Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Naturally beat those Allergies

Do you love being outdoors, but unfortunately, it is followed by itchy eyes, runny nose, and coughing? If that is the case then you probably suffer from allergies. This post will contain some natural ways to help beat those allergies. Lets get to it... https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.parenting-journals.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F05%2FChildrens-Allergies.jpg&f=1 Today's secret ingredient is Local Honey. Local Honey may reduce allergies if taken at the very start of the allergy season. The theory behind this is that eating honey inoculates the body against local pollen that causes seasonal allergies. One Finnish study found that people with birch pollen allergies had 60% fewer overall symptoms and 70% fewer days with severe symptoms after eating honey with birch pollen. Honey also soothes allergies via its anti-inflammatory effects. The best honey to use is local honey, that is both raw and unfiltered. You can find this type of honey at your local Farmer's Market.

One healing beverage that you could make using local honey is an Enhanced Golden Milk. The ingredients are as follows: Plain Kefir Coconut Oil Local Raw and Unfiltered Honey Turmeric Directions: Puree all the ingredients in a high speed blender and drink. The kefir will add healthy probiotics, and the turmeric will help fight inflammation, along with the benefits of the local honey listed above.

Well there you have it. This is part 1. Lookout for futures posts where I will build on natural ways to outsmart seasonal allergies. I used an article from Clean Eating Magazine as my reference, written by Lisa Turner. Thanks for stopping by.
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/allergies/@pbgreenpoint/naturally-beat-those-allergies

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