeating affirmations and / or asking the same thing over and over again, an example is the following; The person may have asked something, 5 minutes pass and they ask the question again ... And so on, sometimes they may even get upset because they think that it has not been answered.

La persona puede colocar objetos personales en donde no deberían ir, es decir en un lugar absurdo y sin sentido, sería como colocar una taza de café en el lavado del baño.

The person can place personal items where they should not go, that is, in an absurd and meaningless place, it would be like placing a cup of coffee in the bathroom sink.

Es común que las persona se pierda en lugares que ya conoce y frecuenta ir, como lo son las caminatas al parque, por el vecindario o inclusive su propia casa puede llegar a ser un lugar desconocido.

It is common for people to get lost in places they already know and frequent, such as walks to the park, around the neighborhood or even their own home can become an unknown place.

Además de lo anteriormente mencionado es común ver que la persona tiene problemas para recordar los nombres de sus familiares y amigos, además de objetos de uso cotidiano. Esto mismo lleva a una dificultad de poder tener una conversación fluida ya que olvidan las palabras y como es el expresarse.

In addition to the aforementioned, it is common to see that the person has problems remembering the names of their family and friends, as well as everyday objects. This same leads to a difficulty of being able to have a fluent conversation since they forget the words and how it is to express themselves.

El estado de ánimo de una persona con Alzheimer se puede ver comprometido por lo que mismo se verá afectado el comportamiento, podemos observar en algunos casos ansiedad, apatía, depresión, aislamiento social, cambios repentinos en el humor, desconfianza en las personas que le rodean como su familiares por ejemplo, desorientación, e inclusive podemos presenciar delirios.

The mood of a person with Alzheimer's can be compromised so behavior will be affected, in some cases we can observe anxiety, apathy, depression, social isolation, sudden changes in mood, distrust in the people around him like their relatives, for example, disorientation, and we can even witness delusions.

El Alzheimer lastimosamente no tiene cura, su tratamiento se basa en efectos farmacológicos que solo ayudan a disminuir los síntomas por lo que suelen ayudar por un período de tiempo, entre los medicamentos que se utilizan destacan los inhibidores de la colinesterasa y la memantina.

Unfortunately there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, its treatment is based on pharmacological effects that only help reduce symptoms, so they usually help for a period of time, among the drugs used, cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine stand out.

¿Podemos prevenir el Alzheimer?
Can we prevent Alzheimer's?

El Alzheimer no se puede prevenir como tal de forma directa, sin embargo podemos modificar varios de nuestros patrones diarios como lo son algunos factores de riesgo que favorecen a que la enfermedad se pueda desencadenar, el ayudar a mejorar nuestro estilo de vida es un punto clave para disminuir la probabilidad de padecer algún trastorno neurológico.

Alzheimer's cannot be prevented as such directly, however we can modify several of our daily patterns such as some risk factors that favor the disease to be triggered, helping to improve our lifestyle is a key point to reduce the probability of suffering from a neurological disorder.

Hacer ejercicio de forma regular, ya que ayuda a la actividad neurológica.

Exercise regularly, as it helps neurological activity.

Llevar una alimentación saludable, balanceada en proteínas y minerales, consumir alimentos frescos junto a la cantidad de aceite necesaria, el llevar una nutrición adecuada ayuda a nuestro cerebro en su función neuronal.

Eating a healthy diet, balanced in proteins and minerals, consuming fresh food together with the necessary amount of oil, having adequate nutrition helps our brain in its neuronal function.

Si tienes problemas con alguna patología como lo es la diabetes o la presión arterial alta es necesario llevar un adecuado tratamiento y cuidado ya que estas enfermedades suelen ser un gran factor de riesgo para desencadenar la patología de Alzheimer.

If you have problems with any pathology such as diabetes or high blood pressure, it is necessary to take adequate treatment and care since these diseases are usually a great risk factor to trigger Alzheimer's disease.

EVITAR el consumo de alcohol y cigarrillos ya que afectan a nuestro organismo y sobre todo le hacen daño a nuestras células cerebrales.

AVOID the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes as they affect our body and especially harm our brain cells.

Hay muchos estudios realizados que indican que el mantener nuestra capacidad intelectual activa puede ayudar a reducir el Alzheimer, el hecho de socializar, leer, bailar, cantar, jugar o cualquier otra actividad recreativa que pueda ayudar a nuestro amigo el cerebro es bienvenida para reducir el riesgo de Alzheimer.

There are many studies that indicate that keeping our intellectual capacity active can help reduce Alzheimer's, the act of socializing, reading, dancing, singing, playing or any other recreational activity that can help our friend the brain is welcome to reduce the Alzheimer's risk.

▪️ El separador que acabas de ver, es de mi autoridad.
▪️ Las imágenes que acabas de ver, son de mi autoridad.

▪️ The separator you just saw is from my authority.
▪️ The images you just saw are my authority.

Me gusta enseñar sobre las cosas que sé, y dar así un poquito de mi para ustedes, muchas gracias por leer, cualquier comentario o alguna duda que tengas será bien recibida.

