Friday, August 21, 2020

The Medical Industrial Complex - Virus Hunters

This is the first in a series of articles looking at one of humanities most powerful corporate entities, The Medical Industrial Complex.

With so much to cover and each topic interconnected, the ordering of these articles was somewhat of a hurdle for me, so rather than dwell on this, they will be published in the order in which they are completed.

All sources will be at the bottom of each article and I'd really love to hear your opinions on these topics, discussion is much needed. 

We begin with 'Virus Hunters' which itself will be split into several articles. 

Germ Theory

Until the 19th century, the common belief in how infections were spread across a population was by imperceptible particles in the environment by what was often described as "bad air", also known as 'night air'.

This so-called bad air was thought to be emanating from rotting organic matter.

This theory is known as the Miasma theory.

Then, in the midst of the 19th century, everything changed when French scientist Louis Pasteur speculated that the spread of microorganisms in the body could explain infectious disease.

[et_pb_testimonial author="Isaac Asimov" job_title=" " portrait_url="" quote_icon="off" _builder_version="4.4.9" custom_margin="36px|||||" border_radii="on|5px|5px|5px|5px" box_shadow_style="preset2" box_shadow_vertical="16px" box_shadow_blur="23px" box_shadow_spread="-14px"]

“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.”


Pasteur's road to discovery of his new theory began when one of his students sought his advice on the problems he was having during the fermentation process of wine making.[1]

Jöns Jacob Berzelius and Justus von Liebig had proposed the theory that fermentation was caused by decomposition.

Pasteur demonstrated that this theory was incorrect, and that yeast was responsible for fermentation to produce alcohol from sugar. 

He also demonstrated that, when a different microorganism contaminated the wine, lactic acid was produced, making the wine sour.[2]

Pasteur's research showed that the growth of micro-organisms were responsible for the spoiling of various beverages. He went on to discover that by heating these beverages, such as milk, he could stop the beverage from spoiling.

This process was patented and became known as pasteurization.

It is this realisation that beverages became contaminated that led Pasteur to the theory that micro-organisms infected living animals and caused disease.

He suggested trying to prevent the entry of these micro-organisms into the human body to prevent infection, which led to Joseph Lister developing antiseptics for surgery[3]

Pasteur went on to develop inoculations against cholera in chickens, anthrax in cattle and rabies in humans and dogs.

German physician Robert Koch went on to further cement this theory into the textbooks with his laboratory experiments, which showed how bacteria could be cultivated and isolated. Koch discovered the organisms of tuberculosis in 1882 and cholera in 1883.

In the two decades that followed, many more disease-producing microorganisms were identified through Koch's isolation methods.

[et_pb_testimonial author="Auguste Lutaud" job_title=" " portrait_url="" quote_icon="off" _builder_version="4.4.9" custom_margin="3px|||||" border_radii="on|5px|5px|5px|5px" box_shadow_style="preset2" box_shadow_vertical="16px" box_shadow_blur="23px" box_shadow_spread="-14px"]

“In France, one can be an anarchist, a communist or a nihilist, but not an anti-Pasteurian”


Lies, Damn Lies

Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch were hailed as pioneers in science, their efforts often recognized as one of, if not the greatest advance for human health in millennia. But history can be deceiving, as we know all too well.

Louis Pasteur at age 55, at the height of his career and fame told his family not to release his laboratory notebooks until 1978, 100 years later.

Could it be that Pasteur was just trying to prolong his fame and legacy into future generations, or was he hiding something?

Well, whatever his reasons for not releasing his study notes earlier, they are now public and have been extensively reviewed. While there is no question that Pasteur was at some level a genius, this does not equate to being honest, humble, humane or even correct.

In the case of his rabies vaccine, he publically claimed to have tested the vaccine on 50 rabid dogs prior to an illegal experiment he did on a dog bitten child that allegedly turned up on his doorstep.

However, his studies reveal that in fact he used only 11 dogs in trials prior to the human experiment, and no results of these experiments have been found.[4]

On July 5, 1885, a 9-year-old Alsatian peasant, Joseph Meister, showed up unannounced at Pasteur's door. He had been bitten 14 times by a dog with classic signs of rabies.

