Sunday, August 23, 2020

Adding more vegetables to the diet is a future investment...
# *Hello My fellow Hivers,* *What's up all? I know you're spending nice weekend. I already said Sunday is my shopping day through vlog because only Sunday I leave my professional works. So my wife and me went to the vegetable shop where it located in Nugaduwa, Dewata in Galle district. Actually I really like to visit this place. They're very well displaying vegetables. Customers attract this characteristic inside the shop. I captured various species of more vegetable pictures. But this time I decided to write about importance of eating vegetables.*


*Bell pepper mostly buying from the hotels and restaurants. Bell pepper better for food decorations. It has so colorful looks. But price is expensive.*


*Local people called above vegetable to *Batu.* Our sinhala women prepare very delicious curry from it. Vegetables are one of the most important nutrients for a healthy life. Adding the right amount of vegetables to the diet on a daily basis can prevent many diseases as well as have many health benefits.*


*Anybody know about pumpkin. Some states make most awesome and horrible masks using pumpkin for Halloween festivals. In our garden has two pumpkin vines. But not sure will bring good harvest.*


*Dambala has more protein nutrition. Fully green color surrounded whole vegetable. Dambala also growing in the vines. People going to buy this for insert more proteins. Our garden has Dambala harvest. So no need to buy them.*


*It is difficult to imagine a healthy life without vegetables. As such, vegetables are associated with a healthier life. If you eat a significant amount of vegetables every day, it will help you to improve your health.*


*It's purple color species of Batu. But I never ate this vegetable. I heard it has low taste than normal once.*


*It's my one of favorite vegetable. It's onion flowers with leaves. Perfect taste gives if we make spicy using more chili powder.*


*Vegetables are so healthy that they are rich in many nutrients. Eating 5 to 7 servings of vegetables daily can lay a good foundation for a healthy life.*


*For a healthy life, an adult should eat at least 3 recommended amounts of vegetables and green leaves a day.*


*Vegetables are low in calories. Therefore, eating vegetables reduces the risk of diabetes and obesity. Vegetables are rich in essential vitamins such as vitamin A, C, E, and vitamin K.*


*In food preparation, these practices can be followed to minimize the loss of vitamins contained in vegetables and leaves. Wash before cutting food. Wipe as soon as food is cut. Minimize cooking time. Eat cooked food quickly.*


*There are many benefits to eating vegetables, leafy vegetables, and fruits regularly. Increases resistance to disease. Adding different flavors and flavors to the food makes the food more palatable. Vegetables and leafy vegetables are important for weight control as they contain limited calories. Controls the absorption of cholesterol and sugar in the diet etc..* ### *Thanks for visiting. Good day all.* [D.Tube](!/c/madushanka) [3speak]( [YouTube]( [Twitter]( [Source](
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