Friday, August 28, 2020

My daily dose of Herbs Immunity Boost
Herbs which we have all around us we understand have many therapeutic effects. The ancient medicine has all been based on herbs and to think of it people live healthy lives then. So incorporating a little bit of herbs in our day to day diet is not a bad idea and also that they do not have any side effects if taken in right proportion and knowledge. When it comes to regular ailments, I always prefer doing my Home remedies rather than going for pills and toxifying my body further. I would always want to avoid taking pills, in a long time I have not taken any except for my regular supplements. So here is my home Remedy for problems of Cough, Cold, Headache, Flu: This mixture I prepare and have it on daily basis and not only when I am sick. This one helps build up immunity and reduce inflammation in the body. I would normally go in for 4 cups mandatory in the day 1 morning, 1 after lunch, 1 evening and 1 after dinner. I am sharing this recipe for good use of everyone. Recipe Mint Leaves Tulsi Leaves Curry leaves Ginger chopped into small pieces Cinnamon pieces Cloves Pinch of Turmeric powder. Mustard powder or even can put whole Ashwangandha powder Add all of it in water and boil it till the quantity reduces to half, and have it. Morning I will make this in big quantity and then keep having it through out the day.


This mixture is very effective for Cough. It gives relief in a day or two if one consumes 2 to 3 glasses in a day. My Mom has a regular cough problem, whenever she is with me, I make this for her and she feels a lot of relief. Her sleep also gets better. Consumption of diluted Oregano Oil is also a good therapy to address this issue. If the cough is too bad one can also keep some cloves in mouth and sleep. This will completely give a relaxation to the throat and one can sleep peacefully. To be mindful about, when we start with any therapy it takes some time to set into our body and show good results hence patience is the key and do not start expecting miraculous results in a day or two. The cough may subside but that does not mean the overall immunity has also improved. If you want to bring in a long term benefit then it is advisable to follow these practices on a long term basis. Hope this recipe will be useful for you. ***Thank you for visiting my blog.*** 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸


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