While young Meister would not know for several weeks if he were infected, Pasteur decided to administer his new rabies vaccine in hopes of saving the youth's life.

Meister did survive, and three months later Pasteur published a paper reporting that his rabies vaccine had previously been tested on 50 dogs without a single failure before he used it to treat the boy.

In fact, Pasteur had extensively tested a vaccine on dogs that used an approach that was exactly the reverse of the one used on Meister. The method he used on the boy involved injections of successively stronger doses of rabies virus.

This approach was being tested on laboratory dogs at the time the human experiment was attempted, but Pasteur had no conclusive animal results to show that the technique worked.[4]

Pasteur took a similar approach with his Anthrax vaccine which he performed publically on 50 sheep in the French village of Pouilly-le-Fort. 

Pasteur misled the public into believing the vaccine had been produced by exposing the deadly anthrax organism to oxygen to reduce its strength, but in reality he used a different method using chemicals to reduce the strength, a method that was stolen from Jean-Joseph Henri Toussaint, who had visited Pasteur earlier to discuss the method.

Leading Pasteur Scholar and Princeton history professor Gerald L. Geison stated that Pasteur's notebooks revealed that he had regularly "massaged" or manipulated raw data in order to fit his own preconceived ideas.[4]

Former editor of The Lancet Michael McCarthy stated[5]:

Louis Pasteur's notebooks, long kept secret, reveal that he misled the world and his fellow scientists about the research behind two of his most famous experiments[5]

War on Microbes

Pasteur also in his blind war against micro-organisms believed that the ultimate definition of healthy tissue was germ-free tissue, but this couldn't be further from the truth as experiments throughout the early 20th century revealed.

Animals which were kept in a completely germ-free environment. Even their births were performed by Cesarean in a sterile environment.

Locked up in microbe-free cages, fed sterile food and water these animals died after just a few days.

This made it apparent that contamination by exogenous bacteria is absolutely essential to their lives[6]

Later on in the 19th century, in the Notre Dame experiments on "aseptic" animals, scientists managed to keep animals alive in a sterile environment, however the mice involved in the experiments still only survived for several weeks as opposed to a few days.

In addition to this, it should be noted that in order for these germ-free mice to survive, it required a carefully constructed diet of sterile vitamins and minerals.

This careful diet is required because microorganisms in the intestinal tract generate various organic constituents as a by-product of metabolism, including various vitamins and amino acids. But these animals were unnaturally sterile, and therefore the natural processes that normally occur in the body to supply what is required for survival with the help of microorganisms, was prevented.

With all this in mind, it is clear that nature does not support a germ-free environment. Microorganisms play a key role, as do all things organic on earth.

Find a Virus, Claim the Reward

With Pasteurs new theory of germs fully embedded into the scientific and medical literature, an infinite amount of enemies against mankind now existed. There were wars to be had and booty to collect indefinitely.

As with all perceived enemies and the wars they induce, the motives can often be traced back to ego, greed and blind faith. Though the latter can often be ones natural self-defense mechanism for justifying the first two.

Over a century before Pasteur had begun his obsession over the elimination of all microbes, English doctor Edward Jenner developed the first vaccine. The first war had already begun, and the enemy was Smallpox.

But as you will soon discover, when it comes to pandemics all is not as it might first appear.

[et_pb_testimonial author="Gerald Geison" job_title=" " portrait_url="" quote_icon="off" _builder_version="4.4.9" custom_margin="22px|||||" border_radii="on|5px|5px|5px|5px" box_shadow_style="preset2" box_shadow_vertical="16px" box_shadow_blur="23px" box_shadow_spread="-14px"]

“The conclusion is unavoidable: Pasteur deliberately deceived the public, including especially those scientists most familiar with his published work”

[/et_pb_testimonial][et_pb_testimonial author="George Bernard Shaw" job_title=" " portrait_url="" quote_icon="off" _builder_version="4.4.9" custom_margin="48px|||||" custom_padding="24px||70px|||" border_radii="on|5px|5px|5px|5px" box_shadow_style="preset2" box_shadow_vertical="16px" box_shadow_blur="23px" box_shadow_spread="-14px"]

“At present, intelligent people do not have their children vaccinated, nor does the law now compel them to. The result is not, as the Jennerians prophesied, the extermination of the human race by smallpox; on the contrary more people are now killed by vaccination than by smallpox.”



