Monday, August 9, 2021

Why does norovirus seem to spread? My response.

All so-called viruses are actually your natural body's detoxification process. People have similar experience at the same time this is always mediated by polymorphic exosomes not some wild virus organism.

Families will go through detox staggeringly. This is actually controlled by exosome signals and toxic checks inside the body..

There is no evidence of a contagious virus organism. That idea is a mental construct we have believed in due to an evil medical industry pushing harmful vaccines and renaming and claiming sickness is caused by an invisible virus organism.

There has never actually been a whole virus organism isolated.. People have always been calling exosomes virus organisms or now they say the virus organism "hijacks" the exosome which is a lie.

Our body Makes exosomes to force toxins out of our body, this can be signalled between people but it is not contagious.

A person can show symptoms in front of someone and the other persons body will do its own check of toxic levels and then that person might go through the same detoxification process or one similar if they need to.

This is "herd immunity" and helps us activate natural detox and develop our adaptive immune system and microbiome. it is a lot more complex than just catching a virus organism off someone which does not happen and is make believe junk science.

If you are not in need of detox you won't go through one.

The problem we have is when we try and block or stop this healthy detox.

All these internal body mechanisms are well known and which is why they created engineered transmissible mRNA lipid nanoparticles that mimic "exosomes".!po=1.02041

So why and how does the gene drugs cause so much damage in the body?

The spike protein mRNA "enzyme sequence" is put inside the lipid nanoparticles. These things are also transfused with graphene oxide hydrogel and other bilayers to keep the mRNA enzyme code protected. Each lipid nanoparticle can insert many gene payloads of the enzyme codes.

Once this code gets inside your cells those cells will go through a differentiation process and split into an antibody cell.

This antibody cell will start pumping out billions of spike proteins that are expressed on exosomes. The same way they report the norovirus or hiv "hijacks" the exosomes.

However the mRNA from the vaccine will also be packaged inside exosomes which will move around and tell other healthy cells to make antibody cells and pump out billions of spike proteins. Normally there would be an off function programmed into the mRNA enzyme using interferon signals but this is missing in the vaccine mRNA enzyme code but would be there when going through a natural detoxification process.

Each new abnormal antibody cell will also have these spike proteins expressed on the cell itself.

This is supposed to cause a regulatory t cell immune response and train the immune system to attack spike proteins.. However, because these antibody cells are not natural and so similar to healthy ace-2 cells that are not abnormal antibody cells a cell cytokine confusion happens all throughout the body. Some call this "cytokine storm"

We all have healthy "motility spike proteins" in us already that help get rid of toxins and clean up the free radicals in us and respond to oxidative stress. These exosomes are made from ace-2 presenting cells.

For example once the cytokine confusion happens women will not be able to have children because the placenta will have no "healthy motility exosomes" because the immune aystem will attack them because they will have the spike protein expressed to clean up the cell junk and harmful free radicals in and around the placenta. Those cells that produce the healthy "spike expressed motility exosomes" will have been destroyed by the killer t cell immune response.

People are not taught how proteins really move around in the body and how cells do long range communication processes via "exosomes" and how genetic material can freely and safely move around the body. People assume mRNA will be destroyed but with mRNA exosomes being created in the billions via engineered lipid nanoparticle transfection this results in many more exosomes being made to trans move around the body undetected. The engineered nanoparticles also move around the body as they are made to trick the body into thinking they are exosomes "bio mimicry" aka gain of function research and so all human cells can react positively to them instead of destroying them.

These drug companies were tasked with a job based on the germ theory which is make believe or junk science there are no real virus organisms that infect the body.

So they targeted human cell and and healthy polymorphic genome protein expressions.

Your human DNA codes for every polymorphic exosome and they are made to function in the body to help heal and detox the body not destroy it.

How and why the lipid nanoparticles will cause mass inflammation all around the body.

Interferon information

As the lipid nanoparticles are made to trick the immune system the body only attacks the DNA generated exosomes that look like the ones made by the engineered lipid nanoparticles but not the lipid nanoparticles themselves.

Originally posted here:

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