Monday, August 23, 2021

Fitness does not mean compromising your health

In every direction we look there is something allusive to fitness or slim figures, but this lifestyle should not be confused with habits that are irremediably linked to overall health, at least I do not think so. I want to put forward my point of view in this regard, to try to justify my position on this issue.

Although it is true that overweight and obesity cause great health problems, the opposite is also true. Thinness to the extreme has its points against, it is a reality, and should not be confused this in an ideal weight to the thinness that some fitness stars look. I can understand that they sell a brand, a way of life, but they do not show the totality of it.

There is a truth, for example, in the popular fat free abs, in which only the abdominal muscle is seen, wow, many of these characters show them off, how good they look, but is it easy to achieve? NO, not at all. I have been able to share with people who enjoy such physical attributes, and I must say that no matter how good they look, I have no disposition to do what they do to be able to maintain themselves, it is enough for me to be thin, to stay within my weight for my height.

They tell me that achieving these results has taken them many months of training, for some even years, and that shows tremendous discipline, I must say, but the truth is that it has involved great sacrifices to get there, and even staying there requires them. I'm not just talking about the training schedule they must follow, which is obviously very rigorous, it must be to be able to be in such conditions, but at the level of food there are many limitations, and it's not exactly about eating healthy ...

I am not a specialist in nutrition or anything like that, far from it, but I do not think that suppressing so many meals, as some people who are not advised by specialists do, is the ideal, there is a point at which eating healthy and wanting to lose weight at any cost is distorted. Especially teenagers are victims of such situations, who by admiring certain characters can enter a point where they put their health at risk by being fitness.

Sport is fine, eating well is necessary, but to attempt against their health, even if they don't always know it, to try to look like someone they admire in a certain way, is not good or healthy at all, neither physically nor mentally.



Originally posted here:

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