Smallpox is one of mans oldest known enemies, or at least that is what mainstream historians will tell you. However, such a fact is virtually impossible to verify, and so it would be wise to acknowledge this belief, but remain critical to its validity.

The CDC's own little history lesson on Smallpox states[7]:

Smallpox is thought to date back to the Egyptian Empire around the 3rd century BCE (Before Common Era), based on a smallpox-like rash found on three mummies.

The earliest written description of a disease that clearly resembles smallpox appeared in China in the 4th century CE (Common Era). Early written descriptions also appeared in India in the 7th century and in Asia Minor in the 10th century[7]

The first Vaccine for Smallpox was created in 1796, prior to the vaccine a method known as Variolation was used. This involved using a lancet wet with fresh matter taken from a ripe pustule of some person who suffered from smallpox.

The material was then subcutaneously introduced on the arms or legs of the non-immune person.

In 1757, an 8-year-old boy was inoculated with smallpox in Gloucester; he was one of thousands of children inoculated that year in England. The procedure was effective, as the boy developed a mild case of smallpox and was subsequently immune to the disease. His name was Edward Jenner.

Smallpox is hailed today as one of modern medicine's greatest battles, and one which it won without question thanks to Edward Jenner in 1796 (or at least that's how the story goes):

He [Jenner] observed that milkmaids who previously had caught cowpox did not catch smallpox and showed that inoculated vaccinia protected against inoculated variola virus.[8]

Before long a World-wide campaign to vaccinate at least 80% of all populations was underway, the virus was allegedly eradicated from the World in 1980.

Vaccinations have been given the credit for this achievement, and it is this story and the polio story which I'll get into later that are used to place the fear into populations today to ensure they accept any vaccine offered, now, and forever.

But as is still true today when researching modern disease, when you begin to dig into the details surrounding smallpox, the vaccine and its eradication, not everything is as clear as the accepted narrative would have you believe.

Deadly Disease?

Smallpox has long been used as the big bad wolf to scare the less willing into getting their vaccines.

But was this disease as deadly as the legend suggests?

Well, if we skip back prior to the outbreaks of the past few centuries, we hear a very different story:

So far as we are concerned in Leicester, a town containing 120,000 inhabitants, with many thousands of unvaccinated children, smallpox seems to be about the least dangerous of all diseases, and is not to be named by the side of scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough, diarrhoea, or even consumption.

If a case of small-pox is discovered, instant isolation is adopted, and during the last five years we have hardly had five deaths. That being the state of the case, one need not wonder that the fear of the disease should disappear, or that resistance to vaccination should increase." - William Tebb 1881[9]

Leicester, England had an extremely dense population and a relatively high level of poverty, and yet, this deadly disease struggled to kill more than 2% of its victims. 

But the most important part to the Leicester story is that the population was almost entirely unvaccinated, and yet, their mortality rate was the lowest in the Country.

This would be later put down to merely good luck in 'The Journal of State Medicine' in the early 20th century:

It is interesting to note that an experiment of this sort can be successfully carried on for a period of fifteen years in a large English municipality; but this result of good luck, combined with extraordinary vigilance in a single town, can scarcely outweigh the experience of a century in the whole of Europe.[10]

But let's go back even further. Here is a quote from 1688 by Dr. Thomas Sydenham, an English physician and author of Observationes Medicae, which became the standard textbook of medicine for two centuries.

The purely commercial dogma that the whole world can be rid of smallpox by maintaining a high level of vaccination could never have survived till now if the real truth had always been told about epidemics.

Modern epidemiologists know that vaccinations cannot prevent the spread of any disease whatever, but they are seldom quoted in the Press, even when they cling to the idea that vaccination can protect the individual, just as drowning men clutch at straws.

