Monday, August 17, 2020

💖 Introducing and welcoming a Very special integrative doctor to Hive and 3Speak! Please meet Dr Aruna Viswanathan

I would like to give a huge and special welcome to Dr Aruna! Dr Aruna is not your average doctor. Although Aruna is a surgeon and trained and very experienced in modern allopathic medicine, today Dr Aruna specialises in integrative medicine and healing of disease. In these very challenging times of misinformation and confusion around Corona, Dr Aruna has dedicated herself to sharing what she considers the right approach to health and healing. She is focussing on COVID19 and offers many ways to stay healthy and to combat this virus using various approaches including modern as well as traditional knowledge from ayurvedic and other alternative healing modalities. I have known Dr Aruna for many years, and i can say that she is a Very special lady indeed. Dr Aruna is gifted with a very special heart and soul, and is one of those angels who is here doing her work and dedicating her life to service. Dr Aruna gives private consultations to many world leaders who flock to her in private to get her advice. I think we are very lucky to have her with us, and i look forward to seeing more of her videos as she continues to post.

As many of you will know, You Tube, Facebook and all centralised networks these days are censoring a lot of information that conflicts with the mainstream, and this is a very disturbing trend. There is so much information that is held back, and no one knows if their channels or accounts will be suddenly suspended or revoked by these behemoth companies. Therefore Dr Aruna is migrating her activities to Hive with my support and supervision, and I am guiding her on all aspects of using Hive and the various dApps such as 3speak. Imagine if her YouTube account was shut down and ALL her dozens of videos were just removed from existence!? That would be a tragedy both for the time and effort Dr Aruna has put in to them, as well as the loss of this information to others.

I am very happy that we have our new decentralised systems, and that we can use them without worry that suddenly our work will be removed. This is the new paradigm and the time has come for us to all start using them. Our old systems are no longer safe or trustworthy. Unfortunately, no matter how good the intentions are of these huge companies, our governments and corporations have sabotaged them and made them work to their agendas. The era of free speech is over as we knew it, even in our democracies.. and we need to act to take it back! We can speak freely, but only in decentralised systems that cannot be controlled. Hive and 3speak are exemplars of this new paradigm, and it gives me great hope and relief that we have an alternative to our old corrupted systems.

If you are interested to learn more about what Dr Aruna has to say about heath, with a special focus on COVID-19 then please do check her account out. She is posting regularly now so be sure to subscribe to her to keep up with her latest videos!

I would like to share Dr Aruna's Bio to give your some more background and understanding!


As a qualified ENT surgeon who has studied and trained in renowned universities and hospitals globally, Dr. Aruna is a believer of integrating traditional remedies with modern scientific medication and treatments. She uses this unique holistic approach to diagnose illnesses and identify the best treatments for her patients. She believes that, for an overall improvement and up-liftment of her patients, healing the body is not enough but also the mind and soul. Without attachment to a limiting single system of medicine she gives you out of the box solutions.In fact she teaches you that there is no box!

Dr. Aruna has successfully used this Holistic approach to help build immunity as a proactive lifestyle measure and in treating patients who are ill. She will help to strengthen your body through nourishing food and acupressure techniques, strengthen your mind through yoga and exercise, and strengthen your soul through inculcating love, kindness and faith.

Dr. Aruna Viswanathan M.B.B.S.,M.S.,F.A.G.E. is among the top integrative health practitioners in India. She comes from a family of physicians and has her own flagship hospital in Coimbatore India. She has contributed greatly to bringing newer innovative integrative treatments in her work as head of the Department of Integrative & Holistic Medicine and as the Medical Advisor of Organic India. She currently lives in Goa and practises at The Aranya Center.