I like to teach about the things I know, and thus give a little of myself to you, thank you very much for reading, any comments or questions you have will be well received.

Técnica superior universitaria de enfermería / Higher university nursing technique. - @arisita

Originally posted here:

Corola's natural medicinal properties and efficacy//করলার প্রাকৃতিক ওষুধি গুনাগুন ও কার্যকারিতা

Hello guys,
Assalamu Alaikum, how is everyone? I hope everyone is well and healthy. With your blessings and God's infinite mercy, I am also well. I am Sharmin Sultana, I appeared before you with a new blog post. I hope you like my writing.
আসসালামু আলাইকুম, সবাই কেমন আছেন ?আশা করি সবাই অনেক ভাল আছেন এবং সুস্থ আছেন। আপনাদের দোয়ায় এবং আল্লাহর অশেষ রহমতে আমিও ভাল আছি। আমি শারমিন সুলতানা, নতুন একটি ব্লগ পোস্ট নিয়ে আমি আপনাদের সামনে হাজির হলাম। আশা করি আমার লেখা টি আপনাদের ভালো লাগবে।




Today I will share with you what are the benefits of karla as a natural medicine for our body. Let friends know about that.
আজ আমি আপনাদের সাথে শেয়ার করব করলার প্রাকৃতিক ওষুধ হিসাবে আমাদের শরীরের জন্য কি কি উপকার করে থাকে। চলুন বন্ধুরা সে বিষয়ে জেনে নেওয়া যাক।



Corolla is a vegetable known to all of us. This vegetable is a very important vegetable for our health. So we should always include cooked corolla bhaji, bharta, curry in our diet.
করোলা আমাদের সকলের পরিচিত একটি সবজি। এই সবজিটি আমাদের সুস্থ থাকার জন্য খুবই প্রয়োজনীয় একটি সবজি ।তাই আমাদের প্রতিনিয়ত খাদ্যতালিকায় করোলা ভাজি, ভর্তা ,তরকারি হিসেবে রান্না করে খাওয়া উচিত।



Regularly playing Corolla reduces high blood pressure. Because it is a delicious food that is very useful for controlling high blood pressure.
প্রতিনিয়তঃ করোলা খেলে উচ্চ রক্তচাপ কমায়। কারণ এটি উচ্চ রক্তচাপকে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করার জন্য খুবই উপকারী একটি উপাদেয় খাবার।


The presence of corolla in the daily diet plays a very important role in eliminating the problem of round worms. Because its bitter juice acts as an anthelmintic.
প্রতিদিনের খাদ্যতালিকায় করোলা থাকলে গোল কৃমির সমস্যা দূরীকরণে খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে।।কারন এর তেতো রস কৃমিনাশক ওষুধ হিসেবে কাজ করে।


Vitamin C in corolla is very beneficial for the skin. This vitamin C keeps hair well and plays a very beneficial role for malaria fever. Dismissing karla by frying and killing khawab is very useful.
করোলা থাকা ভিটামিন সি ত্বকের জন্য খুবই উপকারী। এই ভিটামিন সি'র জন্য চুল ভালো রাখে এবং ম্যালেরিয়া জ্বরের জন্য খুবই উপকারী ভূমিকা পালন করে। ডিসমিস করে করলা ভাজি করে খাওয়াব হত্যা করে খারাপ খুবই উপকারী।


Corolla contains a lot of antioxidants which are very beneficial for diabetes. Diabetics can eat corolla regularly to reduce sugar content.
করোলায় আছে প্রচুর পরিমাণে অ্যান্টিঅক্সিডেন্ট যা ডায়াবেটিসের জন্য খুবই উপকারী। ডায়াবেটিস রোগীরা চিনির উপাদান কমানোর জন্য প্রতিনিয়ত করোলা খেতে পারেন।


Corolla is very useful for increasing digestive energy. Those who have digestive problems play a leading role in eliminating these problems without paying too much tax.
করোলা হজম শক্তি বৃদ্ধির জন্য খুবই উপকারী। যাদের পরিপাকতন্ত্রের সমস্যা তারা বেশি বেশি করে কর না খেলে এই সমস্যা দূরীকরণে অগ্রণী ভূমিকা পালন করে করে।




The biggest medicinal value of corolla is that it helps to get rid of nausea in the stomach, body bites, increased thirst for water, etc. The solution of the juice of karla leaves is very useful. The above problem can be solved by mixing one teaspoon of karla leaf juice with hot water two or three times a day.
করোলা সবচেয়ে বড় ঔষধি গুণ হলো পেটে বমি বমি ভাব দূর করতে সহায়তা করে, শরীর কামড়ানি, পানি পিপাসা বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া ইত্যাদি সমস্যা থেকে সমাধান পেতে করলা পাতার রস খুবই উপকারী। এক চা চামচ করলা পাতার রস গরম পানির সাথে মিশিয়ে দিনে দুই-তিনবার খেলে উপরোক্ত সমস্যা সমাধান পাওয়া যাবে।

So friends so far today. Please comment on how you like my writing. Good luck to all, stay healthy. God bless you.
তো বন্ধুরা আজ এ পর্যন্তই। আমার লেখা টি আপনাদের কেমন লাগলো অবশ্যই কমেন্ট করে জানাবেন। সকলে ভাল থাকুন সুস্থ থাকুন এই দোয়া রইল। আল্লাহাফেজ।

Originally posted here:

Our recent vegan purchase !