Both Press and Radio continue to preach that smallpox is a terribly infectious and deadly scourge. They never tell us that, provided no mischief be done either by physician or nurse, it is the most safe and slight of all diseases" - Dr. Thomas Sydenham, 1688[11]

Smallpox is a very difficult disease to discuss, the fear of this terrible disease is still as strong today as it ever was, if not more so. Much like an old fable, smallpox is the big scary beast that lives in the forest, used to scare children and adults alike into subservience.

Rahima Banu, a three-year-old girl from Bangladesh, is officially recognized as being the last person on earth to acquire natural smallpox from the variola major virus.[7]

Ali Maow Maalin was the last person to contract smallpox from the variola minor virus.[7]

It's worth noting that in both these final naturally occurring cases of smallpox, neither patient died nor suffered long-term adverse effects from the virus.

However, in 1978 Janet Parker who was working as a medical photographer at the Birmingham University Medical School in England became ill while working one floor above the Medical Microbiology Department where smallpox research was being done.

One month after being diagnosed with Smallpox, Parker died. Her mother, who had been caring for her, also became infected, despite being vaccinated. She survived the ordeal.

Interestingly, the CDC mentions the fact that the Parker's mother was vaccinated against smallpox, but fails to mention that Parker herself was also vaccinated.[12]

This official last death from Smallpox was not naturally occurring by any means, it was grown in a laboratory from a variola major virus strain known as Abid, named after the three-year-old Pakistani boy it was isolated from.

It's transmission to Parker was never understood, but the 'Shooter Inquiry' suggested the most likely method of transmission was through the air-duct system.

This theory on transmission though was widely disputed as it contradicted existing science on the virus transmission.

Brian Escott-Cox QC, who successfully defended the University in the subsequent prosecution, said in 2018:

It was clear to me before the case even started that we were going to be able to prove absolutely beyond any question of doubt whatsoever, that airborne infection of smallpox cannot take place other than between two people who are face to face, less than ten inches apart....

I'm bringing this information to the table because it's important to see just how little is still known about viruses and disease. Science is continually contradicting itself, which is OK, this is how we learn.

What is NOT OK, is making definitive conclusions based upon this developing knowledge.

Brian Escott-Cox QC claims the air-duct theory of transmission does not fit what we know about virus transmission and therefore is a false claim. But, if you take just a few minutes to scout the internet, you will find a study entitled, 'Evidence of Long-Distance Aerial Convection of Variola Virus and Implications for Disease Control'[13], which concludes:

In summary, the evidence from these outbreaks is supportive of aerial convection of smallpox at distances of more than a mile in some cases and is biologically plausible due to higher concentration of virus in the lower respiratory tract, environmental factors such as wind, and the low infectious dose.[13]

These inconsistencies are prevalent throughout virology discussion, because in reality the science is still relatively thin when it comes to how viruses work.

Did Vaccines Eradicate Smallpox?

'Thanks to vaccines, smallpox has been eradicated' - said just about everyone attempting to defend the vaccine ideology. But can the demise of smallpox really be fairly attributed to Edward Jenner and his magic vaccine?

Well, according to the CDC, yes indeed, the vaccine was responsible:

Almost two centuries after Jenner published his hope that vaccination could annihilate smallpox, on May 8, 1980, the 33rd World Health Assembly officially declared the world free of this disease.

Eradication of smallpox is considered the biggest achievement in international public health.[7]

[et_pb_testimonial author="J.T Biggs" job_title=" " portrait_url="" quote_icon="off" _builder_version="4.5.6" custom_padding="39px||41px|||" border_radii="on|5px|5px|5px|5px" box_shadow_style="preset2" box_shadow_vertical="16px" box_shadow_blur="23px" box_shadow_spread="-14px"]

Arm-to-Arm vaccination was nothing less than the universal distribution of all diseases of humanity broadcast over the nation.


