Friday, August 21, 2020

Health Check
This morning I went for an appointment at my registered doctors for a general health checkup. There was no specific reason for the visit other than it is advised (and free in the UK) to go see the Doc when you reach 40. The NHS Health Check is a health check-up for adults in England aged 40 to 74. It's designed to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia.


First, I had my blood pressure taken. 110/70. That meant nothing to me and so I had a check when I returned home, and judging by the below, all good here.


Next, a go on the scales. I don't own any and can't remember the last time I weighted myself. They showed 82.5kg, but the nurse took half a kilogram off for clothing and footwear. I've long thought the BMI chart to be a poor indicator, but it's something. I'm about 187 cm tall, and so that puts me just inside the healthy range. Another kilogram or two and I'd be considered overweight, hmmm. The nurse took my blood, asked about eating habits and if I smoked, and how much booze I consumed. I'm not a smoker anymore but do have a vape with low nicotine, and yeah, I like beer. Hopefully all the healthy food I eat balances the above out a little. I was also asked about exercise, and replied with 'a lot, almost daily'.


That was about it for the checks, and so I'll add some personal data collected by the Amazfit watch I bought a few months ago. Considering nicotine and beer have been shown to raise heart-rate, this looks OK to me:


Especially when compared to:


I do wonder if I quit the e-cigarette, and was a bit stricter on the beer intake, if I could make it to 'Athlete', but 'Excellent' will do I guess. I have mentioned [PAI in the past]( and while I've got my addiction under control a little now, I'm still trying to keep the total above 150 for the rolling week. 29 is my current health age apparently, and if I continue to hold 150 PAI for a few more months, that is estimated to drop to 18 - ha!


As far as exercise and earning PAI, I find the elliptical the best workout for me - kind on the joints, easy to train using intervals, and you can shut your eyes without fear of falling.



184 bpm is over my current recommended max (220-age), and I do feel tightness in the chest at times on the machine when going full pelt. I felt that 20 years ago though and so i'm not concerned - just a sign to ease off a little. Sleep still looks pretty good, although I could do with going to bed just a little earlier. Three hours of deep sleep hopefully makes up for the 6 hour average.


Anyway, the results of the blood test will be back in around a weeks time. The nurse said she didn't expect anything to show up, and so hopefully I'll be good to go for a while yet! Enjoy the weekend, Asher
Originally posted here:

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