Wednesday, August 26, 2020

My Actifit Report Card: August 25 2020

Today was a rather interesting day full of issues. The trouble actually started last night, just before we went to bed. The toilet valve decide to play up and did not want to shut off, causing the water to keep on running. When I tried to close the valve supplying the toilet water, it also decided to break!! I had to close the main supply valve to the house, thus we did not have water through the night. In the morning, I decided to replace both failed parts, with new parts I had. After draining all the water from the pipes, I screwed out the, stop valve from the pipe in the wall. When, I screwed in the new part, I noticed that it was not the same as the old one, having a different size connection to the toilet pipe. Now I had to rush to the hardware store to buy a new valve with the correct size fitting. In the mean time the entire house power started to trip. I played around with the switches on the mainboard, and determined it was the geyser that was tripping the power, thus I had to call out an electrician / plumber to fix the geyser. I found the toilet parts and replaced everything, but as I am typing, there is still a small leak, which I plan to fix tomorrow. At least the geyser is fixed, after replacing a rubber seal, the element and thermostat. Although there is still a small leak on the toilet, we have our water supply to the house restored, and the power stays on, wish me luck with the leak tomorrow. After all the activity, we went for dinner at a restaurant, where I had a nice beer!! Stay healthy, stay active and stay safe.
_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

Daily Activity
176 cm
74 kg
Body Fat

Originally posted here:

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