But the data tells a very different story. As you find with just about all viruses over the past couple centuries, their prevalence was dwindling prior to the release of the vaccine:

[et_pb_image src="" title_text="smallpox-vaccine-per-1000" show_in_lightbox="on" _builder_version="4.5.6" _module_preset="default" border_radii="on|5px|5px|5px|5px" box_shadow_style="preset3"][/et_pb_image]

Deaths from Smallpox per 1,000 population 1774 - 1900 | Europe

As you can see from this chart, smallpox deaths were already on a downward trend. The smallpox vaccine was introduced in 1801 which led to a spike in deaths, many attribute this increase to a misdiagnosis of cause of death.

We know many of those vaccinated went on to contract a severe case of cowpox, often leading to death. 

[et_pb_image src="" title_text="uk-vacc-deaths-1875-1922" show_in_lightbox="on" align="center" force_fullwidth="on" _builder_version="4.5.7" _module_preset="default" border_radii="on|5px|5px|5px|5px" box_shadow_style="preset3"][/et_pb_image]

England Smallpox vaccine deaths 1875 - 1921

The above chart shows how many deaths were being caused by the smallpox vaccine itself. This chart alone holds little significance, we really need to compare the deaths from smallpox itself to the deaths from the vaccine.  

[et_pb_image src="" title_text="vaccine-vs-smallpox-deaths" show_in_lightbox="on" force_fullwidth="on" _builder_version="4.5.7" _module_preset="default" border_radii="on|5px|5px|5px|5px" box_shadow_style="preset3"][/et_pb_image]

England Deaths from Smallpox Vaccine compared to Smallpox mortality 1906 to 1922

The data on exact vaccine coverage of the English population is thin, but what we do know is that vaccination for smallpox became available in 1801 in 1840, and then made compulsory for all infants under three in 1853.

Failing to comply resulted in fines and ultimately imprisonment.

It's fair to assume vaccine coverage drastically increased from 1853.

The Vaccination Act was first introduced in the United Kingdom (UK) in 1840 to provide free vaccination for the poor and forbid the practice of variolation, increasingly considered as dangerous. 15 The Vaccination Act went even further in 1853 making vaccination compulsory for all infants aged less than 3 months and threatened any uncooperative parents with fines and imprisonment.[14]

[et_pb_image src="" title_text="smallpox-mortality" show_in_lightbox="on" _builder_version="4.5.7" _module_preset="default" border_radii="on|5px|5px|5px|5px" box_shadow_style="preset3"][/et_pb_image]

Smallpox Deaths in London, England 1700 - 1959

The above chart shows the total number of deaths between 1700 and 1959. As you can see, deaths from smallpox peaked in 1771 before beginning it's downward trend.

When the vaccine was introduced in 1976, there was a slight spike to the upside which could be due to misdiagnosis of deaths caused by the vaccine, but that's pure speculation.

The death rate continues to decline until an explosion of deaths occurs in 1871.

So what happened in 1871?

Well, we know vaccine uptake likely increased massively towards the end of the 1860s because of big changes in English vaccination law.

In 1867 the Vaccination Act was passed, which mandated vaccines for all newborns within 7 days of birth, the age bracket for compulsory vaccination was also increased from 3 months to 14 years, additionally 'vaccinators' were incentivized with a payment for every child vaccinated:

The Vaccination Act 1867 (30 & 31 Vict. c. 84) was an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom. It consolidated and updated the existing laws relating to vaccination, and was repealed by the National Health Service Act 1946.

The poor-law guardians were to control vaccination districts formed out of the parishes, and pay vaccinators from 1s to 3s per child vaccinated in the district (the amount paid varied with how far they had to travel).

Within seven days of the birth of a child being registered, the registrar was to deliver a notice of vaccination; if the child was not presented to be vaccinated within three months, or brought for inspection afterwards, the parents or guardians were liable to a summary conviction and fine of 20s.[15]

....the Vaccination Act of 1867 expanded the age bracket for compulsory vaccination from 3 months to 14 years, leading to cumulative penalties for those that would not comply.[14]

This was reinforced in 187, which saw the appointment of vaccination officers and confirmed the principal of compulsion:

In 1871 another Act was passed appointing a Vaccination Officer, also authorising a defendant to appear in a court of law by any member of his family, or any other person authorised by him. This act also confirmed the principal of compulsion, which evidently sparked hostility and opposition to the practice.[15]

While the data does not exist to confirm an increase in Vaccine uptake following the 1868 Vaccination act, it is highly likely that it did. Could this have led to an outbreak caused by the Vaccine itself?

