Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Intermittent Fasting Week 2 Completed Losing 6 pounds

The previous week, I mentioned about how I lost pounds, dealing with cravings and also my overall goal with it, [Intermittent Fasting Journey Week 1 completed.](https://hive.blog/hive-174578/@macchiata/intermittent-fasting-journey-week-1) this week, I am dealing with different issues and this post will be talking about it.


After writing my first journey, I got a new intermittent fasting partner @silversaver888. It is very motivating to have an accountable partner to do this. It also makes me aware and more disciplined towards my journey. So, thank you for that !


My biggest issue this week has been my sleeping pattern. Weight loss has always seem to mess up with my sleeping pattern. I am extremely lucky that we have work from home and study from home activities. So, I can sleep as much as 8 hours without minding that I have to be present at another place. However, some days it is very difficult to get it through 12 PM without feeling a pang of hunger. Some days it was easy because I sleep through the AM but some days this week, I have been constantly waking up at 2 AM and did a lot of activities before even 12. I also went to bed slightly earlier about 9 PM and waking up at around 2 Am. It was hard for me to get a full night 8 hours of sleep. That sleeping issue has been impacting part of my appetite and mood. Sometimes, I wake up late and was way too lazy to eat a healthy break fasting. Instead, I opt for straight big meal. This week I have also lessen my rice intake and got to learn more about things that causes my acid reflux. With opting for bigger meal, I tend to be much more hungrier than when I eat a healthy break fasting. So, that is partly why I saw fluctuations in my weight. Instead losing the weight, I was gaining some. However, when I went into the scale today, I was losing 6.6 pounds. The curve goes up and then down. I learn that it's part of the weight loss process but I am very happy that now I can set a new setting stone to lose more in the following week. # So this week, my end result is losing in total 6.6 pounds I did that without having a strict eating regime. I eat almost whatever I want and have some snacks here and there. But there were days I was only eating less than 1000 calories/day. ### What did I eat during the feeding hour in the last 7 days ?
below is my typical breakfast. I did this from day 1 to 2 until my eating habit changed.


This was my meal dated 20/8/2020


21/08/2020 I started losing my healthier habit
All I ate was cabbage, chicken, vegetable fritters and also coffee.
22/08/2020 I am back into healthier eating habit. Oatmeal, banana and coffee


I also eat pan-seared spanish mackerel


The following day, I don't eat any break fasting. I opted for a heavy meal which consisted of chicken, vegetable fritters and a bit of rice (sent me directly to sleep) and acid reflux. Yes. It sent me to sleep and acid reflux flaring up, probably due excessive oil in the fritters.
23/8/2020 Break fasting today : porridge and tempe. I also walked about 30 minutes in the morning. That's where I got the porridge and 2 pieces of fried tempe,
23/8/2020 My big meal was pan seared tilapia with oily vegetable stir fried I got from outside.


24/8/2020 No breakfast today. Another unhealthy habit. This lead me ate chicken thigh, a wing and also this savory lasagna. But on top of that, I went outside for more than 60 minutes.


25/8/2020 Another unhealthy day ! no break fasting and I straight up eating a huge meal. consisting of fried drumstick, bit of rice and also fried cat fish.

From that meal journal, I learned that I can make better decision when I have breakfast instead of straight having a huge meal before 8 PM. I also notice that hunger is inevitable. Sometimes, it's really hard to control the hunger even with water and green tea. One of those days, I got acid reflux because of that but I learned my lesson not to have any teas that might trigger my acid reflux. For me, it would be best to have turmeric tea or non-caffeinated tea before any meal. I also add a bit more physical activities into my life which is a new regime and very fun to do.
The following week, I hope I can add more exercises and learned from my mistakes which includes not eating food that may trigger my bad acid reflux. I am still genuinely wonder if I can reach my goal weight by December. I intend to lose 40 pounds which means now, I have about 34 pounds to go. Wish me luck on my journey and I will keep coming with my fasting week completion each week every early *Wednesday* GMT +7. You can find my previous journey here : [Intermittent Fasting Journey Week 1 completed](https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@macchiata/intermittent-fasting-journey-week-1) ~ Mac
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/health/@macchiata/intermittent-fasting-week-2-completed-losing-6-pounds

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