Monday, August 31, 2020

My Pauper's Lunch Plus An Apple And A Toast For My Supper

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This is the only food that I wanted to eat right now, we bought it right after my dialysis last Saturday, I told my mother to buy three of these plus two extra rice that I will eat after my session, the day after my session, and the day after that. This last batch has no extra rice so my mother had brought me a serving of it in a bowl which I haven't able to finish because there isn't enough meat for me to eat it with as the rice bowl meal only has a few pieces put into this one. It could have been better if the clerk from the convenience store that knows my mother was the one that sold her this rice meal so that I could have more pieces of meat but I just had a regular one which in fact not enough for me but nonetheless it was a satisfying eat anyway. I also had to get some fiber into my diet so I asked my mother to give me half a Pear but she gave me half a small apple instead. But that is okay though and then after my meal I had some "Yakult" so that I will have a healthy gut fauna because I am taking a Tuberculosis drug and it might make my guts get an imbalance with its bacterial contents.

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Drinking Yakult Is Important For Me Because It Has Some 8 Billion Good Bacteria That Is Also Good For Immunity
[Source]( I would like to have some vegetables with this one but my parents are not giving asking me if I would like to have some. I asked my mother to cook me some water cabbage but she was told by my brother not to buy those because he said that the water Cabbage seeps chemicals from the river. It really sucks because I could not cook foods anymore which is why I am at the mercy of what foods that my mother is cooking in the house. That is why I had thought to just buy what I wanted to eat so I resorted in buying this kind of food from the convenience store and it just gets reheated here before I eat it a day and two after my dialysis. Then I only eat a piece of toasted bread for my supper, I just dipped it in decaffeinated coffee and afterwards I took my calcium supplement. I could have a piece of fruit with it but I didn't this time. My other medications are taken with my lunch which is why I have to eat as much as I can so that I will not get nauseated much because of Cinacalcet that I am taking.
Originally posted here:

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