We have to remember large scale vaccine production had never been done before, this was a very new practice in a very different World to what we have now. Even today we have faulty batches of vaccines and outbreaks caused by excessive shedding of the vaccine derived virus.

I refer to the recent increase in vaccine derived polio outbreaks around the World:

The number of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV) outbreaks worldwide more than tripled to 29 in 15 countries between January 2018 and June 2019[16]

It certainly isn't out of the question that this largely misunderstood new form of medical intervention was the cause of the pandemic in England in 1871-1872.

While we cannot be sure of exactly what was the cause of Englands largest ever outbreak, we do know within the decade Smallpox deaths fell quickly back to the downward trend it had been on since the early 1970's.

The following table which compares vaccinated populations with unvaccinated populations raises even more questions over the 'vaccines eradicated smallpox' narrative. 

[et_pb_image src="" title_text="jtbiggs-vax-unvax-smallpox" _builder_version="4.5.7" _module_preset="default" border_radii="on|5px|5px|5px|5px" box_shadow_style="preset3"][/et_pb_image]

Smallpox fatality rates compared between vaccinated populations and the unvaccinated population of Leicester City, England - 1860 to 1908

J.T. Biggs a prominent figure in the Leicester anti-vaccination movement said:

In pro-vaccinist language, may I ask, if the excessive small-pox fatality of Japan, of the British Army, and of the Royal Navy, are not due to vaccination and revaccination, to what are they due?

While time has made the discovery of truth an impossible task to behold, it is clear from the data we do have, that the benefits provided by the Smallpox vaccine were negligible, at best.

Sanitation Vs Vaccination

A common debate between vaccinators and anti-vaccinators towards the end of the 19th Century was whether vaccination or sanitation was the true advancement that was reducing smallpox deaths.

Alfred Russell Wallace, a renowned British biologist, disputed vaccines throughout his career, referring to vaccines he said:

“Before its discovery the mortality from smallpox in London was forty times greater than it is now’. This is an altogether vague and misleading statement. If it means that in some years of the last century it was forty times greater than in some years of this century, it is misleading, because even within the last thirty years some years have a mortality not only forty but eighty and even 200 times as great as others (In 1875 there were ten deaths per million, while in 1871 there were 2,420 deaths per million.)

If it means on average of say twenty years, it is false. For the twenty years 1869-98 the mortality was about 300 per million, while for the last twenty years before the discovery of small-pox it was about 2,000 per million, or less than seven times as much instead of forty times!”[14]

Wallace goes on to criticize the data coming out from Vital Statistics at the time, a report by Dr Pierce to the Royal Commission.

Referring to the statistics reported in the document, Wallace is adamant that smallpox vaccination is not accountable for a reduction in cases in London. See the table below:

[et_pb_image src="" title_text="table-1" align="center" _builder_version="4.5.7" _module_preset="default" border_radii="on|5px|5px|5px|5px" box_shadow_style="preset3"][/et_pb_image]

Smallpox death rates in the 1870s across Europe. Adapted from Wallace (1898)

He went on to say:

“The small-pox death-rate in the case of the lowest of these towns is very much higher than in London during the same epidemic, and it is quite clear that vaccination can have had nothing to do with this difference.

For if it be alleged that vaccination was neglected in Hamburgh and Rotterdam, of which we find no particulars, this cannot be said of Cork, Sunderland and Newcastle.”[14]

However, Wallace believed these numbers could be explained by the sanitation theory:

“But on the sanitation theory the explanation is simple. Mercantile seaports have grown up along the banks of harbours or tidal rivers whose waters and shores have been polluted by sewage for centuries.

