Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The equipment I used to stay virus free


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--- Everyone knows the situation at the most difficult time. At this time everyone is using various methods to stay away from this unknown fear and many are succeeding and at the end of the day I am a dentist so I adopt some of my own methods which I will share with you today.
Since I am a dentist so I basically have to stay in the workplace for a long time and have to work with a lot of people and go to a lot of people so I have resorted to some methods for personal protection and which are very common such as PPE,mask, Face Cover and Hand sanitizers and gloves.Besides, I follow hygiene rules and always try to make people aware because I think awareness is the only way.
I made the video when I was off work this evening. I think my video will make many people aware and I believe that everyone can stay away from this virus if they follow the rules of hygiene and safety in their place Can stay.So friends, I think that since I am a dentist, I can provide better services to people if I am healthy, so I am using these methods for my personal protection, so I wish you to follow the hygiene rules at your own risk and stay healthy. --- ▶️ [3Speak](
Originally posted here:

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