Thursday, August 27, 2020

The best vaccine against fakedemic ! People are losing their minds with this fakedemic. Most of the news are made to make people fair everything. Making us afraid of buying things, of meeting each other, of breathing and even travelling and working and anything we do. Seeing this thing pushed so much by the mass media I realize that's a big promotion. The news are all about this virus. Everything is caronated. So, one of the best vaccine from this coronapsychosis is to not read and to no t watch news at all. Or if you can't do that, just read the titles and don't read all the content about that. They are using the most powerful psychological tools to manipulate the croud. If your brain start to believe them that means that this vaccine is not working. Try to control that more stritly and to turn off notifications and even change the browser on remove some channels from your tv or don't watch it at all. Sometimes it's better to forget about some websites your are often visiting and replace them with others. Consume mostly decentralized content. We have so many social media build on the blockchain. People usually share their content and it stay there. So, it's impossible to remove a content and to hide it somehow. To reach the truth all the content should be allowed and only that way the most useful content will be more famous. At the same time you may earn something by curating such content instead of consuming content from big companies for free. In the end just have fun. Don't go so deep in all this. Watch a movie, listen to a music, go for a walk. Just take care of yourself and your family and friends. Stay fit and healthy. *We live only once and our time shouldn't be dedicated to consuming the crap you don't need. Especially if it's spreaded those people who are caring only about the profit and thinking how to create an other crisis to monetize it.* ### After all do your own research and don't let anyone fool you !

Originally posted here:

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