They are always densely crowded owing to the value of situations as near as possible to the shipping. Hence there is always a large population living under the worst sanitary conditions, with bad drainage, bad ventilation, abundance of filth and decaying organic matter, and all the conditions favourable to the spread of zymotic diseases and their exceptional fatality.”[14]

The sanitation theory does make far more sense when trying to understand the data, not just for smallpox, but all disease over the past two centuries.

The downward trend of mortality from disease correlates perfectly with the improvements in water supplies and sanitation. There are spikes in disease along the way, but these, as you will discover in our second part, can be attributed to an entirely different cause.

However, it wasn't just better sanitation. The discovery of antibiotics and radical improvements in medical care also played a large part in the decline of mortality from disease over the past 200 years.

[et_pb_image src="" title_text="vaccine-disease-decline-martality-rate" show_in_lightbox="on" _builder_version="4.5.7" _module_preset="default" border_radii="on|5px|5px|5px|5px" box_shadow_style="preset3"][/et_pb_image]

Disease Mortality Rates in the US between 1900 - 1963

The graph above tells us two very important things, the first being that clearly the introduction of vaccines did not begin the reduction of mortality from the disease. 

But more importantly, it shows us that diseases with no vaccine followed the exact same trajectory as the so called vaccine-preventable diseases.

This is likely one of the most important point of references in this whole discussion; simply because it displays in a single simple graph that Vaccines were not the saviour of humanity.

[et_pb_testimonial author="J.W. Hodge MD." job_title=" " portrait_url="" quote_icon="off" _builder_version="4.5.7" custom_margin="70px|||||" link_option_url="" border_radii="on|5px|5px|5px|5px" box_shadow_style="preset2" box_shadow_vertical="16px" box_shadow_blur="23px" box_shadow_spread="-14px"]

Vaccination does not protect, it actually renders its subjects more susceptible by depressing the vital power and diminishing the natural resistance, and millions of people have died of smallpox which they contracted after being vaccinated


The Ultimate Cash Cow

When Edward Jenner began scraping pustules from cows infected with cowpox in the hope of protecting others back in the late 1700's, he would have been totally unaware of the gold mine he had in fact discovered for future generations.

However, move forward a decade and Jenner soon discovered that his work was very lucrative indeed. 1801, voted him a sum of £10,000 which was not paid for three years afterwards and was diminished by £1,000 de-ducted for fees, so that it barely recompensed him for his outlays.

By 1806, the immensity of the benefit conferred upon his diseased fellow- creatures having been recognized more perfectly in every other country than his own, the British Parliament woke up, and voted him a sum of £20,000.

 A subscription of £7,383 from grateful India reached Jenner in 1812[17]

Few publications will remind readers of the fact that this £36,383 Jenner received is the equivalent of £2,604,572 in purchasing power today.

A new business model was born, it required just three things, first a disease, then a virus to 'blame' for the disease; then finally a product, a vaccine to 'allegedly' protect you from the virus and thus the disease.

Look out for part two of Virus Hunters where we will dive into the truth surrounding polio, measles and begin to examine the now blossoming vaccine industry.


  1. Vallery-Radot, René -'The Life of Pasteur' (1919)
  2. Wikipedia - Louis Pasteur
  3. Chemical Heritage Magazine - 'A Fresh Breath' (2015)
  4. Washington Post - 'Louis Pasteur and Questions of Fraud'
  5. The Lancet - 'Lies, Damn Lies, and Scientific Research'
  6. Institutechiro - Rational Bacteriology
  7. CDC - Smallpox History
  8. WHO - Smallpox Vaccines
  9. Wikipedia - Anti-vaccinationists archive
  10. Statistics of Small-Pox and Vaccination (1903)
  11. Wikipedia - Thomas Sydenham
  12. Wikipedia - Smallpox Outbreak 1978
  13. NCBI - Evidence of Long-Distance Aerial Convection of Variola Virus
  14. Researchgate - Smallpox Vaccination & Opposition by Anti-Vaccination Societies
  15. Wikipedia - The Vaccination Act
  16. Contagion Live - Sharp Increase in Vaccine Derived Polio Outbreaks
  17. Edward Jenner & Vaccination

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