Saturday, August 7, 2021

Lentil meatballs with mashed potatoes !


Today my wife was blocked in instagram. She can't access her account, but her content is still there. She is a vegan. She wrote about some truth about how the meat is processed to be sold to people and she was just blocked. It seems that those who are selling meat that way and adding to it harmful things to people to save it for a long time, are so powerful and they don't like those who tell the truth to people to save them from eating poisoned food !

Anyway, I know how this content is important to my wife and that's why I will share it from time to time here on the blockchain, before Instagram deletes all her account and the content together. I know how hard she worked on her account and how happy she was seeing the growth there !

So, this was one of her first posts there about the ''Lentil meatballs with mashed potatoes !''


Here is what she wrote about that :

One of my favorite dishes is lentil meatballs with mashed potatoes 😍 It's delicious, satisfying, and similar to traditional Russian food. Although I do not remember that I ate meatballs in particular before veganism, I really like these meatballs very much.

How I make mashed potatoes:

Before peeling potatoes, I put a bowl of rolled oats to soak. Then, when the potatoes have already boiled, I add water from boiling potatoes to this oatmeal, and quickly beat in a blender and quickly strain through a sieve so that the oatmeal does not have time to cook (you can add ordinary water, but I heard that in the water from under boiling potatoes, some vitamins remain). You can actually use ready-made vegetable milk, or dilute some dry soy milk with water (I tried it - it turned out to be normal). But this method with soaking oatmeal is the cheapest one . So, we mash the potatoes as usual with a potato grinder, add a little bit of our milk, salt to taste, we achieve the desired consistency. It is very tasty to add a little olive oil. I make such a puree for all family holidays - my relatives are always delighted.

Ingredients for minced meat:

  • green lentils
  • soy mince (optional) - about 2 times less than the amount of lentils
  • boiled rice (white, but you can brown to make it healthier, or a combination of them) - to get 3 times less than lentils
  • finely chopped onion or two
  • salt, pepper, other spices (for example turmeric, coriander, nutmeg).

I soak the lentils overnight (I always figure out what I'm going to cook the next day in the evening and soak the ingredients if necessary). Grind it with a hand blender in a large bowl until mushy. Then I add all the other ingredients - no need to grind them). For the sauce, I rub several carrots on a coarse grater and fry them in two pans (I usually do in two pans at once, so that more comes out).

I count on the number of carrots by eye - so that they cover the bottom of the pans in grated form. You can extinguish them without oil, but it tastes better with oil (I try to use the very minimum). Then I add water so that there is 2 centimeters in the pan, then a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste. If the pasta is sour, then a little sugar will also do the trick (I use unprocessed cane - Saharaja). You need to thoroughly stir the tomato paste in the water, then when it boils, you can put our meatballs. We make balls, if they do not roll well, you can add flour to the minced meat (I like chickpea, it is more nutritious). Put the balls in our sauce, cover with a lid, and let it boil and stew for about 10 minutes. Then gently turn it over with a spoon and simmer for another 10 minutes.

I always try to have some fresh (or pickled) vegetables with cooked food, even in winter! Mom gave me the tomatoes, sauerkraut myself, it's very easy, that's another post about that. I love dill as the cheapest greens, but I'm too lazy to make some salads, so I just eat it;) Be sure to try these wonderful meatballs! Minced meat will be even tastier if you add tahini (sesame paste) to it, but without it, it's also great.

Then I add water so that there is 2 centimeters in the pan, then a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste. If the pasta is sour, then a little sugar also does not hurt (I use unprocessed cane - Saharaja). You need to thoroughly stir the tomato paste in the water, then when it boils, you can put our meatballs. We make balls, if they do not roll well, you can add flour to the minced meat (I like chickpea, it is more nutritious). We spread the balls in our sauce, cover with a lid, and let it boil and stew for about 10 minutes. Then gently turn it over with a spoon and simmer for another 10 minutes.


I always try to have some fresh (or pickled) vegetables with cooked food, even in winter! Mom gave me the tomatoes, sauerkraut myself, it's very easy, that's another post about that. I love dill as the cheapest greens, but I'm too lazy to make some salads, so I just eat it.

Be sure to try these wonderful meatballs! Minced meat will be even tastier if you add tahini (sesame paste) to it, but without it, it's also great.


That's it about this post. I hope you enjoy the recipe, and you try this someday. It's really tasty, and I like what my wife always cook for our little family. Plus it's so healthy, and I feel very well after moving to such a diet !

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Originally posted here:

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