Thursday, August 27, 2020

Healthy Brain: Food For a Happy Brain Part 4
Hey everyone, this is part 4 of healthy whole foods that are great for your brain health. So far we have discussed cocoa, sardines, and yogurt. If you haven't read these posts yet, be sure to check them out to learn more. Today I will be adding a fourth ingredient to the list. Lets get to it...

Today's healthy whole food that is great for your brain health is Spinach. Spinach is high in lutein, which is an antioxidant that protects the brain from free radical damage and inflammation. Brain cells are especially vulnerable to damage from free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can harm cells and damage DNA or cellular membranes, and cause them to function poorly or die.

People with mild cognitive impairment have reduced lutein status, and boosting it with foods like spinach has been shown to enhance learning and memory. Studies have shown that a combo of lutein and zeaxanthin (another antioxidant found in spinach) significantly improve cognitive function in older adults. Studies have also shown that blood concentrations of lutein in Alzheimer's disease patients were significantly lower than in control subjects.

Looks like Popeye may have been on to something when he was telling kids to eat their spinach. Plenty of health benefits to your body and brain. You can enjoy spinach in both raw and cooked form. Raw form simply add to salads, and to cook spinach try sauteing with some olive oil and freshly chopped garlic.

Well there you have it...another great healthy whole food to add to your list. Your brain will thank you. So far we have a list comprising of cocoa, sardines, yogurt, and now spinach. Let food be your medicine. I hope you learned something new today. Be on the lookout for another healthy whole food to add to the list. Thanks for stopping by.
Originally posted here:

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