Friday, August 21, 2020

OCD Support, Twitter Push, Twitter Tags, Vegan Support, Hive Power Up Day And More...


# OCD Support Great news on the Natural Medicine community front - we've been selected to be part of the OCD Community Incubation program. This means that OCD delegates to our community to help support us and the users we upvote. Thanks to @acidyo's efforts, we've seen an increase in subscribers and content, and we are able to put forth the very best for extra curation support. ## TWITTER AND HIVE PROMOTION - GET ON BOARD NOW! The Twitter efforts have been stepped up by Earth Healing curation goddess @artemislives - you absolutely should check out the new #hivelift project tag and account @hivelift to be part of the marketing campaign to drive traffic to our amazing platform. We've all got to take part to help HIVE take off! We can't stress ENOUGH how important it is to share your stuff on Twitter. Not just by using the #hive tag, but also #hivelift #hiveblogshare and other tags that are BIG in the wellness worlds. The efforts of @nathanmars and @theycallmedan have been absolutely integral to getting news about HIVE out there. The more we are seen as a busy, valuable social media the more value HIVE has which has a knock on effect for us all - but it's up to YOU to get involved. Get on Twitter, share excellent #naturalmedicine content, reblog the great #hive posts of others, and let's take this to the moon! I'd really love to see you retweet two #naturalmedicine posts a day or every couple of days - it really increases our growth metrics. Even if you have short bursts every week of Twitter like I do, it's part of what we NEED to do as a community to bring value to hive. You should also check out #hivechat on Twitter. [This post]( by @hivelift explains it. What is it, in a nutshell? > **#HiveChat may well be one of the HEALTHIEST things happening on Hive. Why? Cos it's a totally grass-roots, anyone-can-join-in, fluctuating dialogue about Hive designed simply to engage a wide audience around 5 focused Hive Questions. It's NOT witness or major agenda driven. In fact, the rotating #HiveChat Host sets the questions, which are molded from responses to the previous week's #HiveChat, reflecting the chatter on Twitter about Hive during the week and with a little polish and edit for twitter brevity from Hive Marketing.** @revisesociology also wrote a great post about tags this week too. It's no good JUST USING #hive tags, although that's important to, but using some of the tags that will get your tweet seen. Check out his post [here]( - but I've added a couple of his tables that are relevant for the #naturalmedicine community below (and a little post beneficiary goes to him too - thanks for that really valuable post, RS!)



## VEGAN SUPPORT We've also been supporting the @ecotrain vegan challenge. Having always supported the #healthyeating and #vegan tags, we're pretty thrilled this month to see more #vegan posts due to Ecotrain's efforts to bring such delicious and nutritious recipes to our feeds. ## ADIWATHRIVE ... due to life circumstances, have been taking a break. They'll be back with AdiwaThrive 2.0 really soon. ## NEW CURATORS ... will be coming soon! If you'd like to apply for a curator role, we add you to the list should a vacancy become available. No guarantees, but we do have an emergency list, and the pay is good - 70 percent of the post rewards, which is considerable. WE do expect a very high standard, so read some of the previous 'Weekly Best' and 'Mindful Monday' posts to make sure you could fill that role. ### Hive Pud Day Have you seen the VERY sexy badges for people who power up more than 100 HIVE on PUD day? That's coming up on August 1, and we're offering a very special prize for #naturalmedicine people who power up - you DO have to be a delegator to win, but watch this space over the next week for details. Check out [this post]( by @hivebuzz and [this post]( by @arcange for details about the badge and last month's PUD day, and be sure to follow @traciyork as well for more details.


#### Have anything to drop in our next newsletter? Get in touch with riverflows#4691 or message me on Twitter.


Earn Instantly For Writing Good Natural Health Content

**If you would like to earn rewards for sharing your natural health content on, you can sign up for a free `FREE` account by emailing Read more about us on our [Welcome Page]( We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics.** #### Please consider delegating to help keep this collective going. For any questions, come ask in our friendly Discord [here]( !


Originally posted here:

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