Thursday, August 19, 2021

Chameleons, kimchi, kombucha and a kitty


It’s amazing how much our trees have grown in five years. We have solar power and they grew so large that they were blocking all of the sun on our rooftop solar panels. I never thought they could grow so fast. Additional rainfall over recent years has caused them to take off at a breakneck pace. We planted them in 2010 and didn’t expect this problem for many years. One pine is 40+ feet tall. We had to make the hard decision to cut some way back. I’m happy to see that hasn’t killed any.

The chameleon population seems to be thriving as well.


That’s only part of the reason we decided to find another home for this little cutie after he showed up starving on our deck one night when he smelled our bbq.

Really, after having dogs for 22 years and only recently finding ourselves without the responsibility of pets, we aren’t ready to make the commitment. I found a nice lady in the cat treats section of my local grocery store and her teenage daughter really wanted the kitten. So it seemed meant to be.

I almost had a cat.


I’m very happy to see that my roses survived my long absence.


This guy is making every effort to be invisible as I get in closer for another picture.


My first kimchi, and I am so happy with it!


After getting the two hard to find ingredients pictured on Amazon, I used a simple recipe of fresh garlic, ginger, scallions, carrots, salt and cabbage.

The recipe called for Napa cabbage. It’s $20 for a head here in Hawaii, so I tried it with regular cabbage. I think it’s close enough for me. I also substituted carrots for the daikon radish in the recipe.


Another fermented healthy homemade treat. My kombucha game is on. The first couple batches turned out perfectly but as life goes on some batches got a little too fermented and ended up being vinegar. It’s a bit of an art, like anything else.



My sweet old rooster George survived here the entire 5 years we were gone. All of the people who rented our house loved him. He hung out with the wild birds because he had no hens. I recently got 5 hens for eggs and boy oh boy is old George happy 😆


We’ll that was long winded. I’ll leave you with a beautiful Hawaiian sunset at Pinetrees. Aloha, until next time.

Originally posted here:

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