Dr. Aruna is an internationally renowned Surgeon and Holistic health expert and has treated patients from all over the world. Besides India she has trained and worked at Stanford University, U.C.S.F.., in Switzerland, Austria, Denmark and in France. She is sought after as a rare medical expert who has experience across disciplines from modern medicine to integrative medicine for treating patients and offering new science beyond commercial mainstream medicine where it can save a life. She offers a perfect amalgamation of advanced cutting edge medicine and ancient Ayurveda, natural medicine and as a sacred science handed down to us by our ancestors. She has been closely associated with patients including heads of nations and spiritual masters in highly successful treatments of complicated conditions and cancers. She has challenged the limitations of conventional medicine with innovative solutions.

Her research work in several areas of medicine has culminated in her treatment protocols. She has been using innovative treatment options since many years and has a huge clientele of successful patients worldwide treated with them. She personally had a life changing experience with ayurvedic herbs. She has taken people on this profound journey of spontaneous transformative medicine where they are cured of illnesses which apparently had no treatments.

Currently she is also the founder trustee of WAG – Welfare for animals in Goa, Karuna Organic Farm and Trust, Dr.P.G.V. charitable trust and School, Integral Ear Institute. She has been involved in not only medical causes but also environmental and animal welfare causes with an emphasis on cows. At Vikram Hospital cochlear implants are being done completely free for any child born deaf in the state so they can hear and speak normally. Her charitable school has about 1000 students catering to tribal, rural and children with disabilities.

She has been treating patients from across the world with amazing new integrative options which is the future of medicine. She has been the only Indian doctor to be invited to forums like the Uplift in Australia along with Dr.Vandana Shiva to speak on this new emerging inclusive medicine in India which engages with multiple systems at the same time to give the best possible outcome.

I would like to share one of Dr Aruna's video to whet your appetite!

The essential Covid Vaccination - is Immunity! Save a life - share this

Why the transformative holistic approach works

Holistic healing and recovery is an approach that considers the multiple aspects of a person as a whole, making it an overall life transformation.
By integrating the successful methods of recovery used in history along with the modern scientific medicine, the holistic approach will
primarily give a patient the most optimal health and lifestyle.

She has a unique and caring holistic approach to integrative medicine that has proven extremely successful over her 30 years of experience. She helps you love your life, to uplift your well-being physically, mentally and spiritually. By promoting the holistic approach, Dr. Aruna also uplifts the patient’s lifestyle, improving their immune system and helping them recover completely from illness, through natural health measures, immunity building and awareness of the ailments as a whole rather than its symptoms alone.

Dissolve the diagnosis is her motto as she considers all illnesses an imbalance and helps you find your inner balance. She uses a unique considerate approach towards treating her patients by guiding them towards overall healing and an uplifted mindset. She helps her patients have a clear understanding of their conditions, along with its implications and how you can treat the root cause and reclaim your health through the most innovative and integrative approach. Her holistic approach to treatment helps her craft the solution that is best suited for your short term and long term needs. Dr. Aruna aims to heal and improve the overall physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being of people, by strengthening the mind, body and soul. While improving your health and building immunity, she will also inculcate love, kindness and hope, to overcome any fear or mental disturbances. This rare approach to treatments has proven success and has been applauded by many. This has also made her one of the top integrative health practitioners in the world.

Using a unique holistic approach to help uplift,transform and aid recovery to patients, Dr. Aruna's approach integrates her vast experience as a modern medicine specialist with incredible knowledge from traditional, ayurvedic and natural medicine. This approach allows her to give patients the most optimal treatment, through simple methods with powerful results. She also believes that the overall recovery of a patient comes through the overall healing of the mind, body and soul, while medicine is a secondary aid. She gives you the ability to address the cause of each condition successfully.

The human body has everything it needs to repair itself and build strength. She gently helps you guide your mind, body and soul into an overall
healing process. This approach will also give you the additional care above medicines, giving you care and motivation to eat healthy, exercise more, sleep more, maintain your mental wellness and live a loving and proactive lifestyle.These are the 5 pillars of health and wellness.

(text and image source)


Thank you Aruna who being who you are and being brave enough to stand out from the crowd and share your special knowledge and wisdom with all of us on Hive!

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