It’s good to give a shit about what is important to you, but there is a limit. It is unnatural to care about everyone and everything in the world. UNNATURAL! Back in the day we lived in small villages, where we knew most of the people, and worked as tight knit communities to make sure our closest people would be alright. Life was work and survival, and there was no time to bother our minds about how some human child we don’t know might be starving to death right now, half a world away, when we have our own problems to deal with. I’m not saying we haven’t evolved and adapted since the cave man times, but I think sometimes our own progress gets the better of us and our minds are left lagging behind. With globalization comes global news too, and with technology and fast internet, we get to *enjoy* them 24/7, 365 days a year. Every year the world shrinks and with the reach we have across the globe, foreign people feel like they are closer to us. The foreign problems feel closer too, and people being naturally inclined (there are studies, look it up) to help each other, it feels like we have a lot of work to do. ## What happens when you run out of fucks to give? I think people who try to be really good and care about all the women, children (and even men sometimes), animals and forests, get exhausted when the media spits out horror story after horror story day in and day out, from all corners of the world, and they try to share the articles and put all the caring emojis to the comment sections to show support. They are consumed by this end-of-world idea when the actual scientific numbers show that the going is getting better and better for most of humanity. Sounds like a miserable existance for these poor people, and I’m certain that their *fucks* are running out, which means they are soon gonna stop caring about anything. Not themselves, not their loves ones, it’ll all just turn into white noise. The more we read the news, the less they will have an effect on us. Eventually we are so uncensitized that nothing will faze us. The studies are already showing that people are more depressed and anxious than ever before, and from a younger age. Little kids feel the weight of the world on their shoulders, which is not good for them, and not good for the future. Anxious, depressed young adults, with no direction is not the group that is gonna cure cancer, save the planet and end world hunger. We need healthy, sane people. In my not ever humble opinion, we should save our *fucks to give* for what is really important and close to us. # Be selfish. Care about what is close to your heart. Prioritize. Save your fucks to those who deserve it in your community.
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