About 6 years ago I got married a vegan girl. I knew before about the vegetarian movement and I was aware that there are people who don't like to eat meat to protect animals and I understood them. I was in a muslim country then and in this religion hurting animals is not allowed and not all animals could be eaten. So, I was familiar with rules set by people for some reasons. I mean that I was ready to accept a new style of living because I respect ideologies. Maybe also other christian movements I used to know in Russia made me accept a new way of living. As well being open minded and ready to learn new things allowed me to support such ethics.


Recently my wife visited the store and bought a lot of vegan food. So, I decided to take pictures of what we buy to share with this community. Such food can be also healthy for those people who don't like to eat a lot of fat and for those who have a fast. So, in case you didn't know that such things exist, welcome to this post to learn. I learned a lot during these 6 years living with my dear wife.


We usually eat a lot of nuts. Because this product is full of energy. I even remember at school we learned about the most rich products with healthy fat and nuts were among them. So, any kind of nuts are good and there are really a lot of them. For exmple: cashew, walnut, hazelnut, almond, brazilian nut, pine nut, macadamia and more. (peanuts are not technically nuts, they are beans, but I put them in the category)


There are many kinds of food that looks like meat, but that's not meat at all. So, in case someone is so addicted to meat and need to eat a healthy and tasty plant based food, you have to know that there is the alternative. Like falafel and other"meatballs" made from lentils, chickpeas, soya and other beans. We also make steaks and chicken breast imitation from gluten and beans, it's very satisfying.


There is also such thing as texturized soya meat (aka TVP), which acts like meat in different dishes. We usually buy dry TVP in different shapes, soak them in boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain and fry, then add vegetables over it, it becomes very rich and chewy.


TVP comes also in the form of minced meat, it can be used in various recipes, it can be even added to oatmeal for extra protein and calcium.


These are dates, which we often eat with tea insted of supermarket cookies (although we eat those as well), they are healthy, especially for kids. As an Algerian, I have a special taste for figs, which are imported from the country worldwide. Even in Islam such kind of food is praised a lot.


This is another type of dry fruit we love - dried apples, which are so soft and shewy, remind of some sweet as well. Other dry fruits we love are: plums, apricots, melon, raisins. We also buy for our kid fruit bars made from dried fruit, he loves it.


This is a traditional russian dish - vareniki, it's made from wheat dough and has a filling of potatoes and mushrooms. We buy these semi-prepared vareniki a lot, it's a good thing when there's no time/mood to cook.


Here is vegan pate, which can be smeared on bread, made from soya protein. There are also different kinds of vegan sausages made from wheat protein or soya.


This is vegan sour cream, made from coconut milk. I used to eat a lot of sour cream from cows' milk, now it's cool that I can eat the same thing. In Russian cuisine there are a lot of dishes where we put sour cream, like soups, vareniki, even pancakes.


These are vegan yoghurts (cherry and coconut) made from soya and coconut. There also drinkable yoghurts, we usually buy those from oats. Sometimes my wife prepares yoghurt at home from soya milk and lacto bacteria. She just adds a table spoon of coconut yoghurt to a liter of soya milk, puts in in the warm place for 12 hours, then 4 hours in the fridge, and it's ready, tastes just like any store bought yoghurt.


Also there are a lot of sweet goodies. Here is a caramel pudding. But a lot of other conventional confectionary things can be made wothout cows' milk or eggs, and they taste just the same. Sometimes we make our own at home, sometimes we buy ready ones at shops.


This is a Frech thing called julienne. This one is made from coconut milk, coconut oil and mushrooms. Most of thenational dishes in the world can be veganized, and we love tasting various ethnic dishes.


Pelmeni is also kind of Russian food. It's usually a dough with a meat filling, but this one has a filling of lentils and vegetables. We often make those at home with a mixture of soaked and then minced lentils with rice, minced onion and nutmeg. Totally delicious, especially with coconut sour cream.


This is kutab, it tastes like chebureki, both are Caucasian dishes, and Caucasian nations are either a part of Russia, or former USSR, that's why we have a lot of dishes from there. This one is a dough fried in oil with a filling of proccoli and spinach. It's already prepared, just need to warm up.


There are non-chicken nuggets! Absolutely delicious, just what you expect toget from nuggets, with a crunchy crumbs on the outside and chewy chicken-like inside, made from wheat and rice protein.


And finally, vegan pizza. It has a very tasty dough, but not to much of filling, so we added some shredded tofu and mayo on the top, it worked perfectly. We also make vegan pizza at home all the time, with vegetables, TVP, tofu and vegan cheeses.

I just wanted to say that vegan food is very various, interesting, tasty, and people can live healthily with only plant-based food, giving birth to babies, doing sports or really anything in life.

So I thing the vegan lifestyle is definitely worth trying.

Originally posted here: